11/04/1981 .\, , \ ~ I '" r. p , " ' , L: , ~' ~{~~~~~1:n~'&~1~~~~;~r.f~~f~?~t~,~~~<~~~?~~~~1'_;,~~(5~;~~;.t:~~~e~~?~l;.:~;::~?j:?~~~i:;:1;; ,,~~'r: :~~'~'~:;\~,;;~,;1,,;,}!:.:t,:,?!.;~(?:{y:~,;~~!(t;Jf~:~;~:i:\:"1;W:~J:';'::-~I?~;~~~\'ftt.;.t~1r.;it{fl;;':&~~1~~" ; , , I ,~ , ~I' " " ~. '-, ..-...),,-.. ~ ~ \"iJifI uncooperati ve, reporting he doesn't have time to take care of these items. Discussion ensued concernin hazard, and the Inspector reporte whether the refrigerator poses a the property is not fenced. Mr. Winner moved the F1ncI of' Faot are: Evidence presented by the City Inspector, both v rbally and through pictures taken 11/2/81, clearly demonstrates a etal shed in a state of disrepair; raw wood in need of paint; an cabinets, air conditioner, and a refrigerator littering the yar The Conolusions of' Law are: William P. Mahoney is guilty f violating Standard Housing Code Sec. 304.14, 30lf.15 and 306.4 ith respect to his property at 417 N. \oJashington. The Order is: William P. Mahoney shall comply with Sec. 306.lf within thi ty (30) days by removing the refrigerator. If he does not omply within the time specified he shall pay a fine of $50.00 p r day for each day the violation continues to exist. It is als the Order of this Board that Mr. Mahoney shall comply with Sec. 304.14 within sixty (60) days. If he does not comply within the t me specified he shall pay a fine of $10.00 per day for each day the violation continues to exist. It is further Ordered that Mr. Maho ey shall comply with Sec. 304.15 within sixty (60) days. If e does not comply wi thin the time specified he shall pay a fine of $10.00 per day for each day the violation continues to exist. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. o CASE RO. 11-81 Clearwa er Seville Ltd. (2640 Seville Blvd., learwater) Standard Building Code Tom Chaplinsky, Minimum Ho sing Inspector, reported the repairs were started within the 30 day specifi.ed, but he is not happy with the barriers erected if current slow progress continues. He checked wi th Florida Precast, an Orlan 0 firm supplying the figure 8' s, and was told the firm's production apability permits output of 20 pieces per day. If they were performin the repair work a two-man crew could complete the project in 120 day . William Albrecht reported epairs on the sixth floor are almost completed. He estimates it wou d take four to five weeks to complete a floor. He has had diffic lty trying to obtain contractors to perform the repairs, so he has trained two employees in the methods required. He requests one year from the date of the original order to complete. He stated the supp ier of the figure 8's had given him different information than that which was given the inspector. Discussion ensued concern ng the safety of the rails, and Mr. Albrecht stated they do not pos a hazard as the railings which remain to be repaired have been taped 0 prevent falling debris. r~"" " ". '. ~ " .\~~ . 2. 11/4/81 r ,p- , ' , ' ,J..,.> r- ~ "'.,'.~..~".:;,<~~~itP,ft.' , !\ro;~w~{.: f!f~'r::[~\~!!,,;;;~:.r:;H~" -." ~ . -,i .:.z~4~li~f:).~,t~!~h~ ~~:;.,j;,. j,u._,.,. '., .~. , _ ..,'. .,[ . ~ '~'h ';J~{:' .......~.t'~:,.;.' "~:""":"~'({Y.(f~ .;..''!..(!.~(~ ?:!5t.ir..,J"V&.~ll~:'. ~""'.i!!:..i;J"P.'''';;::oi.~,~R~'[o/'''/:'''"'>~'i'~,",t-=1'f;' fl:......J..ll,;4't.L.<:'.\'~...<!\"I':.....,...'f..li..f.......W;\~~.~VV:i'i'" tv~'Y':i~""".'Sl?-:~!~"':...rftit<',~."'t~t~~~:~<~r<:f'P: ~,'S,...,,.t i~:t.J~~~I'i..(t,~i1m, ...... :.:{~:6~;,z~,'.,.l;;"~.:'.li:. "'/ U <!r1,L';.i '~:'I~'~("'~.':~;;;'~\\!~~^;.."'\..~' :~J, 'H .....;":...... ; ':.' }"\:::>.:' > ,,\? I,'.~l;'~" <_" " {'.:. ~:;-: ,. ,\ H"::<' ~.'t..{ (~'.'~ Jt:. .~'-<.' ..,..V.,I .f:. I.:.!.;;.J" ....,..~,.'t~ t...c. ',.-.". >.-0..:0_'1- ..f"., ....,,), ~. ~\ ,t ....;.;..'" .,. ~.'''' ; / (;) Mr. Ehrig moved that in order to clarif'y the Order issued August 5, 1981, the owner shall have six (6) months from November 4 (May 4, 1982) to complete all the repairs in the above matter. If he does not comply, the fine as stipulated in the original Order shall commence in six (6) months and one (1) day. