11/30/1971 'f" ',.: . '! , , " , ' ',' . t._ Jos. F. Cornelius Larry Dimmitt, Jr. Darwin Frank Charles Galloway Lewis Homer C. Raymond Lee Bruce Taylor, Sr. John Welsh ::.:". ,', c;:.:) " ,(,' ':;'" ~ /' " I \ ,', I' '\ I , . ,.- nrQ,1'.JII!t . \ ", 2. . In the absence of Mr. Darwin Frank, Chairman of the Nominating Committee, Mr. Cornelius, a committee member, gave the report of the group naming the following nominees for Board members for year 1972. Those nominated ~ere: He added that the election of four nominees will take place by mail ballot, the mailing being made on Dec. 6th, and the tally of votes by freeholders will be done on Dec. 22nd. The results of the election will be announced at the next scheduled Board Meeting, Dec. 28th. Tho Chairman asked by the committee. ored, the Chairman given ~ould appear for any names from the floor to Since there were no added names closed nominations and declared on the ballots. be considered to be consid- that the names . The Chairman introduced Mr. Victor Kirby, developer of Continen- tal Towers on Clearwater Baach, his attorney Mr. wm. Gilke, ~nd his architects, Mr. Watson and Mr. McElmurry. Mr. Gilke offered the presentation to the Board with halp from Mr. Kirby and his architecrs. He stated that the primary prOblem they face is one of convincing the City Commission that a change in zoning pro- posed will increase density. He addadthat they will face the City commission on Dec. 6th for a final decision. The proposed high-rise will be a condominium with 90 units on over t~o acres of'bayfront land, and therefore requires an increase in density from 34 to 44 units per acre. Mr. Kirby added that should the Commission deny his request for the twenty additional units in the building, that he will still go nhead with"'Q 70 unit building, but without the underground parking now proposed, and further that the reduction will be done by going from 12 to 10 floors in height. Thus, the smaller building will still occupy tho same ground space, but with all parking on the asphalt surface, and with much less garden type beautification around the structure. . Many questions wore raised by those preeent. It was urged that members who support the building os proposed should attend the City Commission meeting on Dec. 6th, and lend their support in the presence of the City commission. Mr. Homer offered 0 resolution in support of the project, a copy of which is attached. The Boord voted to support the proposal as presented, subject to verification by absent members. Mr. Homer, Chairman, Lond Use and Dovclcpnent Committee, was asked for a report. He reviewed the activities of tho committee which included the work being done by the local Board of Realtors for the purpose of putting together land in sizable units to be offered to developers. , , ,I.'i" '.. ... , ._,; , :'... , ~,: "'-'~ ._.....~---------_..-' , .r' / ,i:' , I' " ,," , .,.1 \ ~~~., 3. . Mr. Homer pointed out that the proposal presented here today by Mr. l<irby is in full accord with the \!Iishe's an<:l plans of t~e Committee. He added that we are moving forward w~th the archl- tects and ~ill hear from the second group in December. Mr. Homer stated that he plans to talk ~ith the City Planners with regard to the zoning problems with the hope of finding out the difference that e~ists in regard to zoning and other factors as applied to re-development and new development of land within our City. He stated that re-development of old areas of the City is by no means a problem in the downto~~ area alone, but that many other areas of the City will face re-deve1opment either now or later. . Mr. Homer pointed out that in many cities in the country, the States and the Federal Government are providing millions of dollars to re-develop old areas where land costs are many times higher than comparable size plots in new developments. Further, he stated ~e do not want Federal or state funds to \!Irite down the price of land, but we do want a local government realization of the problem we face and their help in providing realistic zoning consideration, hopefully to make re-development of araas like the downtown possible in Clearwater, within the pUblic interest. Mr. Homer added that the City Administration has been ~ost cooper- ative and will hopefully join with us in coming up with a new zon- ing concept which will make re-development possible in Clearwater, so that private developers are able to utilize existing and unaer- utilized land to the fullest and profitably. He added that we are not asking for this new concept for just the downtown ar~a, but it needs to be broadened for use 'aity-wide. Mr. Cornelius, Chairman of the Budget and Finance Committee, reportod on the cash position as of November 30, 1971. A copy of his report is attoched. He added that with present cash, and hopefully with an additional contribution, we are able to