January 16, 1984
The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met in briefing session
at the City Hall, Monday, January 16, 1984, at 9:10 a.m., with the
following members present:
Kathleen F. Kelly
James L. Berfield
Rita Garvey
William G. Justice
•• James Calderbank
Also present were:
Anthony L. Shoemaker
Thomas A. Bustin
Lucille Williams
City Manager
City Attorney
City Clerk
The Mayor called the meeting to order and the following items were
N J.K. Financial. - Temporary Sign Authorization
The proposed location of a 4 ft x 10 ft sign erected on 41' x 411 posts
will be in the western planter facing Cleveland Street at the entrance
to the parking lot next to the building.
Moccasin Lake Nature Park
Park impact fees in the amount of $8,685, just received, may be used
for the purchase of an aeration system and materials to build an
observation tower.
Agreement _?Clearwat_er Bomber Boosters, Inc.
The agreement allows use of Jack Russell Stadium by the Bombers for
their home games and provides for the rights of the Boosters and the City.
Clearwater Little Leagues, Inc.
This agreement between Clearwater and the Little League is for the
use of the concession room, restrooms, and closets at Fred Cournoyer
Recreation Center.
Pier 60 Parking Lot.
A new recommendation was presented to the Commission to authorize
the City Manager to enforce a daily 10 p.m. closure on the Pier 60 parking
lot. A previous recommendation had been for 9 p.m. daily closing.
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The City Manager reported it would take from one to two weeks to
implement the program, placing signs, etc.
The Mayor noted this was a short-term alternative and requested
further study for a long-term alternative and that something be found for
the good kids in the City.
Chief Klein reported he was working on a grant program to be requested
by Clearwater Chemical People Task Force who would recommend opportunities
for kids. Discussion ensued on using this topic when the City Commission
meets with the Pinellas County School Board. Consensus of the Commission
was to implement the 10 p.m. curfew on Pier 60.
Establishment of Approved Route for Special Event Races.
A resolution has been prepared for the various distance races and
the areas they cover.
Commissioner Garvey suggested the use of Gulf-to-Bay Blvd. The City
Manager responded that he felt there would be too many problems and too
many street ends to be barricaded.
Discussion ensued on waiving the fee for races that had already been
established before the fee was implemented. A list of the approved races
already scheduled will be submitted to the Commission.
Discussion ensued on the policy of citizens speaking at work sessions.
Consensus was to follow present procedure that requests be received in
Beach Accesses and Proposed Changes to Allow Public Participation.
Commissioner Garvey suggested no sidewalks be installed to curtail
expenditures. The Carlouel Drive item to construct a six-foot concrete
walk from the asphalt apron to the seawall is to be discussed at the next
work session as the second phase of the program. The first phase will
include plantings.
Commission supported removal of concrete pavement from the guardrail
East and sod be put in its place on Aurel Street.
The City Manager reported that plant materials will be replaced, where
possible, and implementation of the program will be started as soon as
Artist.-in-Residence Program, Suggested Projects.
The Parks and Recreation Department suggested various projects be
considered for the Artists-in-Residence program. The projects included
an identification sign for Coachman Park, A Performing Arts Series, an
Exterior Sculpture to be placed in Mandalay Park or Countryside Fire
Station, an exterior mural for the Cultural Arts Workshop on Drew Street,
a photography project for Ruth Eckerd Hall to document pictorially the
on-going activities at the hall over a specified time period and the final
proposal was creative playground apparatus for Coachman Park, which would
be sculptural in appearance and yet serve as a practical functional
structure to be used for ehildrens play. An amount of $500 was also
b0. 1/16/84
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recommended to be used from this years budget for the maintenance and
repair of several of the previously commissioned works. A portion of the
funds could also be used for the printing of a brochure or pamphlet that
would include descriptions and locations of all the
previously commissioned
works and be available to the public.
The City Manager questioned whether the Commission wished to take
a change in direction in the Artist.-in-Residence program. By consensus,
the Commission supported an identification sign for Coachman Park and a t
performing arts concert series at the new Coachman Park Bandshell and the
maintenance program was also approved,
Commissioner Berfield questioned whether there were extra funds
available for acquisition of Cooper's Point. The City Manager responded
a transfer from the Artist-in-Residence program to Cooper's Point could
be made. '.?
Discussion then ensued on projects for the Causeways.
Verbal Reoorts.
The City Manager reported the Legislative Delegation will be meeting
in Tallahassee on February 9th and 10th and Clearwater would host a dinner
for the Delegation on February 8th before the Florida League of City's
meeting. Discussion ensued on locations and times and the Mayor suggested
a dinner or breakfast be held in Pinellas County, sponsored by St.