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. Mr. Ehrig left at 4:28 p.m. URF.IIIISBED BUSIBESS CJSI 10. 15-81 David Gangelhoff (c/o Gulf Marine of Clearwater, 405 N. Ft. Harrison, Clearwater) Fire Code One Affidavit of Compliance and two Affidavits were presented. Mr. Winner moved to accept the motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. of Non-Compliance Affidavits. The CJSB: 1fO. 9-81 Modern Manuf'acturing of America (9051-53 Starkey Road, Semonole) Sign Code C) An Affidavit of Compliance was submitted and Phil Bennis, Building Department, reported the owner made the changes necessary to comply with the order as Modern Manufacturing would not do it. A request for Waiver of the fine has been made. Mr. Custer moved to accept the Affidavit of Compliance and to aJIeDd the original Order to delete the fine set forth. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. elSE BO.. 1-81 Mrs. Hoke Russell (1871 McKinley Street, Clearwater) Standard BUilding Code Mrs. Russell stated it was not until Labor Day that she was able to complete demolition of the garage and secure the house. She requests a six-month time extension in order to rehabilitate the house. A. roofing company will be employed to repair the roof after which a dry wall contractor will repair the ceiling. Inspector Elton Reichardt reported that Mrs. Russell demolished the garage on her own and the house has been boarded up and secured. There is a financial hardship which was not brought out previously, and the Inspector has been seeking sources of financial aid. There has been no permit pulled by any rOOfing contractor. Considerable time was spent explaining the amount of the fine already accummulated and the extensive costs involved in bringing the house up to code. Mrs. Russell said she would be able to have repairs ~ '(;Y 3. 11/4/81 .t'O" r I' ' I " I " . . 0" 'rM~~f~tit.~i1:f~'l~ti~!fltt'p,.r;f~1.~'1lftlJ:+::~~!~'~~\\1~ft;~:~~"'(t"~~1't~...'l~~ ~"~'" ~~''', .... "~. " ,..~1~~~~1tlrrt0~}J'..;r~.:,~J2f'!~;r0:i::?:\:t~, ~'j i ,".; ~=:,.n .;.;o-.:~; :,i i~'r-"~' : :~ ,~;:r<~ J"':'.!'::~::';;':7 ~~~'l'';-J~lI::.~.;.~~.;, ,,-~, C"J'~ !I~, ~;:'\': ~?~;1:;1.' :'.~ll.r::.~~\;Il:~,~~,~""i~~~J: '!~.'..-~~..~~',t~:~::"''t~,:r.~7~\:;'~.~~':1%.~~1:.~l.tt;z:rr'r;:;~;t..'-::~,~~~~~~i.~. ." I ' -'" I i Q completed by April 4, 1982. Mr. Custer moved to grant a time extension to 4/4/82 for completion of renovation in lieu of the six- month time frame stipulated in the original Order. If an Affidavit of Compliance is filed by 4/4/82 the Board will consider what can be done about the fine already levied. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. CASE RO. 16-81 Hubert H. Hutner (1209 N. Ft. Harrison, Clearwater) Fire Code Mr. Custer moved to accept the Affidavit of Compliance submitted. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. P~ATIOII OF FILBD D'PID1VITS OF VIOLATION CASE RO. 20-81 U. S. Dept. of Housing & Urban Development (Mandalay Shores) Standard Building Code Roy Ayres, Building Director, reviewed the material submitted and stated the Notice of Violation was issued on the basis of a written request from the Pinellas County Health Department. Mr. Winner moved to set a hearing for December 2, 1981, at 2:00 p.m. The motion was duly seconded. Upon the vote being taken Messrs. Gerlach, Winner and Regulski voted "Aye;" Mr. Custer voted "Nay." CA3B 110. 21-81 Martin Lehew (210 Vine Avenue, Clearwater) Standard Building Code () The Affidavit of Violation was set a hearing for December 2, 1981. carried unanimously. reviewed and Mr. Gerlach moved to The motion was duly seconded and CJSB 110. 22-81 James R. Gray (495 N. GUlfview, Clearwater) Standard Building Code Mr. Custer moved to set a hearing December 16, 1981, at 2:00 p.m. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. kulU.l.ma:I - The Chairman presented the minutes of the meeting of October 7, 1981, for consideration. Mr. Custer moved the minutes be approved as submitted. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 5:55 p.m. ~ V ~~L~J~~v-, C~ty Clerk 4. 11/4 81 '. ---~_.' It"