06/05/1973 (2)
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June 5, 1973
Lewis Homer, Chairman
Jos. F. Cornelius
Charles Galloway
C. Raymond Lee
H. E~ Palmer, Exec. Director
Paul Bergmann,
Bob Taylor
Harry Tripp
Darwin Frank
Brooks Carter
Planning Director
The Chairman opened the meeting stating that we planned to meet with the City
Commission, but because of the long session yesterday, the Commission members were
not able to attend. He added that the regular board meeting held on May 2!1 did
not have a quorum and is continued today when a quorum is present. The minutes of
the May 27 meeting are attached to these minutes to be considered for approval
by the members.
The Chairman continued, stating that with the help of Paul Bergmann, who is pres.entp
several items may be considered which are important to our progress. He added,
we are only asking for advice from Mr. Bergmann and must avoid putting him on a
A subject discussed was the proposal made to Maas Brothers executives by the Bc:erd
to consider a dual purpose structure on their property west of the present store
building to house a l1Illti-level parking facility, greatly needed, and an apartment
tower above. This proposal is this day being considered in New York by Maas '
Brothers and a wGrd about their decision is expected soon.
Mr. CC)rnelius voiced support for residences on the perimeter of our CBn area as
being desirable for residents and the area as well.
Refererlce was made to the Orlando plan for redevelopment. The Chairman stated,
'~1th a project in hand such as the Maas Brothers project, he will arrange for a
meeting with the principals in Orlando and our financial people to explore its
application in Clearwater.
The q}lairman asked for a study to be made with the help of our financial institu-
tions to explore why people are, in his opinion, preferring to buy condominium
apartments rather than single family residences. He added, "If people prefer to
live in condominiums, should we tell them "no", you shouldtl't come to this commun-
ity." .
The question of the recent proposal put before the City Commission to limit
aJ~ buildings to seven floor height was considered. The Chairman voiced the
opinion expressed by the Board, stating "such a limitation could be fine for Govern-
ment, but intolerable for investors." He added that the Downtown Board is entitled
to an expression from the Commissioners as to how they feel.
Mr. Bergmann responded, stating: that the City Commissioners may grant variances
to the zoning laws, and that he would welcome any project brought before the
Planning and Zoning Board where variances are required. He added that the Conunis-
sian ~ould listen and might grant the needed variances.
Mr. Cornelius stated, "but don't go overboard on a height limitation." He
added, "The downtown limit of 150 feet height we now have is adequate. But cutting
it to seven floors would kill the Downtown Redevelopment program."
The Chairman thanked all present for attending this morning meeting, adding that
he will continue to press for establishment of common ground on wli1Ch to continue
our efforts to redevelop our downtown areas.
H. E. Palmer
Executive Director
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II~;,' 6~"'f-Nrlff( I.ttfPA,"~Ift1 Yrt" ~i',,j}1)l'f 1f't~ Ytf, r,{tf'~~pt1iJ'(t ~ Y.3,*~ ~l'~~~g, a&i ~i.EC
/fiN /fIll HIt/ii 1.~ f:IJ ~,., l~flff~/.'I!f .~~fr10~ {II f;;,~ .tl'~ (,1 r~~ p3%~!ng facilities
ftf Hi/( 6f1ffJ Itt#ti ~,., f,~/IJ' (Aft" JItt, ~frtrifti1ltt IHd ~, S<;f~1.tb r:~ that altflough
f.Jt~!I (61ft fit#. ftI(1i!tJ ff(f lf1l!riflf/lih(l pflt"-U;g if./I th~1f ~tJ".It't, tr~y n~ :<.o't here to ask
hit IJt.lhi1dy HHNII #tff~~tlff!f frltt'l.hfllt, Itrf.l'~t' Wt/if f:.(I'J'~ !J'flJtJ park1r.g in the CBD. This
ili #1'IIYif#UiH iff HIt'li. *t(11'1I11 Hdtf MIlfrJ ;t#~1I11! U~ tt~ ~I::iatl:;g ltJ"t3 a-t Haas
lIit/Hlltl'lIl 111ft. 11ft !IHi ftl!MfhfIJlti.U"j gti ltft!., thl1 nt.f/t'<<, ~ch ta all right.
IH I l-fb#fHtJN NiIl"dfIH(f Hmf. (fill! t.IJ fhiY IMfll1ttJJt1p or th{1 8trJt'f's and the surroundin;g
Y,1if'~/flM Jiil:1f j ~'-~1#1I': Hltllfli fMf/iJf1 t/V H/IJ (Hty, t1ltlt to go irr'to a joint venture as
lIif~ "WUi~ml!"Hffl.'~fl, , ff 11I1f: 1If.!t!t~1J f, ,Ill J.~I 1, tJ thlJ (Nfltng, T11lIl'efcne, something else
1111i~t 'I/!i """I! 1m fll.t.jI-flfItlHd IJl'tlPtJ t' f y,
'l'IIH liIIHJ.~ffll:Jl/ rl:!lHllu1m1 HIIj fit/lull 1. flhf: HI" prtJptJtI it ion gl VlJn to Haas Brothers, which
IH IIIH HHt1~IJI:Hfdt1, M:f IJ f~ IIIJ'f1l (:1M n t1~vtll('p"umf:, ovor, we will say, City owned
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