07/25/1972 . .; \. ", '\, \'" ,I .. , , , .'". ,.j' , J I,' .. ',. PRESENT: I,',' ;: :. '.. ,;, rl,litf . . CLEARWATER D(JoINl'CJm DEVELOPMEtIl' BOW> e MEETING July 25 t 121,g, Lewis Homer, Chairman JOB. F. Cornelius C. Raymond Lee Charles Galloway M. E. Palmer, Exec. Director The Chairman opened the meeting with a request for a motion to approve the minutes of the meeting of June 27, 1972. A motion was so made, seconded and approved to adopt the minutes as written and mailed to all members. Joe R. Wolfe Harry Tripp Bob Taylor " The Chairman called upon Hr. Cornelius for a report on the cash position, budget and the cash forecast for the balance of the year. Mr. Cornelius responded with a cash statement as of July 31, 1972, a copy of which is attached. Hr. Cornelius reviewed the budget requirements for the last half of the year, and pointed out that there is no appreciable change from the original budget. A copy is attached. 41 Next he referred to a cash requirements forecast for the balance of the year. A copy of the revised forecast is attached. He pointed out that additional borrowing will be required, with another $5 ,000.00 in August and a final loan for the year in November of $2,500.00. We expect to have, after paying all expenses during the year, about $570.00 remaining. Hr. Cornelius stated that we may payoff a11 deferred accounts as well as bank loans with receipt of some $25,600.00 from the tax collector, leaving about $9,000.00 on hand at the start of 1973. SQl1e additional borrowing will be required during the next year. K~. Cornelius moved the approval of the revised budget and the cash ments -forecast. The motion was seconded and opened for discussion. some discussion, the motion was passed unanimous~y. require- After . Next, Mr. Cornelius offered a resolution and a covering letter addressed to both the Pinellas County Board of County Coaunissioners and the Pinellas Tax Assessor, which set up a tax rate for the year at one mill. He moved that the resolution be adopted. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. Hr. Cornelius asked the Executive Director for his comments regarding two additional expenditures which he has requested. Palmer stated that the two items are: 'Membership in the International Executives Association, at an annual cost of $100.00, and Authority to proceed with efforts to purchase some 500 copies of the Barr-Dunlop downtown area report. The cost will be about $796.50 '",. . C\ 'W e" ,',-p .~-:' . . a " " . , ' '. ' ~' ...... f '.j I' L I'" \' . . , ..' . . . . . . . . , ______~~~~a4f1:,.~-~...... 2. Fol~wing discussion, a motion was made to allow membership in IDEA at a cost of $100.00 with a decision to be ~de later as to the cost of attendance at the next annual meeting of the association. This motion was seconded and passed. The motion covering the second item was made to authorize the Executive Director to go ahead and negotiate with the City as to the number they can use, supply free copies to the CAC members, fix a price at which copies be sold to all inter- ested people through the Chamber of Commerce and other organizations, and hold up the actual order until after the next meeting, when at which time, a final decision will be made by the Board. The motion was seconded and passed. The Chairman, called upon both Hr. Tripp and Mr. Galloway to report on the joint meeting held with the Traffic Conmittee of the Chamber of Conunerce recently. Mr. Tripp responded with comments about the lack of progress on the subject of one-way streets in the downtown area. He stated that the City Director of traffic, Hr. Crawford, had no plans to present to this board for consideration. Mr. Galloway added, that although there is no obvious plan for one-way streets now ready, that he is hopeful that further work can be done with the City people as well as the merchants and others who are interested. The Chairman called upon Mr. Levison to report further thinking on the multi-level parking structure idea, He responded, stating, that he is in correspondence with people who might be able to help us with the