Upper Pine1las Nuolear Freeze Coalition.
A question has been plaoed on the ballot to allow the Citizens t~.
vote for Dr against a nuolear freeze in a referendum. The Upper Pinellas
Nuolear Freeze Coalition has requested a waiver of the rental fees at the
City Hall Annex Auditorium for a meoting to be held on January 15. 1983.
The total fees, if waived, approximate $95.00.
Contraot with Southern Building Code Congress International. Ino.
A building department employee was reoently arrested and a criminal
investigation is underway.
The City Manager reported that he had oontaoted two not-for-profit
organizations and reoommends a oontraot with the Southern Building Code
Congress International to perform an administrative analysis of the
prooedures of both offioe administration funotions as well as field
prooedures to identify problem areas and to improve effioienoy. The
maximum Oost will be $6,330.00.
Commissioner Calderbank expressed conoerns that the individuals doing
the projeot would not be Objective as they were members of the same trade.
Commissioner Garvey expressed concerns that oooupational lioenses
all come due at one time and questioned whether or not they could be
diversified and paid quarterly.
Commissioner Calderbank questioned when other groups, similar to the
real estate salesmen. occupational license permits would be coming to the
The City Manager responded the entire system was being reviewed.
Park maintenance responsibilities and cost have escalated over the
past several years and the frequency of maintenance has deoreased in many
parks, due to limited man-power. A proposal has been made for a program
entitled nAdopt-A-Parkn. Several cities are using this program with
considerable suooess. If approved, the following steps would be followed:
The City would identifY speoifio parks and establish maintenanoe
specifications for eaoh and then would secu~e annual bids from professional
lawn service companies to accomplish the work as speoified. The City then
would solioit and arrange for private businesses to adopt the park and
to donate the appropriate amount of money to the City and the City in turn
would issue a purohase-order to the lawn service company. The business
Dr olub would have the right to have a sign and logo permanently displayed
at the site with suitable language. The City would provide irrigation
and monitor maintenance to assure complianoe with specifications.
Conoerns were expressed about the logo being too large and being too
oommercial. The Mayor suggested incorporating the name of the olub with
the park name.
Discussion ensued on automation of the Meter Reader prooedures.
Suggestion was also made that the oustomers of the City's Gas Division
be billed annualy instead of $1.00 per month.
Request from the Society of St. Vinoent De Paul - SouP Kitchen.
The society established a soup kitchen in 1982 to provide free hot
meals to the needy. They have not been serving since Thanksgiving Day
and although they have finanoial support from many different institutions
no one has beon able to provide them with a faoility for the operation.
They also have an ample supply of volunteers who run the program. They
have requested approximately 2,000 square feet of space in the Annex
Auditorium or some other appropriate oity owned faoility for uae as a soup
kitohen r.r a donation of $500/month for a period of one year so that the
2. 1/3183
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sooiety oan rent spaoe elsewhere to oonduot its programs.
Howard Groth of the Clearwater Housing Authority, reported the
authority is attempting to work somthing out on the Winn-Dixie site.
Munioipal Planning Assistanoe Grant, 1982-83.
The Pinellas County Planning Counoil has allooated funds eaoh year
to 100al governments to prepare and implement oomprehensive plans. ^ grant
from the PCPC of $8,350 must be matohed by City fund~ on a 75~ - 25~ basis.
The City matoh will be in in-kind servioes. The City has oompleted
preparation of its plan elements and is involved in implementing
reoommendations in the adopted plan elements. Among the plan
reoommendations is a detailed study of the funotion and design of
oommeroial areas on Clearwater Beaoh. Crowding and congestion on the Beaoh
oan degrade the areas amenities.
Phase I of a proposed traffio and design projeot will considet'
ciroulation and access by pedestrians, automobiles, etc. and will inolude
input from the residents and merohants.
Phase II of the proposed study will address building faoade and
streetsoape improvements and result in an overall business oorridor design
plan for the beaoh.
The Planning Direotor reported the new zoning code will address a
new beach commercial district.
Revalidation of Site Plan and Subdivision Plat for Chateaux DeVille.
The property is located on the south side of Nursery Road, west of
U.S. 19. It is vacant and the developer plans 62 townhouse units on
individually platted lots. A private oul-de-sac street will provide access
to the property and the applioant is requesting sewer service. The plan
and plat were originally approved in November 1981 and the developer has
requested revalidation.
Revalidation of Site Plan entitled Pioneer Centre.
The property is looated at the southeast intersection of Northslde
Drive and U.S. 19. It is vacant and the developer plans a retail and
offioe center consisting of restaurants, a financial institution, drive-in
bank, an office building and a shopping center. The original site plan
was approved in January 1982 and the developer is requesting a second
six-months extension.
Preliminary Subdivision Plat - Emergency Walk-in Clinic
The property is located on the west side of U.S.19, north of
Countryside Boulevard. The site is vaoant and the developer plans an
Emergenoy Walk-in Clinic and medioal offioe. Access to the site will be
from a proposed entranoe road to Towngate International offioe park and
from K-mart Plaza to the north. There will be no access from U.S. 19.
Preliminary Site Plan for Master Key Center
The property is located on the east side of U.S. 19, north of Main
Street. The site is vacant and the developer plans a mini-warehouse
storage faCility.
The Board of Adjustment and Appeal on Zoning granted special
exceptions which authorized the use of the property for storage and a
manager's residence with seven oonditions.
. I The applioant appealed the decision to a Hearing Offioer who
subsequently upheld the decision of the Board in its entirety.
The original site plan contains substantially more floor area and
parking and has been revised. The revised site plan 1s submitted for
review under the new site plan procedures.
3. 1/3/83
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