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researoh and cost analysis of all funotionsJ to insure effioient and
equitable cost distribution to the user departments. The Department
monitors telephone service, reviews requested telephone rate inoreases,
and GTE and Florida Power Franohises for oomplianoe.
The Department Direotor is recommending custodial services for the
Library and City Hall be done by private contractor. He reported the
Reoords Hanagemsnt Program is under review and disoussion ensued on the
cut-back of paper through the use of eleotronic mail and the acquisition
of portable oomputers for the Commissioners.
The Building and Maintenance Division maintains 185 city-cwned
facilities at minimum level. If the base level service were deleted, it
would result in delayed response to emergency and vandalism repairs and
deterioration in the appearanoe of oity faoilities.
The base level servioe for Mail and Messenger Service maintains a
U.S. Postal Service mail piokup and delivery service. If the service level
impaot were out, special errands would be disoontinued, daily mail runs
to the Commissioners residenoes, daily book pickup delivery for the
Libraries and the daily bank deposit run for the Finance Depdrtment would
~e u~r-~R'l~u. The Central Servioe Director stated the purchase of Florida
Pc-,wel' poles would allow the City to takeover the system and there would
~e a savings to the City. A bond issue is necessary for the purchase.
The only revenue prodUCing division is the Oocupational License division,
all other services are paid by various departments. The dollars under
item 12 for new oonstruotion should be $12J721 instead of $67,721.
Commission consensus that the base level was essential and items 2 through
11 were important and there was no oonsensus to change the ranking of 12
and 13.
Commissioner Barfield returned at 12:37 p.m.
The City Manager reported a new oooupational license inspeotor will
be requested at mid-year, as the current offioial is retiring on the first
of January 1985.
Commission reoessed from 12:ijO to 12:51.
,Marine - Bridge
Bill Burchfield and Bill Held.
The base level service and one deoision package were included for
the bridge program. The Harbormaster reported they will be starting to
dredge for the bridge next week.
The City Manager reported the bridge is running at a deficit and the
dredge could be sold. Discussion ensued on the sand-pumping operation,
whethel' or not more jettys would be helpful, and the dredging of the
Seminole boat dook area, with restrooms and a bait ~ouse to be
oonstructed. Commission also discussed considering a boat launohing,fee
t~ oover maintenance at the Seminole area. Commissioner Berfield requested
~o~pari9on of launching fee charges from other areas.
Budget Work Session
Hay 16, 198ij
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