08/31/1971 :1,,;,. ,. " ~. , ',_.,- ~.... . I ."'.J . ',:~:'l. ~.i--:.:. , '. \.. '. ~ ~!. ~ I' ,\ "-,, ~ ~ ",. ...,:......',...:.: t "',." " ~', ",'.,.,../" TO: Mr. JOSO}m F. Cornelius, Chairman of the Board .. FROl-r : Paul L. Suter, Auditor RE: Downtown Association of Cleal~iater, Inc. DOWNTOvlN ASSOCIATION OF CLEARWATER, INC. lncome ~tatement August 1, 1970 - Jul:y 31, 1971 RECEIPTS ~ . Memberships Donations Other 16,748.10 ~.OO .1.178.51 * 17,926.61 C> DISBURSE~IENTS . A. Capital Outlay Office redecorating, etc. 192.90 B. Salaries 1. Regular 2. Taxes 7,455.20 1.895.21 9,350.41 c. Operations 1. Rent 2. Telephone & Telegraph .3. PO\ofer & Water 4. Postage 5. Supplies & Printing 6. Miscellaneous 7. Insurance 631.50 447 .17 315.77 293.25 708.53 6ei/ .88 ** 100.00 3,184.10 D. Advertisine & Promotions 1. Bill Reed & Associates 2. Guest Luncheons .3. Other 7,704.12- 1,000.49 100.00 8.004.61 21.532.02 Net Income from Operations Interest from Savings Accounts (3,605.U) 173.41 Net Income (3,432.00) * Receipts - Other $319.62: Deposited in error been to ~~. M. E. Palmer's personal (2/24/71) ; account. should have -. H Operatio.ls - Misc .$319.62: Error corldcted (3/2/71) .' . <rj .: ~ . :, : .~ P', " "', ,,1;' ..' . "'..}". ,;.' ~, J,' "-. l' "4-{ "1':"',' . , .~~l' .., '", ";~p' .:'.F;. '.".." ;', ,". ,-',~.. t" I'.' \ ~ ..,..~., Page 2 STATEr.tENT OF RETAINED INCO!-m: August l~ 1970 July .31~ 1971 . Retained Income July 31, 1970: Demand Deposit Account Savings Account 1~371.76 2,237.32 3~609.09 Net Income (8/1/70 - 7/31/71) (3.432.00) Retained Income July 31, 1971 177.09 ,j RECONClLEHEf-,,'T OF DE~1ArJD DEPOSIT ACCOUNT DDA Bank Balance.- July 31, 1971 500.24 Plus-: Dep. 7/31/71 - not on Bank's Books 23 .00 523.24 Less: Outstanding Checks #784 11196 #797 11198 #799 27.23 39.96 12.96 250.00 16.00 3~6 .i~ . Association Book Balance as of July 31, 1971 177.09 RECONCILEMENT OF SA. VINGS ACCOUNT Closed June 11~ 1971 Savings Account Balance - June 11, 1971 9.00 Ealance as of August 1, 1970 2,237.33 Deposits~ 9/10/70 4,000 .00 10/26/70 1,000 .00 Interest: 9/30/70 39.40 ~30/70 76.8'1 .3 31/71 45.43 6/ll/71 11.71 5,000 .00 1 73. ~ 7,410.74 . . Less: Withdrawals (Deposited 12/14/70 1/15/71 2/16/71 3/16/71 4/14/71 .1/14171 6/J~/71 to DDA) 1,276.73 1,576.87 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 557.14 '1,410.74 fl.OD . Association ~ook ~a1ance as of June 11, 1971 st.oo . ~ ' ! .; I' '.1 . '~.. ,;,;:'qi";',. ':' '" . ,..,.< ".... ~.. 'J" .\ '''~ . Page J a ~ The toregoulg statement of the financial condition of tho Association has been rendered gratuitously by Bame of Clearwater. statement is rendered subject to the following condition: Downtown The (1) No auul~ p~oc~dUl'e~ have been employed by Association specifically directed that none be used, so Cleanmter assumes no responsibility l'ihatever as' to the statement; the Dank .......:l C;U.l\.&. ,,"l.... "'''l'-'" the Bank of accUl'ac'y of the (2) The financial statement is rendered solely for the convenience and use of the :nsrnbers of the Do~':nto\':n Associ~tion and no further use of the statement is a,.thorized or permissible; (3) Any person acting in reliance on this statement does so solely at their own risk with the knowledge that the statement is made gl'a.tuitously and intended 501e~ for the use and convenience for the Do~town Association. . . 0.1, ...,'!....: '. ~!.'$':?'::~;~f:';;')," ':~"":"~' \ ',' ~:'. ...~...':~frl.:. > '.,l:'(,' ,:!~~Af.':~.:}.!:i,'n'!~~".-1""/~~:r'l'~::. ..r....:'>;-:',.;';.,'..'., v/;"'.