11/27/1973 , ". ....... , ....,..'. , ,'" '., .. '. . I. .' ' t," I" , :',," , ,"'"i.: "'I '.." ;., ' '.' ';:' , ..,1 .(' I , ,I " , :'. ,',' LY::f . (., 1.,11\ ' '':~t.'i ,;' ; , .,' .," '., ---", " :, ',,' ':, I" .,' , ':(:'.': ;;':",::.::'i: j':' , ,! ;'.,. '1 ".' '. I, , I, .' of , ",.. " .',' " ," . :,.", e . . " ' '....." ' ( .I ~ - '(. \,,' ,. '!\",. ,~ .~ .' , .'.' ~. , " 11lWJt~ J-- d ~~~~nft1t'~~Sl' . ~ 2. The Chaixman asked for conmerrts from 'two Board members who chose 1:0 retire at the end of tbis year. Mr. Lee stated that he believes that younger men are needed on the board to keep its efforts rolling. Mr. Cornelius stated, he foels, too, the younger men are welcome, and since he has served for several years, he might possibly be more effective in our efforts from the sideline. Further, he added there ~y be too many men from the financial business area on the board, and our effort to get other qualified men from other business interests to serve is timely. The Cbairman turned to Mr. Picot Floyd, ou:r new City Manage:r, for comments. Mr. Floyd stated that as a personal point of philosophy, he believes that to keep and build on the downtown area is of vital importance to the entire city. He added that he is committed to healthy downtown areas in cities, and Clearwater is no exception. He stated, by having such a governmental entity as we have is an important step which other cities can certainly mind. He added that pulling together the business and govexnmental interests in the City is the way to do it, The heart of the City is its downtown, and unless it can be made viable the entire city will suffer. The Chairman called upon Mr. BrooKs Carter to report on the selection of a parking consultant to determine the location, and feasibility of a parking garage in the central business district. He reported that of the some eighteen consultants which were asked to respond, the comrnit1:ee headed by Nr. Paroby, Assistant City Manager t selected tbree for in-depth consideration" The three consultants selected in order of preference were: Kimley-Horn and Ass~ciates, Inc. Ramp Consultants, Irtc. Alan M. Voorhees & Associates, Inc. As a result of this determination, the City Commission is expected to consider, tbe f1nal sel~ct.1o!l from the three. The Chairman asked the Mayor to comment on the use of the land ''1here the now demolisbed Civic Center stood, and "1hat use 'Would the land be put to, The Mayor responded) stating tlMt he will, at the request of the City Commission, appoint a comni1:tee to recOInnend what use tIle land be put to. He added, that the City Hall was designed to be expanded to the ,.'est. That, ~lith the new construction now going on, COnSidering the needs of the City for more office space, the land should not be disposed of for private usa, but held for City Hall expansion. Mr. Floyd commented, that because of the condition of the land, it could not be used for parking without complete resurfacing. He promised to look into such interim use of the land. The Chairman asked ~fr. Cornelius for the financial report. He respondec by saying "that it is good that tax money is about to come in, else we would be about to expire. lie reviewed the position at present, a copy of which statement is addea 1:0 1:hese minutes. He added that with the payment of all bank loans in January the Board will be entering the new year free of all debt and without the need to borrow at Later dates in the year.. A motion was made, seconded and passed to accept the report on finances. In response to a question'by the Chairman, the Mayor stated that he had written Hr. BlakEmo:re, Di:rector of the State General Services Department, the answer to which, gives the reasons why to build in Clearwater is not feasible. A copy of the letter will be passed to the Board. However) tIle Mayor added that this response is for the present, and could change as time goes on. " . , tl: '. ',' ~ , J / \ . ('. ',' ", .' .. , , " , 'I, " :' .'....'... . -- . ',l It, ~', {} .', fr.,." '.. ":'~f:~'f.~'" t,~f~t'~:f'~'~,~'~'~ !oJ;., " ;' ~.I':.~ ~ ", '~' '~"~ ~"': ).'-::-'." /' ~ . 4 Minutes November 1,) page 3. Mr. Walker, Architect, stated new structure on Osceola south of Pierce building will contain 253 units and with nursing and fifteen floors, will be an important addition to the that ground breaking and press releases about the Street will be held December 1st. The dining facilities in the central business district. The Chairman announced that the next meeting will be held on December 18, same time and place, at which meeting the results of the balloting for Board members for next year will be announced. M. E. Palmer Executive Director CLEARWATER DCWNTO\~N DEVr.:LOPMENT GOARD FINANCIAL ST.t\TEMENT - - Caoh on hand OctobE".r 81, 1973 $ 1,282.04 Add: Tax receipts in November 7 20 .48 Total Cash 2,002.47 Less: Checks paid in November 1,564.50 Cash on hand November 27, 1973 $ 437.97 ~, .'