Petersburg, Largo and Clearwater. The City Manager will check with Largo
and St. Petersburg and report back to the Commission on eligible dates.
The topic of discussion by the Legislative Delegation will be growth
The City Manager reported the meeting with the C-A-R.L committee had
been successful and they will be voting in about two weeks. :-n,x.?,,? :?'']'a?•?:?;
b ' They will also be proposing to the Governor that funds be increased for 'rr;.r`iryr`?rt? purchases of environmentally sensitive land.
Beach Construction P
ro cot. ;t ;,•?. ?'. ,,
ei e }, , ti•.
Commission questioned a portion of paragraph 4 that states that xY;a,.?,•,-??? v?•?
.A f
, . "within fifteen years after completion, the City shall place such {
?' •. ;? ' , _ ?' material". The property owners have agreed to this condition. Various ^?,?T?:._c:;;??•
sections of the agreement were discussed. A co
,. py of Exhibit A, which is
the contract with Norfolk Dredging, Inc., was requested by the Mayor. CommissionY
questioned when the Caibbean Gulf would be a party to the
contract. The answer is unknown at this time. The City Attorney reported .? the coastal construction line dodges around this hotel and the Board of
?lY ?•
Adjustment and Appeal on Zoning had continued the question on approval
of piers, The City Attorney also reported the Board of Adjustment and
Appeal on Zoning had continued the approval
for a variance for the
Clearwater Beach Hotel.
' The question still remaining to be resolved is
a transfer of density rights which is a commission prerogative.
w .
? John McCloud, Data Processing Manager of the City of St. Petersburg,
was present and gave a short discourse on computerization and its
t concepts. In St. Petersburg, they at one time advocated only a main-frame
E 61.
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but have since changed their minds and feel that mioro-computers are good
clerical aids. 80% of the City's budget is for personnel and the micro-
computers save a great deal of personnel time. Their long-range plans
include mioro-computers and a main-frame tied together to be cost
effective. They attempt to keep all their equipment plug compatible.
They do restrict the purchase of soft ware and have standardized much of
their soft ware so that it may be used by other departments. They have
a users group that shares information. The City of St. Petersburg is going
to electronic mail and each Commissioner will be getting a micro computer.
They have a variety of micros, including the TAS-80, Apple II, IBM Display
Writer, IBM Personal Computer, and a Corona Personal Computer.
Standardization of equipment reduces the bid process.
Bill McCall, City of Clearwater DP Manager, stated there is a big
outlay of funds for a network of micros and terminals, although they could
be cost effective. Mr. McCloud stated that plug compatibles keeps bids
competitive. All equipment needs to be maintainable and service is always
required. Mr. McCall reported that six of the City's micro computers are
compatible with the Burroughs main-frame computer.
The City Manager reported that Florida Inovative Group (F.I.G.) is
working on compatible soft ware for all municipalities.
Lot Clearing.
Discussion ensued on the Beneke property prior lien from 1982 and
Mr. Bie's problem on Pierce Boulevard with the old concrete. Both
Q properties are once again in violation.
Pollworkers and Compensation - Muniei al Election February 14, 1 84.
The pollworkers and their compensation must be approved by the City
Commission. The cost is approximately $5,000 for the pollworkers. Total
cost of an election runs about $14,000.
Canvassing Board - Municipal Election,-February 14, 1 84.
By unanimous consent the Commission agreed that Commissioner Justice
be appointed to act as the City Commission's representative at the Logic
and Accuracy Tests, set for Thursday, February 9, and two on February 14,
relating to the equipment that counts the ballots.
Planning Department
Paula Harvey and Chris Papandreas were present.
Plans do Plats
Preliminary Subdivision Plat for Lake Starcrest Sub.
The property is located on the W. side of Starcrest Dr., S of Drew
St. It is vacant and the parcel is under two ownerships and proposed to
® be subdivided into four lots. Lot 3, the most northern lot is proposed
to be developed with an office for Jack Eckerd. Lot 4 in its present
configuration will not have direct access by a public or private street.
The property owner is requesting a variance to the subdivision regulations
which require such access. The developer is also requesting a variance
62. 1/16/84
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to the subdivision regulations to allow a building permit to be procured
prior to recording the final plat. The owner is opposed to an easement
J of the north 31 ft of Lot 3.
