09/15/1986 " r- ! ;'llH~..~--' .__<-....----~....,-.....~- ___","--_w, .~A_..~ ,_ ,.__.. .. ~.~.-._..,.__.-.._----.......--,:---- - TRUSTEES OF THE EMPLOYEES' PENSION FU~D MEETI~G September 15, 1986 C) The Cit.y Pension rund, 1986, at 9:12 Commission, meeting as the Board of Trustees of the Employees' met in regular session at. the City Hall, Monday, Sept.ember 15, a.m., with the f'ollowing members present: Kathleen Kelly Lee Regulski James Berfield Ri ta Garvey Don Winner Mayor/Commissioner Vice Mayor/Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Also present were: Anthony L. Shoemaker Milton A. Galbraith, Jr. Cynthia Goudeau City Manager Ci ty Attorney Ci ty Clerk The Mayor called t.he meeting to order. ITEM D2 Minutes - Commissioner Winner moved to approve the minutes of the September 2, 1986 meeting. Motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. ITEM D3 Re~ommendations of the Pension Advisory Committee. ~ G a. Request for Acceptanoe into Membership. The City Manager present.ed the recommendation of' the Advisory Committee to approve membership for four (4) employees listed below: ~ Classification Depart.ment Sammie Rayner Richard L. Zinge, Jr. Terry Butler Frank: Parker II Clerk Typist II Police Reoruit. Maint. Worker I Data Proc. Trainee City Clerk Police Publi~ Works Central Services Commissioner Winner moved t.o accept the recommendation of the Advisory Committee. Kotiomwas duly seconded and carried unanimously. ITEM #4 Other Business. None. ITEM #5 - Meeting adjourned at 9:13 a.m. /' Attest: ~'-.'"!:, ..':.n,' "'r~, c: _~[ .~U~ ~~k - Book 2 115. 9/15/86 I, !: '_, ~ -, - .'-' - .... '...".... @ . I';,: AGBHDA. Board or 'l'rustees or the EIIIployees' Pension PIlnd September 15, 1986 9:00 a.m. AcrIOH 1. Call to order 1. 9:12 a.m. 2. Approval of Minutes of September 2, 1986 2. Approved as submitted. 3. Recommendation of the 3. Accepted. Pension Advisory Committee a. Request for acoeptance into membership: 1) Sammie Rayner 2) Richard L. Z1nge, Jr. 3) Terry Butler 4) Frank Parker II 4. other Business 4. None. ~ #~, ~~'lk". 5. Adjournment 5. 9:13a.m. ..)f< .,'b'l" '1;.,"I! ~ ","l'" Book 2 44. 9/15/86 - ~, 1 '" " ..1 ' ~, - .....