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Julv 20, 1971
Bruce Taylor, Chairman
Jos. F. Cornelius
Dar'Nin Frank
Lewis Homer
M. E. Palmer, Exec. Dir.
The Chairman opened the meeting with a request for consideration
of the minutes of the meeting of June 29, 1971. Mr. Cornelius asked
that a copy of the budget approved at the last meeting be attached
to and mailed to each board member. With this addition, the minutes
were approved as written. Budget copy is attached to these ~inutes.
Joe R. ~'lo1fe
Merrett R. Stierheim
The Chairman asked Mr. Wolfe to read the letter received from Mr.
~lac Haines, dated July 14, 1971, a copy of which was mailed to each
board member last week. l~r.Wolfe continued with a statement which
~as that Nr. Haines is in error, in his opinion. Further, referring
to the reasons as stated in the letter sent to Mr. Haines and signed
by our Chairman and Vice Chairman and dated June 30, 1971, he recom-
mends that an action of mandamus be filed at once, which would in
effect require that Mr. Haines state his reasons for denial of our
request for millage this year to the court. He added that action
should be rather rapid since the public wishes are evident. A
thorough discussion followed which included consideration of legal
costs to the Board.
Mr. Wolfe stated that his firm will handle the mandamus action for
the Board at a cost of $40.00 per hour plus outside costs. Thus an
estimate was offered of a total cost of about $1,000.00, with a
$50.00 fee required to file the case now. Mr. Wolfe added that his
firm will defer payment until after the Board is on the ta~ rolls
and tax funds are available.
Mr. Frank offered a motion to enter a suit of mandamus against the
County Tax A3sessor at onccl and Mr. Homer seconded the motion.
After discussion on the motion, the motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Cornelius, as Chairman of the Budget and Binance Committee,
stated that present financing is urgently required. In view of the
uncertainty of the ta~ issue this year, a general feeling is that
the Board should ask for private funds from Association members,
aD it did in the past. He suggested that two appeals for funds
should be made - one to the old responsive members of the Associa-
tion, and second, to the freeholders who have never in the past
contributed to the ADsociation activities. P~..A8., \ka\ 'Ri appaal
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Discussion which followed included the budget required for operations,
and the need to raise funds for Board activities in all fields as
Mr. Palmer suggested that in addition to the drive for funds which
Mr. Cornelius has offered, there may be other sources of governmental
assistance funds available. He added that he had already approached
the state Department of Community Affairs, Division of Technical
Assistance in Tallahassee, after he had learned of their interest in
Clearwater's Downtown Development Board Act. Fu~ther, that he has
a meeting with the Tampa Bay Regional Planning council members for
the purpose of investigating the various Federal and state assist-
ance programs. The Board decision was that after the planned meot-
ing tomorrow, that a further decision will be made in regard to
further activity in this direction.
Mr. Homer suggested that a Fifty Dollar Dinner, with a well known
speaker, might be another source of funds to look into.
Mr. Cornelius offered a motion to immediately by letter and by
personal calls, contact all past Association members for their con-
tributions, and by a letter to all other freeholders who in the
past did not contribute to the Association, asking the past members
to contr~bute ~s tJ:1ey did in pa~t years, t;lAii i!& ~~~ iiAa i;E'gaRQ' 92r~
~. .8n~~~~.'e ~n 1~8~ Ii 7:l~ M~ll i.. ~- ya.. .w~l.
Mr. Cornelius suggested all collected funds on a voluntary basis
be considered as an amount which will make tho need for borrowing
that much less, and should not be returned in event we are on the
tax rolls for this year.
Mr. Cornelius also stated that he will call a meeting soon of men
who he believes will help us in this fund drive so that all time,
available will not be required just for the purpose of collecting
The Chairman asked for questions on the motion, and then asked for
the vote. The motion was passed unanimously.
The Chairman stated that returns on the balloting by the freeholder-
ers on the by-laws show only two "no" votes, with all others "yea."
Thus the bylaws are operative as written.
Mr. Homer reviewed the activities of his committee on land develop-
ment. He explained that Mr. Wolle had reviewed the proposed busi-
ness area zoning ordinance, and received complete agreement with
the new ordinance with two major points noted:
First, that the downtown area considered be extended
out to Greenwood Avenue.
Second, that the increase in density in the CBD area
from 34 to 64 units per acre will encourage the build-
ing of apartm~nt structures which are sorely needed
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Mr. Homer asked tho Board to consider and support the position
taken by his committee, believing that the City has taken into
account the needs for changing the CBO Ordinance ~hich they have
now proposed so wall. He suggestad support by all CBO businessmen
in this new Ordinance.
Following discussion on Mr. Hom~r's suggcstion, Mr. Horner offered
a motion that the Board support the feelings of the sub-committee
and urge the City to extend the CBD area to Grcenwood Avenue. The
motion was passed unanimously.
Mr. Frank explained tho promotion to be held in ~ugust was going
ahea~ as planned. Funds are now being raised to support this
Tho Chairman asked for an expression of the Board about the matter
of action in regard to retaining the services of Mr. Wolfe in the
mandamus action taken today. Mr. Cornelius offered a motion to
engage Mr. Wolfe in this action, which wos seconded and passed
The Chairman declared the meeting adjourn~d at 3:00 P.M.
M. E. Palmer,
Executive Director
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