problem. Mr. Levison asked, to set the CAC group in motion, to clear the air as to what is now needed to be done. Following some discussion, a motion was made to ask the CAe to proceed with work which would come up with a feasibility report to be made to the board at a later date. Hr. Galloway explained, that the study would of necessity be preliminary in natUX'c, but would give us a starting point. An amendment was added to the motion which was to the effect that any construction which followed the prelimin~ ary study would bear the cost of this study as well as the regular fees charged by the architects, but in the event the project is not feasible, that the board would not be charged for the preliminary work. The motion was seconded and passed. The Chairman asked the Executive Director to report on his visit to several cities recently. He responded, stating that at this time a full report in writing is not available, but will be in a week or ten days. However, Palmer stated that he is ready to give a verbal report on the visit to West Palm Beach, Ft. Lauder- dale and Miami. He commented that because Mr. Stierheim was not available for this meeting, that he had met with h~ this morning to cover the findings and to get, if possib1e, his reactions. ~tt. Stierheim did state, for the benefit of this board, that he and the City will work with us toward the end of getting aU IEcessary informa- tion together as soon as possible, so that we aren't caught one day in the future with a serious need for parking facilities in the right location to best satisfy the needs of the people who will pay for the spaces. Palmer asked for permiss ion to contact a consulting firm, and who, working through the CAC, can gather to- gether the vital facts which we will need one day. The Chairman pointed out that a rootion was passed to permit Mr. Levison and 'the CAC to proceed along these l.ines and that this request my be consider~d epproved as the motion was made. The Chairman stated, that the next meeting will be held on August 29, 197~, same time and place. M. E. Palmer Executive Director -, t I -' ., " \ ).~1~~~~~f!~{~~f1;~t;;:j~;:~'~~\;<~? .~:~;I'i';' "'~"~r. t<.,~' ,<.:~:.\.,...: i.~"i,\!f ~/ :";, :~~;~"l:\{~:\~';~! ',::~??;~:::'.~ {.:,~:. :~~r(~,/~~~~~~~~~;!,~';,~,~.:t;h r",; 'Y..: ':"'~:',:::!j:f.:~~.~.t:~~~J"" ,1"_(' ", ,,',".Hl~.:1 ~ ,(1:': 1~\'fL . .,.,~~ '1.~~:'t:1 :,,';:.,....), ...~.~.-. CD CASH REPOIn' Cash on hand June 30, 1972 $ 2t514..11 Receipts in July 125.00 Total cash 2,636~14 Less checks paid in July 1~8l4.52 Cash on hand July 31, 1972 $ 821.,62 DEFERRED ACCOUNTS PAYABLE City of Clearwater Bill Reed & Asso. Inc. WOlfe, Bonner Br Hogan $ 2,403.94 486.64 1,500.00 . Total $ 4,390.58 Note: The Bill Reed BrAssociates, Inc. paid off at $100.00 per month, paid in December. account is being and will be completely . ...~ ':'. . ~. . ~ ,', ~}, '::1 ..:--:.- '/ j .1,. ,;.,~..; "):'~"~l ,< .t"'::~'r:'~;'l: :).::..:,1-; "'., .,:,,:r 'i ',""~, ,.' ..~.,":._<~l~,:':. 1 '/1<.11,' ..~.':' "::~.:~;; ,,\.::" ."''''!'''' :.; ::,i I ' ~" f-, . , ',~" . " ~ ~ . , . "t',:. ~ ,... . . )"\F~l:;~~!j,v.,~~ }.~.;: ,i-:--~ ':,: \, ,; .,., lj ._ " ~r> ...:. ,~' I {"I, \'7~':;'.;.\' ,"'<:,':':f,(:';' .... '<~:J,;~~':' '. ,.-;.},: ,'!:':. ,,'., .'<t.;,: <::t....,..l '?;:;"'\"/'!~;~" '.\~.:~lfj/,;l..:'./: .' t ,(~. .rr;:~','''r::lS~'.'''"",,~ -', ':.<~f...<' <) ",''; " ,.'.., ',..,....:..".,' "". ,," "\~~"l:t",.Y):';,!\~:h\~;'\,~~~; .. . . . CLEAR'~ATER Da~NTOI~N DEVELOPMENr BOARD . CASH REqUIREMENTS FORECAST (Revjsed ) Cas~ on hand Aug. 1, Add bank loan Aug. 1972 15, 1972 $ 821.62 .....5,000.00 5,821.62 1,400.00 Less: Aug. expenses Cash on hand Sept. 1, 1972 Less: Sept.expenses 4,421.62 -1-,500.00 Cash on hand Oct. 1, 1972 Less: Oct. expenses 2,921.62 1,850.00 - Cash on hand Nov. 1, Add: Bank loan Nov. 1972 15, 1972 1,071.62 2,500.00 3,571.62 1,500.00 Less: Nav. expenses Cash on hand Dec. 1, Less: Dec. expenses 1972 2,071.62 ......1,500.00 o Cash on hand Jan. 1, 1973 $ 571.62 r . ",,~"~;:!:~i:;~;{~~';~~/:il~::~Jff~~:*~mit?i~S!F24';~0\!tl~:~?;;~~:<~~'~~{~:f;~~!~r',~~;~;~~~