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SEPTEMBER 26 ~ 1972
C. Raymond Lee, Vice Chairman
Jos. F. Cornelius
Charles Galloway
H. Everett Hougen
M. E. Palmer, Exec. Director
Frank Mudano
Joe R. Wolfe
Bob Taylor
Paul Bergmann
Bud Parmer
Mr. Lee, acting as Chairman, opened the meeting with a request for approval of
the minutes of the meeting of August 29. A motion was made and seconded and
passed to accept the minutes as written.
The Chairman asked Mr. Cornelius to present his financial report for the IOOnth.
Mr. Cornelius responded l'lith a statement as of September 26, a copy of which is
attached. A motion was made, seconded and passed to accept the report as prepared.
Mr. Mudano reported that the CAC has interviewed several firms in the field of
parking ramp consultants and asked two firms to submit written proposals. He
stated that he has these reports in hand and the CAC recommends either one of
them, and that the selection may be based on cost alone. He suggested that he
turn the reports over to the Executive Director for distribution to the Board
membe~s prior to the 'next meeting, when at that tL~e a decision may be reached.
Mr. Mudano added that the AIA group will hold a meeting with their young archi-
tect.s early next mnth for the purpose of asking them to submit sketches, block
by block, in the enD area. The meeting will be held over a week-end so that
something tangible may be in hand for the next board meeting.
The Chairman opened the discussion on the proposed sign ordinance *1404 and
introduced Mr. Don Alexander, Chairman of the city sign committee. He added that
Mr. Alexander wishes to answer questions raised by the members and people present
Mr., Alexander r~viewed the objectives of the City Administration and the selec-
tion by the City manager of fcurte~n people who made up the committee, including
all sections of the conrnunity who wdre interested in the problem. After twenty-
two meetings, the group finally got down to writing of the proposed ordinance.
He added that the committee agreed that the ordinance is honest, fair and legally
enforceable. Copies of similar ordinances from cities all around the country
were compared and the best of each put into our proposed ordinance.
Mr. Alexander reviewed the stated purpose of the ordinance. He added that it was
presented to the City Commission for their consideration and approval, if it
suited their purpose. He emphasized that the ordinance as proposed does not
control advertising as such, but does try to set up a way of controling street
graphics throughout the City of Clearwater. The goal being to improve the image
of Clearwater, rather than to try to put people out of business.
Following the explanation by Mr. Alexander, a general discussion raised several
points which will be considered by the City Commission before their decision is
reached. Mayor Hougen emphasized that this is not the final ordinance and
urged that every member of the board and others who are concerned should be at
the City Commission meetings when the ordinance is being considered.
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The Chairman thanked Mr. Alexander for his review of the ordinance and suggested
that everyone present should feel free to pose questions which need to be answer-
ed at this time.
Mayor Hougen stated that October 16th is scheduled for another public hearing
at which time interested people should present and express their views.
In view of the discussion about various phases of the proposed ordinance, a
motion was made as follows: A resolution --
WHEREAS: The Cl.earwater Downtown Development Board has reviewed the detailed
and thorough effort of the sign committee of the City of Clearwater
WHEREAS: The Board finds itself in wholehearted agreement with the purpose and
underlying goals of the proposed ordinance il404, and
WHEREAS: The Board views the restrictions as being too severe and the ordinance
as being too lengthy and complex.
NOW, THEREFORE: Be it resolved that the Board of Directors of Clearwater Down-
town Development Board does officially recommend to the City Commission
that a more simplified and less costly approach be developed to
accomplish the agreed purpose.
The motion and resolution was seconded and passed.
The Chairman, asked HI'. Bergmann to report on the progress with updating the Barr-
Dunlop report as it has to do with the CBD portion of the report. Mr. Bergmann
stated that Eteveral copies of the B-D report were sent to people interested; that
staff meetings have been held on the subject, that minor tcxt-amendments will be
made, and that several maps must be altered to e~ress the current loop and
street patterns. Mr. Bergmann ndded that his department will alter the ~ps and
text, and since there is no great urgency, that the work will be done as soon
as possible, consistent with the present work load.
Mr. Galloway was asked for his report and responded by having an aerial of the
CBD shown to all members on which were the recommended changes to accomplish some
gne-way streets. He added that there is a resolution prepared which covers the
recoIllJlendations of his committee.. The resolution was read and a motion was made
and seconded to accept the resolution. It was passed. A copy is attached to
these minutes.
The Chairman stated, that a study of the AIA report, which has already been dis-
tributed 1:0 all board members, is desired at the next board meeting; scheduled
for October 31, 1972. Mr. Galloway stated, that he has planned a meeting of the
Land Use and Development Committee on this subject, to be held prior to the next
board meeting, and hopefully he will report on the considerations of his cormnit-
tee. Permission was granted to have the report distributed to his committee
The meeting was adjourned.
M. E. Palmer, Executive Director
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It is the stated purpose of the Clearwater Downtown Development Board
to reconunend to the City for its consideration and approval the actions
deemed suitable for implementing plans which have a beneficial effect
on the downtown area and the City in general;and
The City of Clearwater Traffic Director has made a reconunendation to
create a pair of east and west one-way streets, namely: Co~t Street
westbound from Ewing Avenue, and connecting ,With Haven Street across
the old city hall site also to be westbound, and Chestnut Street
eastbound, from Oak Street to Ewing Avenue; and
An important pair of north-south streets will require certain right-ot-
way acquisitions so as to be prepared to implement Garden Avenue as a
one-way street from Chestnut Street north to Myrtle Avenue and Fort
Harrison Avenue one-way south from Myrtle Avenue to Chestnut Street;
It is the intention of the Traffic Conunittee of the Clearwater Downtown
Development Board to continue to work with the City Traffic Director tQ
make certain recommendations in addition to the above; and
A further recommendation was made by the City Traffic Director that any
one-way streets in pairs implemented in the future should be accom-
plished with ample time interval to work out unforeseen problems; and
The recommendation row being of-fered, as well as future ones, are
line with the recommendations of the Barr-Dunlop Comprehensive
for the City of Clearwater.
NOO THEREFORE, Be it resolved that the Board of Directors of the Clearwater
Downtown Development Board, in recognition of the knowledgeable and
practical recommendations by the City Traffic Director in this regard,
does urge the city to adopt an initial pair of one-way streets, namely:
Court Street and Chestnut Street, at a date as early as practical as
stated by the City Traffic Director; and
Further, resolve wholeheartedly to endorse the city's intent to acquire
the right~of-way (ACt) from Franklin Street south as far as is
feasible, but at least to Chestnut Street.
.'. ~ ~ ", ;
Meetin~--Sept. 26~ 1972
Cash on hand August 29, 1972
Less checks paid in Sept.
Cash on hand Sept. 26, 1972
Less payable in Sept. (Est.)
Est. cash balance Sept. 30, 1972
City of Clearwater
Bill Reed & Asso. !nc.
Wolfe, Bonner & Hogan
Bank of Clearwater, and
First National Bank
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,,/ '. , ,
399 .16
286 .64
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