03/28/1972 ,':1: '\"<'>'~' 'r :'.. .,:;.~ '. :,,' ~', , : '. ,,}. ',',. , ~, ,~ ' , ;'\ ' ,:. . 'I,', ",I:;, ' , : i [I':; r: 'C' ~ "', '.'; "I, I ' II ,\ , . ", ! " ; " ,',.-', , ,', ; ", , ' . . " : ,~~\i!;ioI.~I~Ii<~I,' ~*W~1f~~\-:-l...~~~\..'.t~VtIQ}i~.1-' i . 2 .. . It was also pointed out that the growth in C~earwater far surpasses past experience, as shown by the fact that the total of bui~ding per- mits in the first Q.uarter of 1972 are equal to the entire year of ~971. But the fact also remains that street and access improvements are not keeping pace with this growth, knowing that historically it never has kept pace. It was also pointed out by the City Nanager that tOday the City of Clearwater is in a much better position to get State Department of Transportation help than ever in the years past. Further, that this did not come by accident, but rather by hard work to show real needs and not just dreams. Probably, the fly in the ointment is the County Commission, and any help which can he given to urge and prod this commission would be welcome. . The first real need is the loop project 2S now designed by the City and again, is up to the County Comrnissior. and their cooperation. With a start on this item alone, the other needs will fall into line in an orderly manne2'. :Behind all of the needs, however, is money, and any suggestion to get more funds for these jobs is welcome. Mr. Cornelius at this point suggested that jx the people of our city knew all the facts they might well vote to again tax themselves an additional millage levy for better streets and the needed access city- wide. Therefore, he suggested a straw vote, conducted in the press, or any other way, to get the real feeling of the city electorate on this matter. . The discussion which fo~lowed, pointed out the need to enlist othe2' civic organizations from all parts of the City to agree and partic- ipate in offering the straw vote to the people. Mr. Corne~ius moved that the Chairman of our Traffic Committee be in- structed to create an en1arged committee, consisting of representa- tives from organizations from all parts of the city to meet and work out a plan to conduct a city-wide straw vote to determine the feel- ings of the electorate on this matter. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. Mr. Cornelius, Chairman of Pinance, offered an annual budget report, copy to each memher, prepa2'ed by Harper and Van Scoik. Also, he offered a cash position report as of the date, pointing out that we wil~ be required to borrow funds for operations after the end of Apl'i1. He stated that between the Pirst National Eank and the Bank of C1earwater, we have a line of credit of $20,000.00, to be bor- rowed in increments of $5,000.00 as needed, which'itJill be ample. The report was accep~cd by the Board. The Land Use and Development Committee has not met, according to Mr. Gal~oway, hut he has been in contact with the Eoard of Realtors representative to get the needed land costs for Mr. Levison of the CAe. Further, he has met with the ma2'itime conunittee of the Chamber of Commerce to conside2' the application recently made by Mr. :Bie for the construction of a pier or marina on his premises. . ",,!:~~~~~@~ft~~:;;~'C,,;f~fi*g;;,?"t;:\P""'. ".', . ' , ~.,.~ " .. ." . ,,"l~:;> ':..:" . '::.: .'!i-,e'~&~'~r~;*'~:::~i:~~ . 'I ~.", -,,-,._,~'.,.I-... ..._' " " , ", ~. "" ' ',',:, : :': J ~" J.\,. ',~'.1 ' ,,~""f ',' - .....' '. '~, ',' ' ""~ ," ..':" . ',',.', ~....' , ',,' ',', \ ,~ . , '..... ,-; ,:1_, ',I ,\~':'., , 'I" " \, ", ", " 'J,., ' . "1', . - 3 - . Mr. fro pI' Was Mr. of of ert Corne~ius turned over to Mr. Ga~loway a report he just received the SBA in Washington, D.C., with an offer to meet with the cipqls shou~d an application, such as was made in a city in ington state,., be applicable to Clearwater. He suggested that Gal~oway have his committee meet after a study of the contents he report, to consider further progress toward this possibility inancia1 he~p for the rebui1ding of some of our downtown prop- es as a shopping ma1l, a new department store, etc. . The Mayor, Chairman of the Publicity and Public Relations Committee, sta ed that he would like to offer commendation to Bill Reed and Ass ciates for the fine issue of Downtown Topics just released. Chairman asked Mr. Stierheim for information regarding the Main Library reported in the press recent~y. He responded by stat- that the late bond issue provided for. rebuilding of this facil- and for further branches being estahlished where needed in the . He added that the proposed ;:..mprovement by the architects when ented to the City Commission was de~ayed for further considera- Which wil~ clear up any confusion in the minds of the commis- sio ers as to the effect of the improvement for the people~ and the ent re city. The Chairman added that he sp~aks for the Board in ex- pre sing concern for an improved Library fa~ility in the downtown are as well as expanded facilities in other parts of the City when the are needed, and hopefully wil~ expect the members to make their fee ings known to the City Commission. At his point, and following a short recess, Mr. Levison presented a sh ing of the CAC s~ide presentation to all the members. Following the presentation, the CAC was commended for the splendid slides and co entary, with hopes that every civic group in the city will be ab~ to view it as well. Mr. Levison stated that they do have such pla s, and will accept invitations from all groups who wish to view the slides. The next meeting of the Board is scheduled for April 25, 1972. M. E. Palmer Exec. Director . ': 'l": '.:t. ~ "\,,"( .-,~:.-:.- ,..." ~I. '~t':'~. .~':~:;'r"Wt;\~:~: . ',1 , " .', , , ;',"; 1'1 ' '. ,\' "', . '1" ' , ' '. ,/: , -f ' '..-" .,;'," .';""i'-,;.'.., ;.. . h fr1~ ',. ,0-' j"fl::. 'f1f : /,~', ,?;i'~ ':'y :-'~, '!::,:'~ I; ~:::-'."!\,~ri"~': 'r,/~?:(~ ~ ~~i"' \ .' }'~:~~ I ? ,1.~.',:~~;;~,,,, :\~";': >:'<;:I"f.".~,'~/ ;;~';.~1,~~,t..\.7~f;~;::: 'l;~':, ~ ~::,~"~~~.'(-; ',~ ~f,X:;'" ,! ," - ~ ':!~t ;} ;",~" ." ;', ':t,;.\:', .\" ':,~ '. ,t.f I ~ t'l' ,Vt~,;. 'I f'" ",' ,,' ,'. ,~. 'r - :..~\. .,'