SU13-84-1 (Rhoades). `;
The property is located on the W side of Belcher Rd, S. of Palmetto s`
St. The applicant plans a funeral home on a portion of the property. r
No plans for development of Lot 2 have been established.;
SUB-83-19 (Leon) 'F`
• i?1
The property is located on the W. Bide of Elizabeth Ave., N. of
Gulf-to-Bay Blvd. It is a vacant site and the applicant plans to construct
a single family house on the one lot subdivision. y'
PSP-52 (Keene Townhouses). £Y
The property is located on the N. side of Montclair Rd., E. of Keene s:
Rd. The applicant plans to construct 12 townhouses on the property with .,
the existing swimming pool remaining on the site. Staff has a number of ';,
concerns which must be addressed with the submission of the final site
plan. The developer plans two accesses with no internal roadway.
Agreement to Annex ATA-83-24-175 (Leonardi)
The property is located on the E. side of Evans Drive, N. of State
Road 590. The owner plans to construct a single family residence and is
1.,.? requesting City sewer service.
Petition for Annexation (Nall, Johnson, Nall) A-83-36. ;r
The property is located on the W. side of McMullen-Booth Rd, S. of
Tanglewood Dr. The property will be subdivided into 66 single family lots.
Access'to the subdivision is proposed from Landmark Dr. and McMullen-Booth
Rd. The original annexation request proposed a zoning designation of
RPD-3• Commission directed the petition for annexation be revised to
RS'-75 The item will be continued to allow for the proper advertising.
A-83-35 (Simpson).
The property is located along the W. side of Belcher Rd., S. of Logan
St. The applicant plans a one-story building on the property which will
be used as an office and industrial facility for Simpson Cleaning Systems,
Inc. Access will be from Logan St. and Belcher Rd.
A-83-33, PSP-8 -5 . (Multiple/Armston).
The property is located on the S. side of Nursery Rd., W. of Lake
Dr. It is a vacant site and the developer plans 31 condominium units.
Access will be from Nursery Road.
Discussion ensued on a letter received from a property owner on
Belleair Rd., who had requested Professional Service zoning from the
County. Abutting City of Clearwater property is zoned Commercial and he
felt Professional Services would have been a buffer between the commercial
on one side and single-family on the other side.
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A-83-21, PSP43-28, LUP-83-115
j,ef :J•;ri. ,`r y' _ "?irJ rr' r'=, ,.3, ?.J'.i r.'i t? •.` ?,;C%J'?;i ?; ?'?;!ei?;??r' a .!'?:`?}
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(Mason-'Cassilly of Florida, Inc.).
The property is located on the E. side of Keene Rd., S. of CR 34.
It is a vacant site and the proposal is to develop 171 single-family
dwelling units on the west side of the lake area in a zero lot line
arrangement. The property on the east side of the lake is proposed to
be zoned ISP. The applicant will also dedicate to the City a 6 acre MOL
area on the east side of the lake to meet the old parkland requirements.
About one-half of the property is a lake but the drainage system is
satisfactory. The Staff concerns address too many units, the roadways,
a eovanent be filed with the plat to preclude parking on the street surface
as the streets will be private streets. A safety issue was also discussed
on whether or not fire trucks could proceed through the development. A
residential planned development must meet many requirements as set'-out
in Division 15, Planned Development District, Section 131 of the City
Ordinance 03315-83 relating to the Fire Code and Underground Petroleum
The Ordinance required underground petroleum storage tanks be built
of fiber-reinforced plastic. Hill Baker, Assistant Public Works Director,
reported a compromise agreement had been worked out es the City's ordinance
was too restrictive. A new ordinance will be drafted to allow four types
of underground tanks. In addition a paragraph will be added that under
certain circumstances the City Engineer and the Fire Marshall must approve
a request.
' Other Commission Action.
Commissioner Garvey suggested, and discussion ensued, on there being
no time-limit during Public Hearings for Staff presentations.
It was reported that Charley Finton is recuperating at home after
a hospital stay.
The City Manager responded to the Mayor's request on how to answer
a letter from a Hotel./Motel Owners group.
Discussion ensued on the Sister City Program in which the 25th
Anniversary will occur in 1984. A 24 day tour of the Orient has been
planned from April 13th through May 6th. Commissioner Garvey plans to
attend a portion of the proposed tour.
Dissoussion also ensued on a letter received from the Clearwater
Yellow Cab Company, dated January 9, 1984, that cited a new requirement
by the Hillsbourough County Aviation Authority that all Pinellas Taxi Cabs
picking up passengers at the Tampa International Airport will pay a fee
of $150 per year per taxi cab, tip to 20 cabs, and must carry a $1,000,000
liability insurance, effective March 1, 1981.
Meeting adjourned at 12:02 p.m.
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