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September 25~ 1973
Lewis Homer, Chairman
Joseph F. Cornelius
Charles Galloway
Mayor H. Everett Hougen
The Chairman called the meeting to order, noting the absence of a quorum.
Charles Galloway moved that the minutes of the meeting of August 28 be confirmed
and ratified when a quorum is present. Those present concurred. Joseph Cornel!f.UQ
arrived and introduced Jim Leach of Justice Development Corporation, the leasing .
and management agency for the new Bank of Clearwater.
Rose Phifer
Paul Bergmann
Bob Taylor
The Chairman asked Paul Bergmann to discuss the City Commission's action Monday,
Sept. 24, on the Urban Center plan. Bergmann said that the City Commission did
approve the Urban Center Zoning plan for redevelopment (i.e. involving downtown
Clearwater), but not for new centers. He said this did not negate future thinking
on new centers, but the Commission did not want to tie the two together.
They also went back to the 40-acre standard, with appeal to 20 acres, Bergmann
said. The appeal route involves a statement of special exception, or an explana-
tion of why those involved could not put together a full 40-acre package. It was
suggested that the planning board review plans and give recommendations to the
Canmission. Such reviews would be preliminary plan reviews without a complete
plan, merely a presentation of some concepts as to why a certain plan shouid:be
cons idered .
The other action taken by the Commission, Bergmann said, was to modify the plan
so that additional urban center zones would have to be contiguous. He explained
that contiguous zones need not have a complete, common border, but could merely
touch at a particular point, even be separated by a street.
Lewis Homer commented on the Commission's action by stating that he cannot con-
ceive of getting 40 acres of property owners in general agreement on anything,
even to lower taxes. Now zones must also be contiguous, he pointed out, and if
a zone were achieved in one area, it would only be by accident that the next
investor would want to go beside it.
Homer summed up his thoughts by saing, tilt seems so futile to have to buck the
situation in the financial world today, and the need to attract investors, and
the problem of getting property owners in agreement, and the problem of getting
the city to come into a thing like this." He said he personally could not con-
ceive of going against such odds.
Joseph Cornel.ius said, addressing the planning board and the conlIT\i.~sinn, "l can't
tell you DW disappointed 1 am. This thing 1 thought was very well hashed out
over the Downtown Development Board's table, at other meetings and at City Hall.
And if you want to stop development completely, I think you've done it."
Mayor Hougen discussed the trouble he and a minority of sympathetic cormnissioners
had in achieving what they did. In this case, he said, they had to take half a
year. He said that when you encount~r roadblocks you attempt to remove them, and
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suggested that members of the Board make personal contacts with individual com-
missioners before the next hearing on the Ordinance to try to influence those
who have a different viewpoint. Board members present agreed to proceed on
such a basis of personal contact.
The Chairman led a discussion on the effects of Florida Attorney General Shevin's
opinion on the Deeb bill. It was concluded that the Board should not depend
upon reports in the press, but should contact Shevin personally for a definitive
interpretation. A motion was made and passed unanimously to have the Boardls
attorney CRll Shcvin for an interpretation, then amend the Board r s request for
a tax levy to the maximum permitted under the Deeb Bill.
Hayor Hougen discussed the latest progress on the Pierce Street extension. He
said he had authorized the City Engineer to begin construction. The City will
attempt to build the extension without federal funds, rather than postpone it
any longer. The Mayor said they will be moving dirt by January 1. There is
still one holdout on the right-of-way. The Mayor said the holdout has been noti-
fied that the City is willing to pay a certain amount for his property. If he
does not agree, then the city will proceed with condemnation. The City will
grade the right-of-way as far as is possible at present before prices go any
higher. The chairman commended the City for taking such decisive steps on the
matter of the Pierce Street extension.
A discussion of the building moratorium followed. Mayor Hougen said that a study
will be made to determine the quantity of water the city can definitely count on
through 1975. A formula will be worked out, based on present usage per person,
and it will be followed in issuing future building permits.
I~ith no other subjects brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned.
The next meeting is scheduled for Oct. 30.
R. W. Taylor
(In the absence of M.E. Palmer)
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