02/02/1981 .~_..._........ ....,..._..___..__"........'.....~1_--.......__ _____...- c' TRlISTEES OF TilE EMP LOYE ES' February 2, PENSION FUND MEETING 1981 of the the The City Commjs~ion, the Employees' Pension Cit)' l\a11, Monday following members Trustees at with meeting I:und, , February present: as the Board of met in regular session 2, 1981, at 9 :35 a.m., Rita Garvey Marvin Moore Paul A. lIatchett Bill Stephan Vice-Mayor/Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Absent: Charles F Le Che r Mayor/Commissioner Also present were: Anthony L. Shoemaker Thomas A. Bustin Lucille Williams City City City Manager Attorney Clerk ITEM 1/1 The Vice Mayor called the meeting to order. C) ITEM 112 Minutes Commissioner January carrico Moore moved to approve ]9, 1981, meeting. Motion was unnnimously. the minutes duly seconded of the and The City regarding the intent of the at the January fifth meeting tion Act/Pension Benefits. arc assessing the cost, and clarification be maoe. The motion would have a retroactive was made and he did not think that that was Commission. A report will be forthcoming. ITEM Manager reported some Commission on relating to Workmen's The actuaries confusion exists the motion passed Compensa- the Pension Fund the motion must effect as it the intent of the of of ITEM 1/3 mittee. Recommendations of the Pension Advisory Com- a. Grant Pension Frank Daniels. The City Manager presented the recommendation of the Advisory Committee of the Employees Pension Fund to grant a retirement pension to Frank Daniels, Police Chief, Police Department effective January 2, 1981, in the amount of ~ $2,139.06 per month. lJ) ".i- 1. 2/2/81 r " ~ ~ ,.1. ~, - .-,' -' - ~