03/31/1986 " ' 1- .........'WL.~WII~.-. TRUST8ES OF THE EMP~OYEES' PENSION FUND MEETING March 31, 1986 o Employees' Monday, March 31, The City Commission, meeting as the Board of Trustees of the Pension Fund, met in regular session at the City Hall, 1986, at 9:02 a.m., with the following members present: Ka thleen Kelly Rita Garvey James Berfield L.ee Regulski Don Winner Mayor/Commissioner Vice Mayor/Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Also present were: Antnony L. Shoemaker Milton A. Galbraith, Jr. Cynthia Goudeau City Manager City Attorney City C1erk The Mayor called the meeting to order. ITEM #2 Minutes - Commissioner Garvey moved to approve the minutes of the March 17, 1986 meeting. Motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. ITEM #3 - Recommendations of the Pension Advisory Committee. @-> \'"", ' " , a. Request for Acceptance into Membership. The City Manager presented the recommendation of the Advisory Committee to approve membership for six (6) employees listed below: Name Classification Department Tl'lomas Mudano Paul Almeida Michael Fishback steven Young Phillip Batson Janet Weib1ing Recreation Specialist Custodial Worker Budget Analyst II Drafting Technician II Recreation Leader Community Center Supervisor Parks and Recreation Parks and Recreation Finance lJtilities/Wa tel' Parks and Recreation Parks and Recreation Commissioner Garvey moved to accept the recommendation of the Advisory Committee. ~tion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. @;..", ."-".. ~~!:l';r P-2 17. March 31, 1986 :., .' "....' @"'" ...~ ~ .--... AGJDlDA Board or TMlStees or the 811p1oyees' PennloD Fund March 31, 1986 9 a.m. 1. Call to order 1. 9:02. 2. Approval of Minutes of March 17, 2. Approved. 1986. 3. Recommendation of the 3. Pension Advisory Committee a. Request for acceptance a. Accepted. into membership: Thomas Mudano Palll Almeida Michael Fishback Steven Young Phillip Batson Janet Weibling ~ b. Request for denial of membersllip: b. Denied. b '\"" '{'It;'" George Anderson 4. other Business 4. None. 5. Adjournment 5. 9:03. _""'l .",\#, ~0l' l""t~<f; 16.