07/10/1985 'r ' ~ ~ ~. ' "--r .... ., ,; ,: I M-...w--t ~-.t~~.I'~""'~"'it~,. MUNICIPAL CODE ENFORCEll8MT BOARD o Meeting of July 10, 1985, 2:00 p.m. Agenda ACT:J:ON 1. Publio I!cmrings 1. Public Bearings (At the time a case is heard and date set for compliance the Board shall at the same time set the fee to be assessed in case of non-compliance.) a. 141-85 John Turner (Fire Code) Publix Profit Sharing (Cont. from 6-26-85) b. 142-85 Greenwood Apartments (Public Property Code) Coap1ied c. 143-85 Livingston Sheppard (Marine Code) a. Comply by 8-10-85 b. Withdrawn ,~ \2JJ d. 144-85 William D. Turner (Building Code) eo.pliecl e. 145-85 John S. Horton (Building Code) Caapliec1 f. 146-85 U. S. Coast Guard (Utilities Code) g. 148-85 Norman Bie (Building Code) Emergency c. Repair most needed areas within 30 days; completion in 90 days. d. Withdrawn e. Withdrawn f. Withdrawn g. Comply by 5:00 p.m. on July 11, 1985. 2. Unfinished Business 2. Unf'inished Business a. '14-85 Harold Robinson (Building Code) Affidavit of Co~pliance a. Accepted, waived fine. 3. Other Board Aotion 3. Other Board Action a. Lien Status Report a. Reviewed II. Rev BlIsiness 4. Hew Business New State legislation discussed. 5. Minutes or June 26, 1985 aeeting 5. Minutes Approved 6. AdjOW'DHDt 6. Adjourned at 3:55 p.m. 00, I' ,~ , I' ~l':, ,:(, I L I 1'-- I I I ~~1!.~~~"t.:;S"~\f:;;.;~,:;.~.~t1:..;t~~'<kN"';;>"';:""--'~ L ,;.,:,,'U~iiij;'I":~ii~'!<~~'i~;:#~\i~,"i''''~~~;c;.';W:'.'' :;.:, I :" :,:;----.,- ,_J'- ......~.....~_..., ',-"l"~.~-: . _, ';'4 ... . ,~.:.'~.'7:~>--::~ .~;:;~.~-:-:'~~~'~"~:2~~~:' ~. 4 :'_',:,~.. '~r~i.~~~::::: ,~~'::;r'~~.t'"~}!i.'" ,'i;'1);'!~=C"~~~i~~!;77!;.~' " ~ r. .---:a--~~<"--.""~7~ .'.~ '.l .J~'" ~ " ..,:........ ;:,"'''' ~:,"".,J.:,,~. ~.L;.' j':::'{":j~4'1" '~~:r.,.r I '.' ," 'I~"'~ ~\\: ^,~.:--:-:.~ . ,:'"',']J~1li:/:~. ';;~~~:~~'r ',~' ....,..,.",y, .r. Jl. I , . ~ ~~ ~~:/ .~,.:......~ ,"~. ~ '. ," '[7""::' . ..'. . , . '-.j , , ' , .' , , " ;,', I, .,r. ~/ r- 'q' "" " I # '..' _..... .. ~1IIIIlotIIMlR'J."'- MUNICIPAL CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD o Meeting of July 10, 1985, 2:00 p.m. Agenda ACTION 1. Public Bearings 1. Public Bearings (At for compliance the Board shall at the time set the fee non-compliance. ) the time a case is heard and date set same to be assessed in case of a. 141-85 John Turner (Fire Code) Publix Profit Sharing (Cont. from 6-26-85) b. 142-85 Greenwood Apartments (Public Property Code) Complied c. 143-85 Livingston Sheppard (Marine Code) a. Comply by 8-10-85 b. Withdrawn ~I"." . , ' ':.,;! d. 144-85 William D. Turner (Building Code) CoIIplied e. 145-85 John S. Horton (Building Code) CaIIplled f. 146-85 U. S. Coast Guard (Utilities Code) g. 148-85 Norman Bie (Building Code) Emergency c. Repair most needed areas within 30 days; completion in 90 days. d. Withdrawn e. Withdrawn f. Withdrawn g. Comply by 5:00 p.m. on July 11, 1985. 2. Untini.abed Business 2. Unfinished Businesa a. 114-85 Harold Robinson (Building Code) Affidavit of Co~pliance a. Accepted, waived fine. 3. Other Board Action 3. Otber Board Action a. Lien Status Report a. Reviewed II. Rev Business II. Nev Business New State legislation discussed. 5. Minutes or June 26, 1985 saeeting 5. Minutes Approved 6. Adjouraaent 6. Adjourned at 3:55 p.m. @"" "P;"tt. 1 " ::~ I, :,,"l' " "[T , , . , '," . ','. ", I .:: F ~ ,t _..'~.,! ~ ~~-h'._...-..t/l4""l ~~------,. MU~ICIPAL CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD o July 10, 1985 Members present: John Ehrig, Chairman Robert Aude, Vice-Chairman Robert Hostetler Tim Amburgy Adam Midura Frank Morris Absent: James Angelis (Unexcused) Also present: Alan Zimmet, Assistant City Attorney Cyndie Goudeau, Secretary for the Board (7\ \0 The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 2: 14 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room in City Hall. He outlined the procedures and advised any aggrieved party may appeal a final administrative order of the Municipal Code Enforcement Board to the Circuit Court of Pinellas County. Any such appeal must be filed within thirty (30) days of the execution of the order to be appealed. He noted that Florida Statute 286.0105 requires any party appealing a decision of this Board to have a verbatim record of the proceedings to support such an appeal. ('UBLlC BURDlGS CIS! 110. 