11/21/1986 , -;-' };...~.~. ~f<~\V:1.'~"~T ::;J;~"~I~;!."P~S~~~~S; :,~?-l:~;~t,,;~C~: ; ?~,::.~':'~, ,.~;j:I~ji;1'\~)~:1~<~~;~:~:!:') ~',,;<.~:~:~~'~:' ;~(;~ ;: :;'~:" '.;.,': .; :::' :,,:J;;'-';::':f~i.;,-' ~'/ ';.)' ~\'~:i'; .~:,.:: ::~;::, :~~,~;i~ij"):;)L:~?,~~t:~4'i;':',;'~i i~f~t~~' ~.....~t-~,"}-f\U;~~,... ht~.,. ~ ~ ~,~l...t:"T"- ,,/'1 ~t.'1t. J..-\, ''''''.,.<-/. < ~~.. .r'" (.':-"->'11 f~"..,~,..,...,..,.. ~.,~.. -"( .:.;l_..".." ."PIl:P""._~'" -I[r._M ~_........ ~,....~.~......,...A,..... ~_......... _... ~;:Io :'-"':\..!..~ -1-", ~ !~~""'f". ~. 'J....'I- ,-:..' :).: ~ '.' c ~.:; ','1.... "I J;~ Ii ~ '~1>1f1 " .. . ",-T ..... ..",."" 1...r....:'!'1:.<'-';. .~\:; .1,~,"~ .....~.,~.r:r....':..;..t: 7r..:.r...... ':;;;:"':"-:'~~.~.--~,."'"':..~.I...,~. .+T~...:'.... 'Ii ,'. "..r';'t'..'...q.....,. .... ."~ .,~~",:"",... Ul{;':~~if'J~.;~~...'\~I.rl!lA~....t~,: .t',di/:1t'!'f-,ti \("t t... ~ .; ~..1;!~.>~~ ',"::4-i~'.l>" ~ ,'-:-,,'1,' ~ ~.~ ~ ~.~ of; ~..I.;- h. < d~' ~ I:..... ~~ .' :.,. '- . 'i-;.' ... .....; ",' ," '. ~ . ~' ~, ",,..' ", " I ,).', "I T,~, ::, 'l"'~:, j>~'~; T1'~'l' ,t. .;>~,,-: ~1.~~11~""~~L.,:r~~'I" .'tJ' "r- ~p.}:"..y...,........~.~ ~. ~..~...... ..,H...T....~~'~..~.'lt. If:..n...'!-:....,.,. ~~. f?;...... "'. ,!. "'--:,1..-',', /, .r~.> .~'~.' "~'.'..~.. .+',. "", . t.. ';'~-tr';,.... '~(I' ,~ ~ '.('~' r...... . ~;.. f~": "',',:-;-II~tl~:':J ~"'-'11 ...t.~. ~p," r.~ l-~J,;1;~f1r~~J*-r-;'1";T:~~I..w~~<"'.s~-'lr. f"~~}!+r~:7t;;"~'!~-".""~.l-.:";t? .~. ~......~...: ...-r:..:r....".~.''':__."'"t.-.I~..:...:.f'":~<.:.'>'..,.~........:.......~..:... ............>:~~:~;;..:}>~'~ft.l F~lI"\j ~~~,t.c~' ~~.\ ~>).,T "':~~li:';' i~'.~l question is zoned BC (beach commercial), and the alcoholic beverage designation being sought is 2 APS. Respondent has identified this conditional use application as C.U. 86-49. 2. The Planning and zoning Board denied Petitioners' application on August 5, 1986 by a vote of 4 to 2, and Petitioners timely filed this appeal. 3. The subj ect property is the " site of a convenience store which is surrounded by motels and commercial establishments such as a bank, restaurant and lounge, car rental agency and a miniature golf course. alcoholic beverages for off-premises consumption is located Another convenience store which sells within three blocks of the property in question. 4. Robert E. Davis operated the convenience'store on the subject property from 1977 to July, 1986 at which time Petitioners acquired their interest in the property and the convenience store. While Davis was operating the convenience store the package sale of beer and wine was allowed under a previously approved conditional use. Section l36.024(b), City of Clearwater Land Development Code, However in accordance with Petitioners were required to reapply for conditional use approval upon the change of business ownership of the subject property. 5. Under Davis' management, the convenience store regularly closed at ll:OO P.M., but beginning approximately on~ month prior to Petitioners acquiring their interest in the store and the property, Davis began to keep the convenience store open twenty-four hours a day. Petitioners have operated the store twenty-four hours a day since it has been under their management. 6. Public testimony was offered in opposition to Petitioners' application due to concerns about increases in noise, lights, traffic, loitering, trash and debris, and consumption of alcohol on the premises since Petitioners have Petitioners coricede that there was a acquired their interest. problem with rowdyism and trash when they initially took over the conveqience store, but state that these problems have been ..... correcte'Ci: By letter dated August 5, 1989' Chief of Police Sid 2 ... ?: '.~, j" + 7"" ,~. ~ ~ ~..,;:.' r....~~ 1"" ~-..... ~ "," ~~. .~ .: : !".+: ~.~ ~.; ':i . ~ .'.~<r;}fI;'r",,,,,,,','\"lT;""~"~"'.t_,,,:~.'!:"'I~.~'Kb~/:~~~',".T~\""~:"4"i:~~./:t<\~<'.".'~~'''~''''~'~' ll.,-I.~~.:,' .>'~'~ :'" " . + . j ... . \. I l' . . ...i"..... 1 ~1 ~ L~ ~ . ~.. .:.-t.l->l' \-':'... --~ JI' J -. .'..,..,. ',".'.'....'..,,:.,.,..,>.".~._, ...',.'._.".,...... ..,.".. 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