>"-":'~ I"".;,;.,,.. . .: . ','.. . f." " \ , \ \, , . CLElIRWA'l'BR DOWN'l'OWN DEVELOPMENT BOARD . IlEE'l'ING August 31, 1971 Present: Bruce Taylor. Chairman Joaa F. Cornelius Darwin Frank Lewi s Homer H. Everett HQugen M. E. Palmer~ Exec. Dir. 11. R. stierheim Joe R. Wolfe . The Chairman opened the meeting with a welcome to members of the Board of the Downtown Association of Clearwater. Inc. present, and took occasion to present to them a certificate of appreciation for the service extended to the Association by each. Such certificates were given to the following: Gene Ridenour G. E. McCullough Hrs. Rose Phifer Joe R. Wolfe I.ewis Homer Jos. P. Cornelius Bruce Taylor Certificates are also to be delivered to the following members of the Association Board, Sam Coley Charles Galloway Wbl. Short, Jr. Jos. W. Daily Glenn Beneke Howard Lawrence . The Chairman asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the meeting of July 20, 1971. Mr. Wolfe asked that the minutes be changed by deleting the statements \'/hich referred to "in lieu of tax assessment-I fOUBd on the bottom of page One and on page Two, a portion of the last line in paragraph Four. The Exec. Director was instructed to make these changes follo\'/inq which the minutes were approved as read. Tbe Chairman asked for a report from Hz. Wolfe as to our position following the recent court action against Mr. Haines. Mr. Wolfe responded by stating that the judge denied our motion for mandamus action against the County ~ax Collector on the grounds of serious inconvenience and also because ~e've~e not a legally established organization on the date of Jan. 1, 1971. Mr. Wolfe reviewed Che steps taken by himself following the hear- ing and stated that be has consulted with the judge and the county attorney with the result that another hearing is set for September 7th at 1:30 P.M. Hopefully, he stated, the judge could rule in favor of placing the 1971 millage of 7/12 mill on the roll as of ~ I . . . \ ," ',' I" ,".:, .:: ,. .;" "j;:' ," ,_,I' ','::1 '''" \','. , .,.: . \. " .., . . .,. " " "'j'" , ,".'.. . 'i"'" ,.;, .>.\. .....d'.'. .' ,.:., ".., '. "t.. '" ;," " .: ;'., ' ,',I.':,' :',' '. , . , . ~ ; -':,'1' : ',: " " _.t ., . , .. .... !ma& ....~ .~....~W"";~..~,.JN.W.. Jan 1, 1972. This would have the effect, he explainod, of guaranteeing this millage in the year 1972. Further, that the succeeding Board could levy an additional millage in the year 1972. depending upon the needs of the Board for the year. Discussion followed which revealed that at no time may millage in excess of one mill be levied by the Board under the Act as of any one year. Further, it was brought out that the judge stated in his statement following the hearing that ~e are a legally estab- lished arm of the State and do have the po~er to levy up to one mill tax on freeholders within the boundaries of the Act, and that the earliest date that we may levy the tax is for the year 1972. A motion was made to accept the recommendation of counsel and proceed with the second hearing. Tho motion was seconded and passed. The Chairman asked Mr. Cornelius1 Chairman of the Finance Committee to give us a financial report. ~ copy of his statement is attached. Mr. Cornelius stated that the support as shown by receipts in August represents a mandate from the old members of the Association to go ahead. He expressed that the enthusiastic support of these people, largely non-freeholders, is most encouraging. Mr. Homer reported on the meetings of the Land Use Development Committee and stated that outcome of these two meetings resulted in a recommendation to the Board which he will make today. He reviewed the discussion which took place in meeting and stated that the committee asks for support for three recommendations: 1) 2) Complete the downtown loop around the core area so as to improve access to and from the CBD. Implement cooperative development of the bayfront area for construction of highrise apartments, a yacht basin and marina, shops and entertainment facilities. Stimulate. encourage and implement residential high- rise structures with parks and open space created to provide a do~ntown residential population which will by .itself generate the needed stores and shops to serve the people living in the CBD. Mr. Bomer stressed the need for more people living in the