05/30/1974 ,~, ' .. ,'. -:" ,.: ,.;",,:,):::~~~ 'z' 1, .~ .. ,11' .', ,',' , ' , ...~.., " " . CLEARWATER ARCHITECTS COLLABORATIVE, INC. OUTLINE I. OBJECTIVE A. This study shall develop a comprehensive plan for the Central Business District on a sound, phased redevelopment and economic basis B. The study shall contain but not be limited to: 1. Inventory and assessment of all previous solutions 2. Inventory and assessment of all current structures, facilities, traffic movement, pedestrian movements, and other economic factors 3. Acquire and update any data required to meet these objectives 4. Analyze and identify optimum use of existing arteries, structures and facilities 5. Analyze and establish feasibility of redevelopment areas including new municipal facilities and recommendation as to use, size and relative priority - II. PROJECT PLANNING AND SCHEDULING A. Prior to the start of any new work, Consultants will inventory current data and acquisition processes in order to avoid duplication of effort B. Consultants will consult and discuss any proposed fact-gathering techniques with the Clearwater Downtown Development Board and the City of Clearwater prior to the start of any field work C. Schedules will be devised and published along with other pertinent infonmation to develop the best public acceptance III. CONSULTATION AND REVIEW A. Consultants will meet with concerned officials prior to the collection of any data to insure that i nformati ona 1 needs wi 11 be met to the maximum degree possible B. All phases of the work shall be coordinated with the proper City of Clearwater agencies and County and Regional Planning agencies, together with all interested public . .' . . , .,.. , v ~ ~" .~ .-0\.... ~ ~(,J~ ." I ::" . .' ~ 1 '. , I, n, '.' . 'r~". .;;t.(." - ,'{.; ..~>; - "/ ;',,', ~. ::... .". l;-:, -- VII. METHOD OF SELECTION A. Review and analysis of proposals by Screening Committee for the purpose of selecting the best of three proposals B. Review of proposals and interviewing of Consultants by the Clearwater Downtown Development Board or its designee VII 1. PAYMENT CONDITIONS A. Seventy-five per cent (75%) of the estimated negotiated cost of each step will be paid upon completion of and acceptance of the work product B. Twenty-five per cent (25%) of each billing will be held in reserve until the completion and acceptance of the Comprehensive Plan and Program C. Billing will be on a monthly basis D. Each billing must be accompanied by a certificate of man hours required to complete the action steps and the names of specific individuals providing those manhours -- IX. SPECIAL CONDITIONS A. Consultant proposals must include the estimated number of manhours to complete each action step s. The profsssiona1 level of effort will be approximately 12 man months c. Proposals must be submitted with an original and ten (10) copies D. All work must be performed by full-time, permanent personnel of the Consultant firm unless otherwise negotiated x. DETAIL OF EACH PHASE OF OPERATION A. Cover each phase of investigation and operation in detail using format as per example below: PHASE I Scope: Inventory and assessment Step A . Aim: Review of existing documents . ~-",.- " '\ 'r ~. ... . ' ' - .. ~~_~. ~. ."r_,.__._.._..'''"' . ~..:. ~ ~ ! I , , .',' >,t< , i ", , , , . ~ '~ .,. , .'1 ;; :.'?' .,' " , ;' '..' I,. ,:" " ." . , ..' . " , 2. Gt A motion was made by the committee to ask the Board for up to $500.00 ) to cover costs to conduct a survey to identify employ" parking, relative ! to locating a site for the first of needed facilities. ! Following discussion, a motion was made to allocate up to $500.00 for the parking study as proposed by Mr. CarteX'. The ,n:>tion was seconded and passed. Mr. Wolfe reported that he had ordered copies of two new State statutes, which may affect this Board. Pirst, a new millage limitation law was passed recently as well as a financial disclosure law, both of which may affect the members of this Board. After receipt of the statutes, Mr. Wolfe stated that he will write a letter to all Board mamba!'s, together with his opinion as to theiI' p.ffec~. Next, Mr. Wolfe referz'ed to the newly formed Florida Downtown Development Association and asked the Board to consider the Articles of Association which he has reviewed, after twc; small changes he proposed. Mr. Wolre reviewed the articles and by-~aws, and suggested that copies of both be given to the Board members. ~~his will be done, and the item again put on the agenda for the next Board meeting. . Mr. A1 Rogers, Chairman of the City Beautification Conmittee, reported that progress is being made in the area of re-doing the green benches throughout the city. At this point'the work which needs to be done on Cleveland Street is next on the work list" so \';e may expect some imp~ove- m~nt in the near future. Mr. t-'loyd reported that ~'1ith th'3 purcha,sE: of the old vIaI'd propert~'" they are going right ~head with the ~ebuilding and beautification of the area and wlll be moving into it soon. The Chai't'maIl raised the. questior. ot trash anc\ ):,ubbish which seems to blow around from one p4:'operty to ano'ther, refer.l.'ing specifically to the Block and alleys between Cleveland and Park. He asked for suggestions to improve this siguat:lon. l-\fter discuss:ion~ Mr. Rogers stated that his committee, meeting on June S~ will consider this problem, going along with not:f.fj,ca- tion to MI'" Beye to cut weed~ and gen~t'ally clea.n up his vacant pj:'operty on Park St:'eet. Mr. Homer came into the meeting at this point, and has since confirmed the action taken by the Board prior to his arrival_ HiR presence made a quorum. The Cha:it'man asked Mr. Prank to report for the Land Use and Development Convnittee. Mr. Prank. responded, stating that the committeo met on June 3. for the purpose of hearing a proposal from Mr. Levison of the CAe. He read the written proposal by the CAC and asked the Chairman to hear the recommendation made by the Committee to the Board, and then to consider . motion as follows: The Lancl Use Committee recommends consultation with the City officials as -., to tbe ult:l.mate financing plan agreement" for payment of the study, ,inolud- jng~lection of consultants II ete ~. also that we enter into 4 contract with , 1\ , ,01.