08/03/1987 r 1:..-~l'1"f1(n.r;:'f:..t.~:-~~~~tHntfJ1 .""~_. () TRUSTEES OF THE EMPLOYEES' PENSION FUND MEETING August 3, 1987 The City Commission, meeting as the Board of Trustees of the Employees met in regular session at the City Hall, Monday, August 3, 1987, with the following members present: Pension Fund, at 9:01 a.m., Rita Garvey James Berfield Mayor/Commissioner Vice Mayor/Commissioner (Arrived at 9:22 a.m.) Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Lee Regulski Don \Unner William Nunamaker Also Present were: Anthony L. Shoemaker Alan Zirmnet Cynthia Goudeau City Manager Assistant City Attorney City Clerk ITEM /12 the July 13, unanimously. Minutes 1987, Commissioner Regulski moved to approve the minutes of meeting. MOt1onwas dUly seconded and carr1ed C) ITEM /13 Recommendation of the Pension Advisory Committee. a. Reques~ t'or Acceptance ln~o Meaabershi.p The City Manager presented the recommendation of the Advisory Committee to approve memberShip for 1 (one) employee listed below: Raae Class11'1cation Department Dennis Golden, Jr. Maintenance Worker I Parks & Rec Commissioner Regulski moved to accept the recommendation of the Advisory Committee. MOt1oD was duly seconded and carried unanimously. ITEM /14 A. Review of Annual Equity Performance & Recomcendation for Near TeMn Investment Allocation Policy. ~ V Book 2 101. 8/3/87 .~. ~ J t ..."."t -r J r-. ~ . (. I .' __u...........~<:tt!Ji'X{.:J:..""~'i(~;''!:t1J>,;,,~'.<f.~\)';.ur..~~,.~~.'\.A:'.~,;.,JIt~~,f''<''IJJ.'!-~''-lo''IC.'''''ma;N~~l'T"1."'fl.':lP.,:.~t,"'r...','6:,:.~ ('[:tI...,.,l"~l~'''''''''''''''-'''a-~___._ '1 o Staff has met with our equity Investment Advisor, John Willoughby, and both equity managers to discuss perronnance results in the current economic outlook. A summary of the results ror the year and five year periods ending on June 30, 1987 is as follows: . I , '1 , ! I Year Ended 6/30/87 5 Years Ended 6/30/87 Aetna Capital Management Standard & poors 500 Index 17.5% 25.1% 29.0% 27.8% Denver Investment Advisors Russell 2000 (Medium Capitalization Stocks) Index: 9.8% 2l.!.5% 9.l.!% 23.5% I I I ,-1 The current mix of assets under management at June 30, 1987, is shown below, together with the proposed mix if the present recommendation is adopted. ~ V Current Mix Proposed Mix Amount ! Amount ! Equities (at Market) $46,886.468 51% $36,800,000 40% Fixed Income (GIC) Investments 43,327,166 47% 36,800,000 40% us Treasuries & Agencies 18,400,000 20% Consolidated Cash Pool 1 ,870,099 2% 83 ,733 Total $92,083,733 100% $92,083,733 --,00% The recommendation to reduce equity investment exposure from 51% to 40% is based on an overall consensus that a significant market correction is inevitable at some point in the foreseeable ruture. The Pension ~unds' equity portfolio has grown from $11,000,000.00 in June of 1982 to almost $47,000,000.00 today, which includes a composite annual return on investment in excess of 25%. Ir, as some predict, the market continues to go higher, the 40% of the plan assets is a sufficiently aggressive posture. Ir, however, the market decline begins sooner than expected, reducing equity exposure now will serve to protect some or the significant gains which have been realized over the past five yea rs . The recommendation to reduce GIC investment exposure is based primarily on concerns related to the continuing AIDS epidemic and its potential impact on the insurance industry. In staffs opinion, the current yield difrerential between GICts and treasuries of approximately .3% indicates that treasuries are very attractive alternative investments which provide both increased security and liquidity. A 8 If approved, the proposal would allow equity managers 30 days to liquidate holdings at their discretion. Reinvestment or OIC funds can be accomplished with current uninvested cash, maturities, and earnings, and without the cance~lation o~ any existing OIC contracts. Considerable discussion has taken place regarding whether or not the existing manager should be allowed to retain funds currently under management and be instructed to purchase treasury and agency securities themselves. The equity investment advisor recommends this approach because it allows for easier reinvestment at the appropriate time and Book 2 102. 