01/06/1986 ~' ~ ' ':' " " y, ... p- ~.' .!c. ,~ ." ~~~m~_t'~~.l'>~\f.'"Jt?./'i;'.M'''~J<'ff)!:~.~,tiln-m.W:'~,,,,,,,,,,,-,__~__, TRUSTEES OF THE EMPLOYEES' PE~SION FUND MEETING January 10, l~~b 10 The City Commission, Employees' Pension Fund, January 10, 1~~b, at 1:01 meeting as the Board of Trustees of the ~~t in regular session at the City Hall, Monday, p.m., with the following members present: ,r Kathleen Kelly Rita Garvey Lee Regulski Don Winner Absent: Mayor/Commissioner Vice Mayor/Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner James Berfield Commissioner Also present were: Anthony L. Shoemaker Milton A. Galbraith, Jr. Cynthia Goudeau City Manager City Attorney City Clerk The Mayor called the meeting to order. ITEM /12 t1inutes the December 2, unanimously. - Commissioner Winner moved to approve the minutes of 198b meeting. Motion was duly seconded and carried . '---.... II ITEM /13 Reco~~endations of the Pension Advisory Committee. a. Request for Acceptance into Membership. The City Manager presented the recommendation of the Advisory Committee to approve membership for thirteen (13) employees listed below: Name Classification Department Gerald Hells Raymond Keith Harmon Stults Glen Daniel Leroy D. RObinson, i-lill iam Lawson Penny Goatcher Robert Barnes Carl Holzschuk Linda Ratcliffe Lester Pulfer John Llaunet Hark Perri gone Library Asst. I Library Asst. I ~aintenance Worker I Recreation Aide I Draftsman Utilities/Water Utilities/'..later UtilitieS/Nater Utilities/Water Utilities/Water Marine Police Public Works/Engineering Libraries Libraries Parks & Recreation Parks & Recreation Public Works/Engineering Service Worker Service :.-Iorker Service Worker Service Wor~er Jr. Service Worker Marine Attendant II Victim Assistant 2. January lb, l~~o ,I'. " '- ~, - ..- - ~- .... _ . ~ t ~.' '" " ~. ,.., .~ - :I'~.~'\1t'~ . AGENDA Board of Trustees of tbe Employees' Pension Fund January 1b, 1~~6 1 p.m.' ACT I 0 t~ 1 . Call to order 2. Approval of Minutes of December 2, 1985. 3. Recommendation of the Pension Advisory Committee a. Requests for acceptance into membership: Gerald Wells Raymond Keith Harmon Stults Glen Daniel ,< LeRc'y D. Robinson, Jr. tI:l 'tlilliam Lawson , .' Penny Goatcher Robert Barnes Carol Holzschuk Linda Ratcliffe Lester Pulfer John Llaunet t"1ark Perri gone 4. Other Business 5. Adjournment 1. 1:01 p.m. 2. ~pproved as submitted. 3. a. Accepted 13 members. 4. None 5. 1:02 p.m. --"'"'l 1. ,. { !: .~, -f'L - ......- - "*- .....~--------------..~