12/19/1972 '.:.1 ,J ~I'" ~"'~~ ~,!\'(~.?\::~;, , . , , ":~/:'7!ltl"'~',: ':: :'H:::.,'.,\\'l:;:-~',( . , :' , ' '. ....... .. ~ . ., , . , ."' I ~ .'" '., ,,' ,. l' " .' ,'" '," , ' :. , ;... ' ,!, ..... ,'" J, ,,'. ',I , /:'>:) ".... . 1'" l , ..,' . ,', ~. ' , t......:' C' ,~. . , ' ' ' I, " ,.,: " ' "( ." ': ..., '" ..':'1 . ,.,'. ... ',' -\" : ' ..'.. >'d , , . '. . CLEARWA ER DOONTOWN DEVELOPMENr BOARD . RD OF DIRECTORS MEETING o DECEMBER 19, 1972 PRESENl' : Lewis Homer, Chairrrm Charles Galloway H. Everett Hougen Jos. F. Cornelius C. Raymond Lee M. E. Palmer, Exec. irector Joe R. Wolfe Harry Trip p Bill Reed Bruce Taylor Bob Levison M. R. Stierheim I, The Chairman opened the mee ing with a request to consider the minutes of the meeting of November 21 for pproval. With no questions raised, the Chairman declared the minutes approv d as written. The Cha irma n read a letter of the Nomination and Elect were elected to serve on th ddressed to the Chairman from Bruce Taylor, Chairman on Committee, which stated that the following persons Board of Directors for the year 1973. ~,. Jos. F. Cornelius Charles Galloway Lewis Homer C. Raymond Lee. A motion was made, seconded and passed, to accept the results of the election. .~' . The Chairman asked for a re ort on finances and the proposed budget for the year 1973. Mr. Cornelius respon ed, stating that the month of December continues to be under the budget amount. A copy of the financial statement is attached to these minutes. ,', j Mr. Cornelius continued, re the budget be adopted and s discussion. iewed each item in the budget, and recommended that moved. The motion was seconded for the purpose of Mayor Hougen next read his roposed budget amount, which was more than that pro- posed by Mr. Cornelius, an which, after an explanation by the Executive Director, resulted in a decision to a d to the budgeted amount for publicity and public relations an aroount to prov de for four issues of "Topics" rather than the three issues proposed in the budg t. The additional amount needed for the fourth issue will come out of the contin ency money listed in the proposed budget. The decision reached after iscussion was made up of the following: 1) 2) 3) 4) That the added amount n eded to produce four issues of Topics be met with the contingency fund provid d in the budget. That funds to pay for t e two color pamphlet are provided. That the city will exte d the time for payment of the $2000.00 to cover the reprinting of the Barr- unlop comprehensive plan for the downtown area, with one- half paid this year That since the city wil need between 100 and 150 copies of the abovementioned reports, they will dedu t from the balance due the city whatever cost there is for this aroount. ,~ -;- , ,- . 1. '.. \ " l ,l ft~1}~~;i;t;~{~~:; :,:~~: l'.~F ':'i:,:,; t,f~.~t;(!~:?~?~::}<'!;rr~.;"::, :. .. '..'~ '.'" ~ .:' j' '"'t. :. ,..:3 .' :::::~~),~~.~.J: :.' ',.', I . ,~ '. . , ~:,?r.~ ~'(~;: .\ ..... " '." L ,. ,.....\' '..,' "1'" . I.." .",.,\: t;",;:y' l:t,".: r. i'f d i ,'/., .' \ ..j , " " .