05/30/1972 1. ". ' "." '.,,\" . -'{,'. ': ,'.' ~. . ,': I ': , \ ! . .; " \ .' 'H.t , . CLEAR''lATER Da~Nl'am DEVELOPMENT BOARD ~::'i"', ,,' ..'I. ....". MEETING MAY 30 , 1972 PRESENI': Lewis Homer, Chairman C. Raymond Lee Charles Galloway H. Everett Hougen M. E. Palmer l-fr. Stierheim Joe R. '~olfe Bob Levison Frank Mudano Paul Bergmann Bob Taylor Bruce Taylor The Chairman opened the meeting with a statement on finances, in the absence of Mr. Cornelius. The statement was accepted as written by the Board. The minutes of the meeting of April 26, 1972 were offered for approval by the Chairman. A motion made, seconded and passed approved the minutes as written. Mr. Galloway reported for the joint meeting of the Land Use and Development Committee and the Traffic Committee. This meeting was held on May 25th and was well attended by both groups as well as several members of the City Administration. Mr. Stierheim had made it possible for each member to receive a copy of the streets status report to the City Commission prior to the meeting. . Mr. Galloway po inted out that the Traffic group will take the lead in a close study of the entire report, but for this meeting a few priority items were considered. After consideration of the proposed loop project, a motion was made! that this Board approve and endorse the City Commission resolution pertaining to the proposed loop road project and urges the completion of this much needed bypass road at the earliest possible date. During the discussion, ~~. Levison, representing the CAC grou~ stated his group categorically is for the lOOp, in spite of some news releases which may have been misinterpreted. The motion was passed unanimously. v . Mr. Galloway next reported on the second item in the street plan, i.e. one-'~ay streets. Mr. Stierheim, who attended the recent joint meeting, stated that it is essential now to work out a one-way street plan which will not only move traffic on the narrow downtown streets, but will harm the property owners in the least possible way. Therefore, he suggested that city traffic people as '~ell as planners and engineers who are available to work with our committee, to produce a one-way street plan which is also acceptable to property owners, merchants and others concerned. It was also pointed out that the Traffic and Land Use Committees are now joined and will work together as well as with the Merchants' FTomotion group. Mr. Galloway next reported that the joint comnittee had considered again the Five-Points intersection and had agreed to defer any decision at this time but preferred to take up this matter in future meetings in order to come up with a resolution for consideration by this Board. '\~':j~;~::;~~'f;~i:;r~;~~f,.:~ ;'.,:.. ,'.' :::":', 4..... ':',- " '" :~ 4 , ~. '......, .. ,~- . . . . '.'.p..'.'...'..'...'. ", ".' . .' -. . .. . ~ . '. ,"1:' , . . . .', : ".,', " , "', , . I ~ : .. ' ".! " " . , . ' ,.': ,'.:' ; . Minutes-Clearwater Downtown Development Board p. 2 The Chairman asked for a report of the Baskin development. Mr. Stierheim stated his office had contacted Mr. Baskin who had no objection to his p1an being made public at this time. Mr. Bergmann then proceeded to show the pre1iminary plans for this new structure and led the discussion regarding parking requirements, etc. It was pointed out that building will contain underground parldng (49 spaces), two floors of cormnercial and office spaces and three floors of apartments on top. The over-all parking requirements call for 129 parking spaces be provided, utilizing in some way the adjacent city-owned parking lot on the East. ' The question of construction of a multi-level parking facility over the city- owned parking lot on the east was discussed in detail. It was poLnted out by the Chairman that this approach could very well be the cataJY~1= . t.o encourage downtown re-clevelopment by providing the parking required and also by reducing the acres of ground level parking as at present. No decision was reached except to urge a thorough feasibility study of the project as soon as possible) working with the city people, the developer and the adjo ining property owners. This matter will again be considered at the succeeding meetings. Mayor Hougen raised the question of consideration of the new ordinance to be before the Commission on Honday next, which will aid the downtown developers hopefully. For the purpose of complete understanding of the proposed ordinance, ~~. Bergmann was asked to explain it in detail. He pointed out that in view of the many small pR'l"Cels of property in the CBD, that unless some set-back relief is allowed, it will be virtually impossible to ever build on these high priced p:operties. i At this point the Nayor suggested that someone from the Board should surely be in attendance and speak in favor of the proposed ordinance on Monday next. }~. Galloway stated that although no action was taken at the joint committee meeting on the 25th, the concensus seems to be one of wholehearted acceptance of this development. He further spoke to the effect that some reasonable variances are needed in the downtown area which'wil~ encourage the developers, including the Baskin development. Following the discussion, a motion \'las made to prepare a resolution to be pre- sented to the City Commission on Monday next'to, support the Planning and Zoning Board's recommendation for one side set-back and front set-back \'lithin the CBD. During the discussion folloHing, Mr. Bruce Taylor asked detailed questions about the new ordinance and the old. Mr. Bergmann answel'ed him in detail after which Mr. Taylor stated, he will buy the proposed ordinance. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. The Chairman asked for a IlDtion to prepare a letter to Mr. Gregory, Chairman of the AJA Urban Development Team, and to include all of the team I11embers to express our gratitude and thanks for the enlightening report they have made verbally, and look forward to their llI'itten report on downtown Clcar'~ater. The date for the next meeting of the Board is now scheduled for June 27, 1972. N. E. Palmer Executive Director .;,}~~~~H~~f~:~~~!;!JIr::/{~1.~~~:~~%$,~~::~~~~5.~~~~~ ~~;~{::,:':.;" ~' , ; ',1.' " ;', , ' L': '. ',,,;;;~,<,,~;,::, '.;';:.:':: :,,.. ..:: '. ;......!. .,' I -,' , .. ,',: . ...T1 , . i,'j::') ...... .' J; .' ;#" - ~ \ .' i I I ! . . . ~ '1:-- I i i f \ 'Ii ,; :~. l' " ,...... .' ;r, \~.t.~.4/~ .r'? 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