1111-85 John Turner, Agent for Publix Profit Sharing Corp. (Fire Code) (Cont. from 6-26-85) The attorney for Publ1x Proft t Sharing Corp, Howard P . Rives, III, stated that they had reached an agreement with the City Fire Marshal's Of rice regarding the designation of fire lanes. Two 70-foot lengths of parking space will be eliminated, the location as agreed upon between the Fire Marshal's Office and Publix, and posted every 30 feet with signs that read "No Parking - Fire Lane - By City Ordinance." Mr. Hostetler moved that regarding Case 110. 141-85 re: violation of A..I.A. Section 28.16 of the Clearwater City Code on property with a legal description as follows: Metes and Bounds 41-02, Section 6-29-16, the Municipal Code Enforcement Board has heard testimony at the Municipal Code Enforcement Board hearing held the 10th day of July, 1985, and based on the evidence, the Municipal Code Enforcement Board enters the following Findi.np or f'act, Conclusions or la1l. and Order. C> The FJ.ndinga or Fact are: Testimony given at hearing and at today's hearing show that there is along the front of the shopping center that does not and emergency vehicles. the June 26th public parking continuously allow access ror fire 1. July 10, 1985 I I , ' ;r+'.'t~.~';l;19':tet\tnr.JlU\<l"''''':*l.~1't1\'Y\l._",___--"~,,..(.(~.~t'fZ'''..t':*......t'':t'....~~t'.o......,,_____.....______..,...........~,......___.__....___....__.___~.._... -_~_""_"" .._~~~.-..,-~, " , '. '; - , " The Conclusions of Law are: of A.I.A. Sec. 28.16. The shopping center is in violation o It is the Order of this Board that Publix Profit Sharing Corp. shall comply with A.I.A. Section 28.16 of the Code of the City of Clearwater by August 10, 1985. If Publix: Profit Sharing Corp. does not comply wi thin the time specified, they shall pay a f'ine of' $25.00 per day for each day the violation continues to exist. If Publix Profit Sharing Corp. does not comply within the time specified, a certified copy of this Order, together with an Affidavit of' Non-Compliance, shall be recorded in the public records of the Of'fice of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Pinellas County, and once recorded shall constitute a lien against real or personal property owned by Publix Profit Sharing Corp. pursuant to Chapter 82-37 Laws of Florida, 1982. Upon complying, Publix Profit Sharing Corp. shall notify ~etr Daniels, the City Official who shall inspect the property and notify the Board of compliance. Should a dispute arise concerning compliance, either party may request a further hearing before the Board. The IIOtion was duly seconded and carried by a vote of 5 to zero. Mr. Aude abstained f'rom voting because he was not present for the vote at the last meeting. I I I ; i , I Done and Ordered this 10th day of July, 1985. CASE NO. 1112-85 Greenwood Apartments (Public Property Code) o The Assistant City Attorney requested the case be withdrawn violation has been corrected. Mr. Aude moved to withdraw Case No. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. as the 142-85. CASE NO. 143-85 Island Yacht Club Condominium (Livingston Sheppard) (Marine Code) Tom Chaplinsky, Minimum Housing Inspector, stated the original notice of violation was sent in November of 1983. Docks are required to be inspected by an engineering firm every three years. The engineering firm's report in December of 1983 made certain recommendations. By January of 1985, approximately half the violations had been corrected and a new notice was sent out. At this time, all the pilings have been replaced with the exception of' two. However, the straps from the pilings to the beams have not been replaced and hurricane clips need to be installed. Mr. Chaplinsky submitted City Exhibits No. lA-E--photographs of the property. Dan McAully, accountant for the condo association, stated they have replaced 63 pilings and have a contract to replace the straps. Mr. McAully stated they would need approximately 90 days to complete the additional work. Mr. Chaplinsky emphasized the seriousness and danger of' the situation. The structure is not secure; and, in the event of a hurricane, ser:l.ous damage would result. I~ V Mr. Amburgy moved that regarding Case No. 142-85 1"e: Violation of Section 1111.08(a) of the Clearwater City Code on property with a legal description as follows: Metes and Bounds 39-74, Sec. 8-29-15, the Municipal Code Enforcement Board has heard testimony at the Municipal Code Enforcement Board hearing held the 10th day of July, 19B5, and based on the evidence, the Municipal Code Enforcement Board enters the following Findings or Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Order. 