(. ~ , ,,:, " ,':':, I , , .," 1. '. ~ ,I, \ ,I: " I '.... , , ,J'" ,\; " ' , I, ", >., ! ': '. , '" ; , '" 2. '. . The Cnairman asked for confirmation of the budget amount requested by Mayor Hougen, which was seconded and passed. " ~ Nr. Cornelius reviewed the cash flow picture, which, after discussion, was approved to pny the accounts deferred as follows: Pay at once the following: City of Clearwater -$403.94 election costs. Wolfe, Bonner & Hougen - $1,660.50 for past due account. City of ClearwBter - pay $1,000.'00 as part payment of the account due for our share of the Barr-Dunlop report. Mr. Cornelius stated that we can pay the current bank loans at a time when the Executive Director has the funds available. He added that we will not again require more bank loans until about June 15, 1973, and perhaps another loan later in the year, not to exceed $10,000.00 in total. He added, however, we will not be owing deferred accounts in the next year, and with added income from taxes, we should be out.of the banks by the end of 1973. The budget report was moved adopted, was seconded and passed as presented by Mr. Cornelius. . , ~" The copy of the revised budget for 1973 is attached to these minutes. . The. Chairman asked Mr. Levison to report on the progress with our consultant on parking garages. ~~. Levison responded with a report that we have met with Traffic Planning Associates and Mr. Byrne will meet with the Exec. Director to gather all vital known data on developments. The Executive Director added that because of the research that needs to be done there will not be a report from Mr. Byrne until abou~ the middle of February 1973. The Chairman asked the City Manager if he can live with this time schedule, "which is all right in his opinion," he replied. The Chairman stated that at the January meeting he will make a report of our activities for the past year, and will open a 'discussion as to where we are headed and what should be done during the coming year. He added that 'ole need to set goals for the year and publicly state the things that are hopeful. Also he added, we will elect officers for the year 1973, at the January meeting. The next scheduled meeting is set for January 3.0, 1973. determined that the hour of 3:00 p.m. is more desirable previously used. Thus the next meeting will be at 3:00 30, 1973, at the Chamber of Commerce meeting room. Meeting adjourned. After discussion, it was than the earlier hour p.m., on Tuesday, January .( M. E. Palmer Executive Director . . \, J, -, Y~l~i:~:~4rJ~iJ;l~?jl~i~, i~;'":i; .:;.,,:!:>;:~~~tl;l:~S;~}t1tt~,t~;:;:,J:~:.;;!.. ;" " ','~,,' ,1.~. ~,'::;'.':; '. ~,l'l:,rjJJ~eF'!JJ~i-,...,.,)!.t;.~\:: ..~.-JI ~!.'~l't.,!!~!,~::'r'~."""-f;::;"'J!:l,~"tt.'~....,,~>. ."" ' 'I> ';" . - ,~t:/' ,~,''''''~::.r::{1~~:'''' '\~ ':'~ :.~.'~ '. ". . .;:':'t,l;'~::~"",~l ;.:~:r~' .~~.: ~'"':'7\. '. ~ , ,", ',"'1. '. ~ . . .\' , -.' .. _.._-_.~ -.. '#-' < _' ,"','~,J.I : . .' ., :.;......{:.;, ., . . . CLEARWATER DCMNTOWN DEVELOPMENl' BOARD i)',:, I ~A,' , q'. Meetin~-December 19. 1972 CASH REPORT Cash on hand October 31, 1972 Add savings account Add tax receipts in November Total cash Less checks paid in November Cash on hand November 30, 1972 Add tax receipts in December Total cash Less checks paid by December 19,1972 Cash on hand December 19, 1972 DEFERRED ACCOUNTS PAYABLE City of Clearwater City of Clearwater Wolfe, Bonner & Hogan Total . NOTES 1) Tax receipts in November, and so far in December Total $7,359.87 2) Balance of tax receipts due (est.) BANK NOTES PAYABLE L Bank of Clearwater and First National Bank Approved December 19, 1972 . , :zl.::':~:t' .~j{~l~dJt~.~.t~~-r~'~:;',~:':::~';t~:. 't"'r1.tic1J>..;.?g,:t-i.;'i!~~~"1'f~:~~:'.'-''''' . t~::.:?=., ',~ :.... t~{.'\:~~?i~~:~~: ;~~~.: :':" ,71~~ .",1 '/ ...~- '.t.;, . . ~'. I '. "". l .; . '. : ' :.' -'E,:I.'", $ 1,608.90 90.54 423 . 51 2,122.95 ..bi7,7 .00 645.95 $ -..6i936.36 7,582.31 1~309.31 $ 6 , 273 . 00 $ 2,000.00 403.94 1~660.00 4,064.44 $ $ 16,640.13 $ 10,000.00 .",".:.' 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