07/05/1983 ~ ~ I'!':'\ V Several citizens spoke in support of the action taken by the Commission. Three Land Use Plan Amendments are on the agenda for reoeipt and referral from the S. Ft. Harrison Area as the result of oommission direction. Two properties located on the east side of S. Ft. Harrison, between Druid Road and Jeffords Street and between Magnolia Drive and Lotus Path, are reoommended to be amended to Commercial/Tourist Faoilities. The third area is from Jeffords Street to "B" Street with the reoommendation to amend to Residential/Office and a zoning change to PS (Professional Services) Distriot. ,. .. .:;X~tJlfJ~J.:~~'"t .' ';~,' ~,a'?!.~f~jf..~.;'~jl>~ '~i )~;'- ~'.:,:_;:;~~}:: 1~;$ }1~t~, -\~t~ '. ',}-, ,fr~~.;.~~ ~i. "~'~j )c\~''';~ \'~f~.::~?t~ .~~~:~~~~~ :.' <.,~;~-;,,; ,{4~31~~~"- ').. ~I".~\r....... . ~.' ~~1i'>1.'i .,', ).~.:n,,"'>r.'" ~1-~~'>..J.F....... ~}' ..:.r~",~c". tl 'f~;"'~-...:r:'.. 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"'lj .,< .' -, 'r"!d~-g';.'.""'l'..... ,",,,- '. ..1\r.....\\I.<,.S-''lf'",4. 1;,.,,; >', ,~I~\\".;~~ ~ ":}/'/!~~~.5J~t '.A""..~,...,. l _ ~:";;;f.h'rfJ . . .~~ 'l;.,~'A.-,i~"'\T . ;r~)-,Rl::: ~ < I ,.,,' 't': J. t' KiU~f.~H;'1~ \T...(t~j l~'~, 1 >. \~I . ~:~:~~(~~~f. ';:L;:',~~;irU;: ,.:~....?~:~~~~, Energy Management System This system has been proposed for the Main Library and oonsists of a micro-oomputer oapable of electronically monitoring and oontrolling the heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning systems as well as oontrolling the lighting energy oonsumption. The vendor guarantees an annual savings of $15,445. The system will cost the City $7,800. Property Transaotion to Sell City Surplus Property. Portions of Lot 9 and Lot 10, Blook 3, C.E. Jaokson Sub'were deolared surplus to City needs. An offer of $29,190 has been received for the property. The Aoting City Manager reported that the VFW has been using the property for n number of years, and also may be interested in purohasing. Mid Year Budget Review - 1982/83. The data contained in the review represents six months, Ootober 1982 through March 1983. The Mayor noted an inorease in general fund revenue and requested a separate oolumn for enoumbranoes. The total general fund, first quarter inorease was $58,372. Prior year enoumbranoes amounted to $60,340. The Bridge Fund projects a defioit of $20,000 whioh is less than was originally anticipated due to the minimum $5.00 token purohase which has generated additional revenue. However, there has been no inorease in traffio patterns. The original budget transfer of $591440 to the reserve for renewal and replacement, has been eliminated. However, this item must be picked up and is eliminated merely as temporary relief and cannot be used as a continuing solution. The Mayor noted that Data Processing oosts are up for all departments and questioned a uniform allowanoe of $2250.00 in the Building Department. The Union Contract requires uniforms be prOVided for building inspeotors. Disoussion ensued on the lease with Howard Johnson and the funding which is accounted for in the Marina Fund. Commission requested the status of the Mandalay Drainage Project and the street-sweepers on the beaoh. Commission reordered the agenda, reassigning a number of items from both the oonsent and regUlar agendas. Deep Well Effluent Disposal Study. There are three options available for the disposal of sanitary effluent. 1) deep well injection, 2) an outfall into the gulf and 3) spray irrigation. The City was involved in the deep well injection process for the Northeast and East Pollution Control Faoilities. GeOlogic borings were made during 1980 to depthS of 1,350 feet below the land surfaoe. Prior to completion of the hydraulic testing, the funding was terminated and the investigation did not determine if deep-well injection was a viable disposal alternative for the City. New deep-well disposal standards have been set and the City may be able to comply. Briley, Wild & Assooiates, 3. July 5, 1983 ,,' ,7.':" ''7':':'-'/:;".{F{;W':;[t~~ , .~ ..... -.'-' . ' ~.. ."\ ".. ...._........-....r._~.. ~ ~>,,___. ~ . . . " ,~ . . D~-r---~ " <- ,--~~!-.;,:~-?~,ji;i~(;:;;.i~\&~~ >~ l~~ '~;:~"fut;;,:,:\~i;:ftj:~'(.~~{~l~:~;~ :'.'y'.~.~!r;r.:~':m:;'~i:?::\0~.~(;~~':'7~ " ':: :~7~,,~'>-:);;.. ... ::';':' c.:. (.' >'/i; .':',:!h ~~fi~:~; i~f,te*~~~};'~'~$!~~~ . J ~..."g~, ~~~,.. 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