2. July 10, 1985 ,~ '. " .' "':p'" , . . '. . .. , . , " . . .., " : F .l.,' ~ 'p.W""!~':>':'!tJc.~X~II'___~_____.~ _ _~___. __'__. . __...__..___..............~_~.-._,...,.,.__~..__ ._____.. ____._ I " (:) I . '.! . 1 I I :1 :~ 'd o The Findings or Fact are: Testimony of Tom Chaplinsky and Dan McAuley and Clty Exhibit lA-E (pictures of the dock) indicate there are pilings, straps and other items in need of repair. I The Conolusions ot Law are: Island Y::lcht Association, Livingston Sheppard, President, is in 141.08(a) of the Clearwater City Code. Club Codominium violation of Sec. It is the Order of this Board that Island Yacht Club Condominium Association shall comply with Section 141.08(a) of the Code of the City of Clearwater by repairing the areas of greatest concern to the Building Department within 30 days and completing additional repairs within 90 days. If Island Yacht Club Condominium Association does not comply within the time specified, they shall pay a fine of $25.00 per day for each day for each incident of non-compliance for each day the non-compliance continues to exist. If Island Yacht Club Condominium Association does not comply within the time specified, a certified copy of this Order, together with an Affidavit of Non-Compliance, shall be recorded in the public records of the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Pinellas County, and once recorded shall constitute a lien against real or personal property owned by Island Yacht Club Condominium Association pursuant to Chapter 82-37 Laws of Florida, 1982. Upon complying, Island Yacht Club Condominium shall notify TOIl CbapU.DSky, the City Official who shall inspect the property and notify the Board of compliance. Should a dispute arise concerning compliance, either party may request a further hearing before the Board. The IDOtion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. DaDe and Ordered this 10th day of July, 1985. CASE NO. 1'111-85 CASE NO. 1'15-85 CASE HO. 1'16-85 William D. Turner (Building Code) John S. Horton (Building Code) U. S. Coast Guard (Utilities Code) The Assistant City Attorney requested the cases be withdrawn as the violations have been corrected. Mr. Hostetler moved to withdraw Case Boa. 1"-85, 11&5-85. 8IlCl 1116-85. The .otlon was duly seconded and carried unanimously. CASK HO. 1 JaB-85 Norman Bie (Building Code) Dave Christiansen, Chief of Inspections for the BUilding Department, stated he inspected the subject property at 1: 30 the afternoon of the hearing and found the structure unsecured and full of debris and human excrement. The front door is unlocked and there are numerous broken and missing windows. Mr. Christiansen submitted City Exhibits No. lA-H-- photographs of the property. Mr. Christiansen stated that the structure is not only a health hazard because of the human excrement but also a fire hazard because of the combustible debris. The resident of the property, an 88-year old woman, was relocated to Barbee Towers on July 3rd. Mr. Christiansen submitted Exhibit No. 2--a letter written by Norman Bie to the Ci ty Commission regarding the property. Torn Chaplinsky, Minimum Housing Inspector, stated that on Tuesday afternoon, July 9th, Mr. Bie 3. July 10, 1985 ..r- ./ .. r-- I" " '._,~------~ !~~~~t'tf'#'~\1'P..:#.:'~"~~''-''___ ._______...-'<1" __.'.........._..______ -'^~-~".-.-..~- ~,... --------- I ,~ '!J t I j 1 I called the BUilding Department requesting an extension until Friday, July 12th to secure the property Mr. Chaplinsky stated he was at the residence the day of the hearing and the conditions are the same. He stated the extent of the violations was not known earlier as they were not allowed to enter the premises until it was vacated. Lori Goldston, Redevelopment Inspector, stated that she had hand- delivered a letter to Mr. Bie's office on July 8, 1985, and another copy of the letter to Mrs. Bie at the Bie residence. Ms. Goldston submitted City Exhibit No. 3--a letter sent to Norman and Katharine Bie regarding the property. Norman and Katharine Bie were not present at the hearing. Mr. Amburgy moved that regarding Case No. 148-85 re: Violation of Section 133.01. 