area. He offered the example in Tampa where expensive riverfront improvements still did not help to build a greater do~ntown shopping area, because people do not live in downtown ~a~pa. 30 . Mr. Homer stated the problem being one 0% packaging the many parcels of land in the area, putting them all together and then, with the help of the architects, present concepts and la~'4d areas to prospective developers for their purcbase and use, conforming to the downtown comprehensive plan. Therefore he proposes to get the help of realtors to get the options on land parcels and put them together. The Kayor, speaking for the City, stated that the proposed plan fits into the objectives of the City ~dministxation. Mr. Stierheim, City Manager, reviewed negotiations to date rogarding the loop 2. ,;' ~. ~ ...;.,',' '::"f' .'~,'. " ' :. I ,.. . 1: , ~ ., .; ,',' L', ' " " .. .' .~ . extension with the hope for an early completion date for the project. A motion was made, seconded and passed unanimously to adopt the plan offered by Mr. Homer. The Chairman asked Mayor Hougen to give a report of the Publicity and Public Relations Committee. Mr. Hougen stated that a meeting was held on August 19th, at ~hich time consideration was given to printing of letterheads, envelopes, etc., regarding further public- ity pertaining to Judge Driver's decision that no further publicity be given at this time, that IITopics" should be continued, with at least six issues per year with on~ issue in september 1971, and one about mid-December.- . Mr. Hogen stated that the committee felt that uTopics" should con- tain a list of subscriberb on a voluntary basis and that a list of such names should be given to the press. Mr. Hougen asked for a Board e~pression as to the amount of money his committee may have for these purposes. Mr. Cornelius stated that he feels that the Board should authorize the two issues for this year. The Mayor added that Mr. Reed stated that he will continue to work with ua at a much reduced fee until such time as we are funded ~y tax monies. A thought was expressed that we might use a mailing of uTopics" to serve in lieu of the present separate mailing to announce the meeting of this Board to freeholders. This would be an economy if the timing worked out well. Mr. Cornelius suggested that based on two issues, that we are now funded sufficiently to pay for them. However, the Mayor requested that the finance committee report at the next meeting of the Board a budget for continuing publishing of "Topics.1I As to listing names of contributers, it was decided not to list names of non-contributors. . The Chairman read a letter from Mr. J. L. Larkin, General Services Dept. ~the State who expressed willingness to discuss the needs of the State for office buildings in North Pinellas County. This is another project ~hich we will follow up. Mrs. Phifer raised a question as to when will we, as a Board, know about changes in status of the freeholders. It was pointed out that there is a system which ties the Office of Voter Registration into the Tax Assessors Office so that these matters are made cur- rent annually. ~ will appreciate any direct information from the freeholdera as to their status currently. The Chairman showed concept sketches of the area made by a man in his office, which is typical of .any land usage concepts, but further is important in order to generate more and batter ideas. The Chairman announced the date for the next meeting as being September 28th. M. E. Palmer, Executive Diroctor '~~. \!.!;~,:'~;,.t;'.~.~<j ~..f~!'}I~:;~'~' ~ ~~~ ~ ~.:'~:i~'.~~~~:~~,:~ :~~',~'-:~ '.~~"... - .-: - "-::'-' <.:.:i1fj3:$imrfi~~~~"'t;'~f):;fs;:.::,.f..):.;..~1J.;1:~~:,.i.,~;tr~...,:".fl}"!..\l~,'t", ,:, :-,' ':;". ',~-~.;;~::::::",~.V:\;t~/' '1 ';'/;f -..;.' C:~:':~",: ,<;' .. -;: . . ~,l " -," . ": ' . " ~. :,' '.. 'i ., .. -...-...- I .- ': 1 .'~~) a... H , ! . V tr. . "'-1 I \ \ 'I' \. j I' ,." , . .