04/25/1972 "~': '~"'l>::~:',::" ",-' '. ~'::' -,.r.' ;, " _I' "" ,\', ,i,' . . .\ ~ "'. '.,: :' . , , , ,( . \ ", . , " ,l" . ". '. ' " " .-i, - M CLEARWATER D~NTQlN DEVELOPHENl' BOARD . MEETING . APR~L 25 t 1972 Present: ... Lewis Homer, Chai.:rrnan Jos. F. Cornelius Co Raymond Lee Charles Galloway M. E. Palmer Joe R. Wolfe Larry Dimmitt, Jr. Ed. Walker With a forum present, the Chairman opened the meeting aaking for consideration of the minutes of the meeting of March 28. A motion to accept the minutes as written was made, seconded and passed. The Chairman asked Mr. Cornelius to report on finances~ and he responded with a report showing the need to borrow funds as of May 15th. He stated that with all arrangements completed, the first bank borrowing is handled in the amount of $5,000.00. More will be borrowed when needed, all at an interest rate of 5% per yeal'. Mr. Cornelius stated, that he p~rsonally is pleased that we have been able to go this far on our limited resources~ staying below the budgeted amounts. . A motion was made to accept the report on finances as stated. The motion was passed. A copy of the statement is attached to these minutes. The Chairman asked Mr. Walker for a report on the CAC activities, and the AIA team expected soon. Mr. Walker stated that the urban design assistance team will be in Clearwater on May 20-21 and 22. The Chairman of this team, Hr. Gregory, will be here Friday, April 28, for a preview and make definite plana:,'for theteamo He added that we should have definite recommendations from the team by the end of May. The team members are c:oming from various parts of the country. All are experienced urban designers. The costs for the team are being borne by the Clearwater AlA Chapter and the CAe. The Chairman stated that in the absence of Hr. Bergmann, Mr. Stierheim and Mayor Hougen, we must wait to be brought up to date on the City plans that encompass tllose important considerationf3 as street improvements, the new redeveJ.opment ordinanc:e~ density, sewers, etc. He urged every member to continue to ask city officials about these pJ.ans so that they are not put aside. The Chairman asked the Exec:uti va Director for his report on the visits made to neighboring cities to bring us up to date: Palmer responded by stating that he has visited six cities in the past few weeks, talked to their Planners and City Managers aoo received a gene7.'ol!S willingness on their parts to give us tile information we need. The cities visited were: . Plant City, Fla. Or~ndo, Fla. Lakeland, Fla. Dekay Beach, Fla. West Palm Beach, Fla. Lake Wales, Fla. 1. ~. ~.:'~' .:, :!. ..~,~. \ . .~~," 1. I, ,?}.~ I ,,:,~,~~;:!.'J.,I.~~t~..,\':';"".' .f - ~ <-',:', . ",';~~~", '; \.. I'.~ , . i"'.; - .. Board Minutes April 25) 1972 -- page 2 . The details of the report are on file and available for all members on request. The Chairman asked Mr. Galloway for a report on the Land Use and Development CQnmittee. He responded, stating that he has had no meetings but has been working with many people to assist wherever possible to develop the basis for future implementation toward re-development of some of our areas. Mr. and Galloway referred to correspondence with Mr. Golding, with Mr. Dimmitt others to indicate that there are many avenues open to procure land sites within the downtown area of interest to developers. He stated that completion of the work of the AIA urban design team in May will be of most importance in pinpointing the exact areas for re-development. A suggestion by Mr. Galloway, directed to Mr. Cornelius, resulted in agreement and Mr. Cornelius will contact Mr. Ruttenberg after receiving a copy of the letter addressed to Mr. Golding. A discuss5Dn followed which resulted in agreement that after the visit by the urban design team) and their reconmendations, that it will become more obvious where the initial redevelopment may take place. . With no further business before the Board, the Chairman asked for a motion to adjourn. A motion was made, seconded and passed. The next meeting of the Board is scheduled for May 30,,1972, at the same hour and place. M. E. Palmer Executive Director . ...). . . .;iJ1~;Ff.~;~ 1~>~~::,i'~:;: ~,i;,:~1~:~~lfP~t~J~{~i~~;~~~t'~;~:~J~' . .:.~ ...1" t..' ""~;';1''';,l(.',Wt';\\,-~~;,~1~PJO'i>'''''''!1!i;;'':'' '.,"""i) .",7'" ":'" ~;;:':' "":::~'''''',",>:".;, ''''': '~'. \"., , :I"':.:f,j..~-,!,;t~:.".'; .' 1}f~\~">:\~~-?~'~~~""~'~~:i;~'~~~:;'t.':")',~.. ~~?/!,~2t:{:.!.~"'~~j"...', 1'\I'>;':~::,:{J;\ <'r I' ," . \- ...~ t .~. ,~ l,"_.'., ~. "'~, :~~'. ,~,,:.~f ~", , ..:'! I 'J!' r"_. .1'....' '1\'.',' t,' , f ' , . r' ~ "1:- .~ ~