133.02, and 103.4 of the Clear\o>later City Code on property with a legal description as follows: Lot 3 and west 15 feet of Lot 2, Block E, Greenwood Park No.2, A/K/A 1163 Engman Street, Clearwater, FL, the Municipal Code Enforcement Board has heard testimony at the Municipal Code Enforcement Board hearing held the 10th day of July, 1985, and based on the evidence, the Municipal Code gnforcement Board enters the following Findings or Fact, Conclusions or Law, and Order. The Findings or Fact are: Based on testimony of Dave Christiansen, Tom Chaplinsky, and Lori A. Goldston and the review of evidence submitted, Exhibits lA-H, 2, and 3, it was found that the dwellng is unsecured and poses a serious health hazard due to the accumulation of human waste matter located in the bathtub. ,:) The Conclusions or Law are: Norman and/or Katharine Bie are/is in violation of Sections 133.01, 133.02, and 103.4 of the Clear\o>later City Code. It is the Order of this Board that Norman and/or Katharine Bie shall comply with Sections 133.01, 133.02, and 103.4 of the Code of the City of Clearwater by 5:00 p.a. on July 11, 1985. by removing excrement in bathtub, removing any combustible debris, and notifying t.he City of the removal of the materials specified. Upon approval of the Building Department, the building must be secured. If Norman and/or Katharine Bie do/does not comply within the time specified, he and/or she shall pay a fine of $250.00 per day for each day the violation continues to exist. If Norman and Katharine Bie do/does not comply within the time specified, a certified copy of this Order, together with an Affidavit of Non- Conpliance, shall be recorded in the public records of the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Pinellas County, and once recorded shall constitute a lien against real or personal property owned by ~orman and Katharine Bie pursuant to Chapter 82-37 Laws of Florida, 1982. Upon complying, Norman and/or Katharine Bie shall notify To. Cbapllnaky, the City Official who shall inspect the property and notify the Board of compliance. Should a dispute arise concerning compliance, either party may request a further hearing before the Board. The IDOtioD was dUly seconded and carried unanimously. Done and Ordered this 10th day of July, 1985. ~ V 4. July 10, 1985 ~ t.' - . . '. ',-, I ._._'-\ i r I.. ' .,.. , '. .' \', ,r- Ill' ~ .....~~~~., ~'---- , - .-..------- - ...~---_....- tJNFIlfISBED BOSIBSS CASK NO. 114-85 Harold Robinson C) Chaplinsky, Building waiver authorizing the City to would be placed aga1nst the property to that the fine which is pending against the that Mr. Robinson had bUilding and a lien costs. He asked waived. Tom signed a Inspector, stated demolish the recover those property be Mr. Hostetler moved The _tlOll was duly to accept the Affidavit and carried unanimously. to waive the seconded and carried of Compliance. fine pending in unanimously. The IIIOtlon was Case No. 11"-85. Mr. Aude moved duly seconded ot'BBR BOARD lCTlOtf a.) Lien Jeralne Burt failed was proceeding in of the Clearwater Court. Status Report to Cue 10. Seville The answer the 41-83. Ltd. case Assistant City Attorney City's complaint and the He stated the brief for has been filed with stated that foreclosure the appeal the Appellate nv .BIJSIIESS The regarding jurisdiction hearings for @ Assistant City Attorney Code Enf'orcement Boards. and no longer 1imi ts it re-occurring violations, decisions of the Code The Appeal will only look stated that foreclosures filed. reviewed the new State He stated it broadens to technical and states legislation the Board's codes t provides for that appeals from tl1e Enforcement Board will not be "no vote" hearings. at evidence submitted before the Board. He also rnay be initiated six months after the lien is The Chairman reported that he has a meeting scheduled with the City Manager to discuss legal counsel for the Board. lu.IIur~ for was The Chairman presented consideration. Mr. duly seconded and carr~ed meeting of June the minutes. the minutes of the Aude moved to approved unanimously. 26, 1985, The IIIOtlon The meeting adjourned at 3:55 p.m. (( L~~ z: ~ fl"D_ ~' - -- - @- \':<'; :, ~f 5. July 10, 1985 . - ~ ~" , ~