04/16/1990 (2)
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In response to a question regarding which applications would have to go
through the concurrency test, it was indicated most applicants would however,
those developments that had no or insignificant impact would be exempt.
In determining whether or not a development was vested all three of the
following must be met: One, good faith reliance on an act or omission of the
City: two, substantial expenditures or obligations subsequent to reliance on an
act or omission of the City: and three, highly inequitable to deny development.
A fourth issue is provided by Florida Statute which is that the development is
commenced and continued in good faith.
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Concerns were expressed regarding vested developments "eating Up" all
future capacities. It was indicated that the City would be determining vested
rights on a case by case basis upon application by the property owner. The
major and maybe only issue would be the availability of roads as we are providing
sufficient facilities in the other categories.
In response to a question regarding why sign permits would be exempt from
the test, it was indicated that no trips, water, sewer, etc. would be needed for
signs. The di minimus concept of the county was explained in that if a
development generates less than '140 trips per day, it will not be required to
meet the concurrency test. These deve lopments wau 1 d be kept track of but
development on these properties would not be stopped.
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01,' Concerns were expressed regarding the cumulative impact of di minimus
project and it was indlcated this should not be a major problem as roads that
!""~'.'''"~'''''N..t,'',l,' already have a low level of service are pretty much fully developed. The City , ;", "",i""f"l::',o
t~:;'l;:~~f?}'~r;:p',}:.'/;.,;,;,:~,-:. Commission will be getting reports regarding levels of service. ': ;"":"'::;'\l\:~,:';,~t:
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(:ff~t~:W~~)~i1f~;~:';~~ all capacity, it was indicate t at capacity can not e reserve an e onto >: ':,:: ;~,~'.>:;:~:(<1:,:t~r;i
'"'r'~~:~')"'",)f.:.",,,,..d for an extended period of time. It was indicated that the planning and .'.' '" '" ,- ""_".~t,\
~~~~~!t,f@h}~!.{r{~Yl development department would do the capacity test and they would be touching base ':':'~'~;<:"::\~/::~;,~~:5:;~i$
~t~~~~it(it*~l with o;~e;:s;:::~v:: ai:u::::o:r~:::;~ing the cost of the data base to track this/\,';gi;~;fit~
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than five years.
In response to a question regarding how it would be determined what
capacity is available, it was indicated that we will be maintaining a running
balance and this will be updated once a year. It was also indicated that traffic
impact studies would only be required for developments impacting roads with a
level of service 0 or lower. Developers will be allowed to propose mitigation
that would reduce the traffic impact. The City will have the right to either
accept or reject these proposals. It was indicated that reserving capacity is
extremely important and in response to a question regarding how this will be
documented, it was stated the certificate of capacity will be recorded in the
public records and give in detail what was reserved and the expiration date.
Concerns were expressed regarding the ability to transfer capacity and the
ability of a property owner to subdivide their property and the capacity that
has been assigned to it. It was indicated that the subdivision of the capacity
would be up to the owner of the property. It was indicated that with a
subdivision, there would be the need to file an amended certificate of capacity. .~ c,
Discussion ensued regarding reserving capacity with concerns being" '0, ..'
expressed that individuals would come in and reserve capacity and then not follow ":',:(,,, ,',
through with the development. Whi 1e staff is proposing a first come first serve I,: '.., :",.,~':
basis there would need to be very careful rules established. It was recommended
that as long as the first application continues an orderly process, they would
remain first in line for the capacity. If the first one in should slow down for
some reason, the second development in would have the ability to "Leapfrog".
This specific rule still needs to be developed.
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r ~,,"\*;- trips affect county portionsof the road and the capacity is not available, the (. ,. \'-",,,,,;,,,,,~~.,,,,~
r :t~~[~~ county would not dllow a driveway cut. An interloca1 agreement will be needed. !":':i~:l~".;:~;}.L:':/;,t!~g0~?;;{~:
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