continue through January or February next year. Mr. Cornelius stated that we will be on the ta~ rolls by January 1972, and that arrangements must be made to borrow from the banks for. most of 1972. He asked all chairmen to prepare their budgets in December for consideration at the December meeting. He added hopefully that all chairmen will continue to ask for only the funds needed to do a good job because we will be on borrowed funds. Questions raised show that the buaget provided for the issue of Topics in December, but thnt Boord approval is needed to continue to retain Bill Reed & Asso. beyond November. ~ motion was made, seconded and passed to continue to retain Reed at the rate of $125.00 per month through Fobrunry, or for on additional three months. '. The Chairman revi~wQd the financial position and stated that he wishes all chairmen to put their budgets togather so as to get them to Mr. Cornelius prior to tho December mooting. At that time he stated that we will be able to authorize Mr. Cornelius to proceed with plans to make borrowing possible from 10co1 bnnks. ~}S;~tR;.~ :~, :.~/'" ,'~:lrl"~fr}~:f~;;';~('( ~~,; ': ~,ij.~.~ ~.}.:~ '.:;f~~;~//;~::~::: .1/~'.~, . ,"~:' , .~;~~t~~,ii~P~~~~..\: ~r:"-{.i,.-~~~<-;':."'"!r~/U~1;{. Jf~<{~~~'..\r:..;!~~'I~ :.....;:. , . ;~];:;\:~:',:"~:~'.~.f~~':::' " .. :-~',~,~<,:" !;"".:,.,f~.'y' ':Y';" " :,: ,A. "",,~___~~,",~-.-,...~~~~.ru ' y 1-'-u; , .' ,., . . .,~ ~ .~:~.' ,,~,,!'.' " : " . . .:..'" ~ ~,ll . ' " ...' ' '-..-- Illl, 9" ." 'I '., ~,:.,:~, .1'" ~~' ~ (, . -(, ; " \' ,~ .. ~ 1'.' . , ' ~'. There is ~ demonstrated need to provide transportation for the young, the old, the poor and the non-drivers; and The voters of Central Pinollas County voiced their demand for on efficient moss transit system in their area by approving the September 9, 1970 referendum which estab- lished the Central Pine11as Transit Authority; and A public mass transit system will provide a more effi- cient means of moving people throughout our metropolitan area, thereby reducing traffic congestion, air pollution, unsightly parking lots and other negative effects of our present transportation system; and The State's Mini-Bus demonstration project proved con- clusively that a modern transit system ~ill be used and, indeed, will be heavily relied upon in this area; and The State and Federal Governments believe mass transpor- tation is so necessary for the vitality of metropolitan areas they collectively ~ill fund 5/6th of cost needed to set up a modern transit system; and WHEREAS: The Centrol Pinellas Transit Authority needs the voters' approval of a public referendum on December 14th which will provide the necessary local funds (no more than 1/4 of one mill) to take advantage of this 5/6ths grunt from the state and Federal Governments; NOW THEREFORE, MAY IT BE PUBLICLY RECOGNIZED THAT CLEARWATER DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT BOARD OFFICiALLY ENDORSES THE CENTRAL PINELLAS TRANSIT AUTHORITY, AND FURTHER THAT C LEARl'-1A'l'ER DOl<1NTOWN DEVELOPMENT BOARD RECOMMENDS THE APPROVAL OF THE REFERENDUM ON DECEMBER 14th WHICH PROVIDES LOCAL FUNDS FOR THE CENTRAL PINELIAS TMNSIT AUTHORI'l'Y SYSTEM. . t'mEREJ\S: WHEREJ\S: WHEREAS: WHEREAS: l'lHEREAS : . , ' " .. '; I ":',' I. , , , ; RESOLUTION BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that tho Executive Director be hereby instructed to prosent this resolution to the Central Pina11as Transit Authority and the City Commissioners of the City o~ Clear~ater, Florida. SIGNED: CLEARWA'l'ER DOWNTOWN DEVEIDPMEN'l' BOARD November 30. 1971 Chairman . Saal ~',-' . .". ':'{",:1/~: .. ",' ','::" ..'\, . .- . .o~" .,~.' ~,::' '; ....''; '::~. :, ' , :(;..~. 'I '. .,~, ,; . RESOW'l'ION WHEREAS: It is the Downtown vnlues, to create stated purpose of tho Clearwater Development Boord to preserve property prevent deteriorntion, to correct blight, the highest use of properties, and by a system of self-help to guide and accomplish the coordinated, balanced and harmonious develop- ment of the area in accordance with existing and future needs; and WHEREAS: The construction to provide in or important of high-rise housing for residents near the downtown objective of the apartment buildings of Clearwater, area of the City, is an Board, and WHEREAS: The proposed within the tiguous wi th much needed area: building by Mr. prescribed area of the residential Kirby, although not the Board, is con- downtown orea, will provide the facility in the downtown . NOl'l THEREFORE: Be it Development Board new Kirby project and urges to permit the immediate much needed facility. known, that does the Clearwater Downtown publically support the the City Commission construction of this SIGNED: CLEARWATER DOWN'l'O~1N DEVELOPMENT BOARD Chairman November 30, 1971 Seal . " ;:~:'il" H:'i:' ':,:;~~.',r " . ..{) ';;,.".;. ,. ~.. ~" (.~i ~. ,:L 'I' "7il!.. '" ";1, f. r.