-:, ~;, ....~H.r;' '"" ". >. ,~_ ~_ ".. __,.....~___ _.l..h .......,~..-~..._~. ..:: ''':';;>'':A\~.~:':;':;;>''':; . .0:-:" ,., , " ,.,'t.... : ,......... ........- :-. 'I' ' '.' ,'. .': ' ( ,..:.:) ......'( C --1 '., .,..' ': ' \, " " ' . ,'\:, ..: ' . ' 'I,', , f . 'J., . . . ~ "\ : , " , " . i l," , " ',' 3. the CAe for the preparation of a statement of work, for a cost of ) $1.900.00, so that bids for this program from consultants can be valu- ated to the best advantage to the City and the participants. At this point Mr. Frank asked Mr. Homer to explain the purpose and objectives of the 'Statement of Work' to the Board. Mr. Homer responded in detail. After consi.derable discussion with a section to the motion for the purpose of discussion, the Board considered the motion. Mr. Floyd raised the question as to whether or not we must oomply with the competitive negotiations act. After discussion, Mr. Homer and the seconder, Mr. Brown, added to the motion, f'provided that the motion is not in conflict with the competitive negotiations act.'f Mr. WoJ.fe agreed to give us an opinion. Mr. Prank asked Mr. Levison to go through the CAe outline an:! explain what the objectives are. In response, he reviewed the discussion which took place at the Land Use Committee meeting, adding that the statement of work will cover the aims, scope, objectives, and the results of the redevelopment study, In response to questions from members, Mr. Levison stated that their position is that they t-lill coordinate, but not'supervise the study by the consuJ.tants. Mr. Floyd commented that the City has retained a consultant to tell the City how to keep the Comprehensive Plan current. We already have a Comprehensive plan for the city~ What we need now is a detailed re-devel- opment plan for the core aJrea of our C:BD, which is consistent with our C.P. He further added that what we are seeking is an RFP) a request for proposal from consultant. Mr. Floyd also stated that our statement of work must be detailed enough to hold the consultant to the meaning and intent of our REP. As to the CAC, he added that surely they must have a role to play, especially since the CDDB is so limited in staff help. The best role for the CAe is Urb=!n design with certain restraings upon architecgural design. Mr. Floyd responded to a question and stated that the City and the CAe can, and perhaps should, prepare the statement of work. He added that the moat important decision now is to get the job on the road:J which will bf! most helpful in the process of determination where parking facilities should best be placed. Mr. Homer. again opened the question of money. He stated that since we are notJ by the motion before the Board, spending even the $1,100.00 referred to above, until we have agreement as to the totaJ. financing of the consultant's cost, that we need to discuss the financial problems with the City first. He hoped that Mr. FJ.oyd would take the lead in this by holding staff meetings, togehter with ourselves and the CAC people. Mr. Homer then asked for the question. Mr. Brown stated that s mce the matter in hand is so involved, and as he is not fully knowledgable on the subjeot at this time, that he inO'J9S to table the motion, and open the subject at the next: meeting. The Chairman requested a second for the motion to table. For lack of a second to the motion, the mot.1.on died. " ". ,'. ..... - : - . :, ':.Y~:"'~ ,:i'~,' ~~ ~- .,~;_: ~ . , " ',"'"1' '" :,' :':.: t ',' .~. 1-, " > , ' , I. , " , .". r' ;;,;:, " -' (, C ..~ I I' !, ," , i, ' , , , .:', " ." ". . , :"~'i\{':;?:'~.-. t,' ,',!' "'f '.,. "'f. '.,~.>,~,:..., :,<<.,1;.: ":,~'~"~"i".~':": -,',.;,;,;" '.'I'....1,_,;!._:".f...".~ I; ,. .. ~: ",'l"" . \~;'" 4. . The Chairman then reviewed the motion which was contingent upon a legal competitive negotiations act, vote the motion was passed. made by Mr. opinion as to and asked for the Homer, as amended, our compliance to the vote, with one dissenting ) The n~xt meeting of the Board will be held at the same time and place, en June 25, 1974. M. E. Palmer Executive Director * * * * . * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ~ * * * * * * * FII'1ANCIAL STATEMENT May 31,1974..... Cash on hand April 30, 1974 $ 11,996.04 Add cash in savings 'account 221.43 Total cash available $ 12,217.47 Less checks paid in May 1,816.99. .' Cash on hand May 31, 1.97~ $ 10,400.57 * * * ~'t * ** * * * * * * Note: All accounts payable are current. The above cash to take us through of cash income we will remain Cash income in December which will give us a nice is expected to carry-over be into about $16,000,00, 1975. * * * * . * * * * * .. :~:;.~~',::~~; :::: ~-t: ~':;, ~;~9ii~: jj:':,~)~ ' '~. .._~~.. " . r' 1liiiI j ....