08/01/1983 - 10:20 am
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Verbal Reports and Other PendinR Hatter~.
The City Manager reported that bids tor the Bandshell will be opened
August 2 and a report prepared for the Commission for the Thursday, August
~ meeting. He noted that the delivery of the struotural steel will delay
the start of the project and probably witl not be oompleted before Ootober
15, 1983, in time for the Jazz Holiday.
The Mayor noted that Florida Power and General Telephone had made
substantial donations to the oities of Tampa and St. Petersburg for looal
August 1, 1983
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The City Manager reported the gas stattcu lease has been returned
and will be on the agenda August,~. He also noted a oitizen request that
the Consent Agenda be plaoed first on the agenda before City Manager
Reports. Consensus of the Commission was to do eo.
He displayed a T-shirt ourrently being promoted by the Polioe
Department and Ervine Youth Club. that states "It takes Guts to Stay Away
from Drugs". The Polioe Department has been working closely with the Club.
Speotrum BuildinR Servioes. Ino. for Janitorial Servioes.
Surveys have been oonduoted for oommercial janitorial servioes vs.
in-house service and indioate a savings oan be made through the use of
oommeroial janitorial servioes. A pilot program is being proposed to test
the feasibility. Speotrum Building Servioes, Ino., have been employed
at the Polioe Station. The proposed program will be implemented at the
City Hall Annex for a three to six month test period, after whioh time
a report and reoommendation will be made to the City Commission.
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Purchase of Two Eleotric Cars from Carlisle Motors. Inc.
As part of its on-going test of alternative fueled vehioles, the Motor
Pool has oonduoted a short term test of the Ford Motor electric oar. The
test results were that the oost per mile for operating the car was 3t.
maintenance estimated at ~t. or B total of 7t per mile whioh is 1/2 to
1/3 the cost of maintenance and operation of other vehioles. These
partioular models are capable of doing 70 miles per hour and have a range
of 120 miles per day before a reoharge is required. One will be for John
Peddy. Energy Officer, and one for the Building Inspection Department.
Preliminary Site Plans.
PSP-B3-33 - Mancini.
The property is located on the south side of Leo Lane South adjacent
to the Keene Road ROWand north of the Sherwood Garden Apartments. It is
a vaoant site and the developer plans a two-story apartment building
oontaining nine dwelling units.
PSP-B3-3~ - International Contractors.
The property is looated on the north side of Sunnydale Boulevard
between Beloher Road and Heroules Avenue. It is a vacant site and the
developer plans a 22.500 sq. ft. building to be used for offioe spaoe,
faotory and warehouse use. Acoess to the site will be from Sunnydale
Boulevard. Staff had a number of oonoerns which were listed on the agenda
The proposed development will be subject to the new open space land
dedication requirements.
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1983 Gas Hevenue Bond Issue.
A memo from the Finanoe Direotor oonourring in the reoommendation
of the Utilities Direotor to appoint William R. Hough and Company as
investment banker for the City, subjeot to the following reasons: 1) if
Hough is appointed as investment banker, the City is not obligated to pay
them additionally as finanoial advisors; 2) any negotiated sale to Hough
is subjeot to final approval by the City Commission; 3) there is no
guarantee that issues put out to bid will result in a lower interest rate
than a negotiated sale; ~) If for any reason the City deoides not to aooept
the Hough proposal, the issue oould still be put out to bid at that time;
and 5) William R. Hough and Company have been the City's primary provider
of bond servioes sinoe 19B1 and the City is well satisfied with their
Annexation 83-2. 83-3. and 83-~.
The property is looated at the southwest interseotion of U.S. 19 and
Nursery Road. The site is developed with offioes, a restaurant and a
oommeroial business.
Agreements to Annex were exeouted in 1979 and the properties are now
eligible for annexation. The annexation was initiated under the old
parkland requirements and the applioant is requesting a waiver.
The reoommendation is to zone the properties abutting U.S. 19 CO with
Land Use Plan Amendment to Commercial/Tourist Facilities and the properties
to the rear zoned PS and Land Use Plan Amendment to Residential/Office.
A ~O foot ROW easement will be required along U.S. 19 for M&B ~~.O~.
One portion of the property not included in this request is being
Pinellas County/Citv - LOP-83-38. Z-B3-45.
The property is looated 315 feet south of Sunset Point Road and west
of Heroules Avenue. It is a vaoant site and will be used for drainage
retention purposes as part of a County Master Drainage Plan.