8/3/87 r . '1'" .... ".' ~;' ,~ . f. .' .... ----...-..._."it~...-",.cv.n.~..~\i~___.._ _ - ....-------.....--"'-,.....--.......'...,...._'.~'..ii<,.;...,.v.........~.'V...,........_ __..._ ._..... .._~...-......-_._-_~_____..'-.J~_ __~.' ~ __....~ ......._.-...,~ ;'-) '-.... does not "punish" the managers for events which are outside of their control. The Finance Director feels that the additional management fees cannot be justified given the historical success the city has in investing in just such securities with non pension funds. The present proposal provides for return of funds to the City for reinvestment as available cash and circumstances warrant. Maturities will be staggered to acco~modate cash flow and market reinvestment objectives. We do not plan to actively trade these securities, although some trading may be indicated by specific market opportunities. The recommendation is in response to the current economic environment and should not be viewed as a fundamental or permanent change in long term invest~ent strategy. Monitoring investment results will continue at least quarterly and will provide the Trustees with periodic summaries which mayor may not include recommendations for additional changes in asset mix. The Finance Director reported the Pension Advisory Committee has been advised of the recommendation and has approved it. Discussion ensued regarding whether or not flexibility should be given to the equity managers in liqUidating some of the assets. It \laS stated that the same amount of monies would be raised from both managers and there would be an equal mix of short term and long term investments. Concerns were expressed that high quality stocks not be converted to the new strategy and that the Investment Managers should be allowed some discretion in which stocks to convert. o Commissioner Nunamaker moved to approve the investment by the City of 20% of plan assets in US Treasury and US Government Agency Securities reducing equity and GIC exposure to approximately 40~ each with the understanding that the equity managers are to accomplish this conversion within 30 days if it can be done easily, however, allOWing them discretion and the ability to take longer if needed for prudent investment decisions. The mo~iOD was duly seconded and carried unanimously. B. Jack Marsh, President of the Clearwater Retirees Association. Mr. Marsh requested he be allowed to address the Trustees. He stated he felt the City, in persuing restitution from Mr. Hirsh for the erroneous actuarial report, should also be asking for recovery of lost revenues due to the profits that could have been gained through a larger investment. He also spoke concerning the Pension Rewrite Committee expressing concern that there is no leadership on that committee and that the retirees suggestions are not being taken seriously. Mr. Marsh suggested the City consider acquiring a new acturial, other than Ogles & Waters, stating the Ogles & Waters assumption of a 1% return is low. He further stated that the Clearwater Retirees Association is proposing that in the pension rewrite a $600.00 a month minimum pension be required and that a cost of living increase be included in the plan. He requested that the Commission, as the Trustees of the Pension Fund, take their suggestions into consideration. ITE:M 115 Meeting adjourned at 9:34 a.m. ~ ~ Attest: rA'~~~ _~~. _ C~lerk Book 2 103. 8/3/87 ~.., . ...... .'. '.1 : ,',':' ~ ., , ~'. ,":' .,',1 ., 'I: r .~ ' , . " ~. ,.~ },' ~~~,.~"""';"~~~.Q.l~'7L!-':"~ o AGENDA Board or Trustees or the Employees' Pension Fund August 3, 1987 9:00 AM -~--~.......---..._"- 1 . Call to order. 1. 9:01 am 2. Approval of Minutes of July 13, 1987 . 2. Approved as submitted. 3. Recommendation of the 3. Pension Advisory Committee A. Request for acceptance A. Accepted 1 member. into membership: 1) Dennis Golden, Jr. 1\. Other Business. 1\. A) Review of Annual Equity Performance & A. Approved Recommendation E) Recommendation for Near Term Investment ,,, . Allocation POlicy. B) Mr. Jack Marsh, President Clearwater B. Requested Trustees request Retirees Association compensation for lost revenue due to error in Hirsh actuarial report and made recommendation regarding Pension Rewrite. 5. Adjournment. 5. 9:34 a.m. ~ \;f;fj;} Book 2 100. 8/3/87