10/12/1983 'p ',.' i~.t~~~~~~"~i'L~ " , ~_ ~l III f l~.""'~' 'llJ l -- , ., ~...._---------~.... MUNICIPAL CODE ENFORCEMENT BOAND o October 12, 1983 Members present: John Ehrig, Chairman John F. Gerlach Robert Hostetler Robert Yankanich Absent: Don Winner, Vice-Chairman (excused) Paul Carnahan (excused) Sallie Parks (excused) Also present: Rick Greisinger, Assistant City Attorney Elizabeth Daniels, Attorney for the Board Cyndie Goudeau, Secretary for the Board The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 2:07 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room in City Hall. ~ \i.iiI PIBLIC IIRI.TIIGS NONE ....IJIlSBBD BUSx.s8 CISB 10. S'-82 Lilly Sheffield - Affidavit of Compliance William Turner, the contractor on the project, stated due to financial difficulties the work had gone past the compliance date. He requested that the Board consider forgiving the fine. Elton Reichardt, Housing Inspector, indicated that the Sheffields had cooperated in trying to bring the structure into compliance. Mr. Gerlach moved to accept the Affidavit of Compliance and because cooperation had been received in reaching such compliance, the accrued fine of $3,550.00 be forgiven. The ~tiOD was duly seconded and carried unanimously. 1. 10/12/83 .p; , , , , , ' , . ". . . 1 . "; ~ I. ',," : ',;~~,,",~(l!,"'~:1i.,.~~,..~~~['f;'JN""ai<6."";""''''''''''''''''' " "" h '. ' ',.Rl~n...~tt:..~\~'i~n!.r";:).4';il'..~_"rA",'::'l~4J.3~':;~U::"'ol~ii~~1il~:'\,,;,...$~f:-tt.ti....~.1..Jt.,t:;.!.n.YJ.Jtf~-t~..'P-:.:..1~:~."'''l;..''..~tr.'Y,.jl#<'r,..p,ff;:Hr,:ilr~'.'t'\.~~1'#~.t~""...z.DU'iif..'+tIM""~~~~__, ',- .. elSE 10. 35-83 Stephen G. Beneke - Affidavit of Compliance o A letter was submitted to the Board from Mr. Beneke indicating due to the tenant denying him entry to the apartment, he had not been able to reach compliance as of the date specified. The tenant did vacate the structure and the building was demolished. He requested forgiveness of the $880.00 fine. Mr. Gerlach moved to accept the Affidavit of Compliance and due to the circumstances which prevented the completion of repairs, the accrued fine of $880.00 be forgiven. The ~tiOD was duly seconded and carried unanimously. CASE 110. 36-83 Stephen G. Beneke - Affidavit of Compliance Mr. Gerlach moved to accept the Affidavit of Compliance. the ~t1OD was duly seconded and carried unanimously. CASE 110. 38-83 Chris Gallops - Affidavit of Compliance Mr. Gerlach moved to accept the Affidavit of Compliance. The ~tiOD was duly seconded and carried unanimously. O1'IIBB BQUU) ACTImJ BDIBV or tUiTBLY LID S'lAT1S REPOR1' o CASE 110. 15-81 David J. Gangelhoff Mr. Gangelhoff stated due to misunderstanding as to what would be approved in order to bring his structure into compliance, delays had been caused and he requested forgiveness of the $1660.00 lien placed against his property. Discussion ensued regarding the discrepancy regarding a fire lane, clearing of the alley, and where and how a firewall was to be constructed. Mr. Gerlach moved that due to the discrepancy regarding the fire lane violation that the $1,040.00 portion of the fine regarding that violation be forgiven. The fine of $620.00 which had accrued regarding the firewall and other miscellaneous violations be reduced to $300.00 plus costs allowing for other possible discrepancies in the Order as long as Mr. Gangelhoff pays the reduced fine within five days of this date. If the fine is not paid within five days, the amount will return to the full $1,660.00. The motion was duly seconded. Upon the vote being taken, Messrs. Gerlach, Hostetler and Yankanich voted "Aye." Mr. Ehrig voted "Nay." IbtiOll oarr1ecl. 2. 10/12/83 . ----+-- ~ I --'I I , I i , ~;;-:~.::71' .~ ....,.. ......-..... r 1 ,.; F "";' " ~' ',.. .... J' "", . " . I' ''''':i'~l'';l't.~~Jidi ";",~, ',...' ," ',' " " " ' " , ~1;.~1v~~~i1~~~~!f~&~r~~;~~~~~C~l!'!;!.!i~~L~Jtl'.fI.:~~a.'1!r:;-t.~t.~t:j.~~~'i$~~~:<<f,t.~~Jlllt;J.}~-t~}-~~",~.-:M~'i\"~J\:i-..~~~~tr..~~~~~~~~'t\'~~~ r'. CISB 110. 20-81 Mandalay Shores (;) Al Hoffman, partner in Mandalay Shores Associates, addressed the Board. He reviewed the process that had to be executed in order to remove the asbestos without displacing the tenants of the building. He stated they had started as quickly as possible and asked that the fine of $6,700.00 be waived. Mr. Gerlach moved that as the Building Department had indicated that Mandalay Shores Associates had moved as quickly as possible to remove the asbestos and the compliance has been reached that the fine of $6,700.00 be eliminated. The ~tloa was duly seconded and carried unanimously. '" ! CISB 110. 8-83 Off Shore Lounge o Frank Petty, part owner of the Oft Shore Lounge, stated that it was due to health problems and miscommunications that the sign was not down within the time specified. The secretary of the Board outlined the case to explain why the tine began April 20 when a re-hearing had been scheduled tor June 1. When no one represented the Off Shore Lounge at the June 1 meeting, the Board reinstituted its April 6th Order which stated a compliance date of April 20, 1983. The sign was down by June 5, 1983. Mr. Gerlach moved to amend the fine to $10.00 a day from June 1, 1983 to June 5, 1983 for a total of $50.00 and that this fine be paid within five days or the fine would return to its original full amount of $450.00. NOtioD was duly seconded and oarr1ed unanimously. IB1f BUSmms The Chairman requested the Secretary draft a letter for his signature requesting a courtesy copy of the Sign Code draft prior to its adoption. Mr. Yankanich was introduced as the new Board member. The attorney for the Board indicated she felt guidelines for hearings to reconsider fines should be established. The Assistant City Attorney indicated the foreclosure procedures for Case No. 11-81, Clearwater Seville Limited, are moving forward. 3. 10/12/83 "" ,. : .