Disoussion ensued on the merits of wet and dry retention ponds and
the City's current position is for dry retention ponds.
Annex 83-19. LUP 83-30 - Central Church of the Nazarene.
The property is located on the east side of Highland Avenue, northwest
and abutting the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad. The site is currently
developed with a residence whioh has been converted to prOVide classrooms
for the churoh located on the adjOining property to the north.
Text Chanp;:es.
Artiole III. Division 13. Seotion 131.091(1) and Division 14. Hip;:h Density
Commeroial/Tourist Facilities Use Distriot Section 131.098(1)
The Hilton, on Clearwater Beaoh, requested a oonferenoe center be
allowed, which would include reoeption, meeting and overnight
acoommodations as an ancillary use to a hotel/motel. The Hilton proposes
to oonvert a rormer restaurant/lounge area.
Concerns were expressed, as the hotel/motel 1s non-oonforming as to
density, that it might be able to construot an addition to the existing
struoture to fUrther inorease the numher of rooms available for rent under
the guise or construoting a oonferenoe center.
The proposed oonferenoe center would impaot to a lesser degree on
traffio and parking than the ourrent use.
August 1, 1983
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To Provide Veterinary Offioes and Animal Hospitals - Artiole II. Seotion
131.016 and Artiele III. Seotions 131.135 and 131.1~2.
The ourrent Code does net provide for veterinary offioes and animal
hospitals as a use within any zoning distriot. The proposed ohange will
require the Board of Adjustment and Appeal on Zoning to approve a speoial
exoeption use and in so doing review the speoia1 oriteria to be met for
approval of the use.
For Commeroial Parkin~ Lots- Artiole I. Seotion 131.006; Artiole II.
Seotion 131.016; and Ar'Uole III. Seotions 131.092. 131.099 and 131.1~2.
Parking lots in whioh a fee is oharged. is a land use not ourrently
enumerated 1n the City's Zoning Code and is oonsequently prohibited. There
1s a need however, for commeroial lots in the City and the proposed ohange
will allow a commeroia1 parking lot as a special exoeption usc in a CTF-24,
CTF-?8 and CO Distriots. Approval by the Board of Adjustment and Appeal
on Zoning will be required with speoia1 oriteria to be considered.
Metro Development Corporation - A Development Order for Park Plaoe.
The Corporation initiated an annexation and zoning of a portion of
th1s traot whioh has been named Park Plaoe and totals 99 aores. The
property is located between Drew Street and State Road 60, east of U.S. 19
and west of Hampton Road. It is ourrently vaoant. This is a large
development and requires a development of regional impaot review by the
Tampa Bay Regional Planning Counoil. The report noted that there are
positive impaots on the regional e~onomy and negative impacts on the
region's traffio system. A development order hae been drafted in whioh
the developer agrees to provide a 12,000 SQ. foot site for a library, to
~e located on Drew Street; provide library parking in the adjacent
development; provide easements for parkland, totaling 2.5 acres. on Oulf-to-
Bay Boulevard; donate $100.000 for parkland aoquisition; provide
maintenanoe of the above-mentioned parkland; and payment of a lump sum
equivalent to $765,000 - $776,000 in turtheranoe of completing needed road
improvements. They will also establish oarpooling, transit. flex-time.
and express bus programs to reduoe the peak-hour loads on the traffio
system. The projeot is scheduled to be phased-in over a nine-year period
with each phase taking approximately three years.
In oonsideration of the sums of money oontributed by the developer
for the road improvements. the City agrees to assist in the turtheranoe
of other n60essary transportation systems, such as the Drew Street
Extension, three laning of Hampton Hoad, and two lane egress to the
Commission expressed concerns about the parkland dedication/funds
The Planning Direotor reported a series of compromises of give and
take during the negotiations and the conceptual plan will inolude a
preliminary site plan for each phase. Commission will not be obligated
to approve the seoond phase or th~ third phase.
The City Manager reported water and sewer service are no problems
and with a development of this type; drainage may be controlled better
than in a residential area. It was reported the City's ad valorem taxes
will probably inorease $350.000.
The City Attorney reported the jury had returned a verdiot in favor
of 8. W. Cole Construotion Company, on the pump station litigation in the
amount of $185,470.
Other Commission Aotion.
Commissioner Calderbank reported numerous calls from oitizens about
the solioitation aotivities of the Soientologists.
August 1. 1983
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