CTlY Gd�II�ST� H1tI�n� �Ia
4atober �3, 19$2
'The City Covu�i�sion of the Cl.ty of Ciearwater met �n briefl.rg session
a� tha GiGy Hal]., Monday, �ntobar �1, 198�� �t 1:05 �.m., �it4� tt�� follo�ring
membera present:
Charles F. LeCher Mayor-Cornmissioner
Paul A. Hatahett V3.ae-Mayor/Coa�missioaer
Rf.ta c�arvey Ca�uniasioner
James Calderbank (arr. Z:52 p.ra.) Co�nmissioner
James I.. Berfie�.d {arr. 1:5U p.m. } Cammi.ssioner
Also pressrit were:
Anthany L. 3hoemaker
Thomas A. Bpati.n
Luaille Wil.liams
Cl.ty Manager
City A�torney
C1ty Clerk
Tt�e Mayar oalXed the meeting to order and the f0110H�CtQ 3t8p79 Were
Tawr� Meetings
The City Manager stated tihe Marah 2& and May 23 daties should read
1983, nat 1g82 as indieated on the agenda memararidum.
Strest Lig�iti.ng�wAgreemen� �ith Florida Par��r.
The I,etter of Understanding providas fQr a ref�nd of the ma�.ntenance
oharge tor i220 merQury vapar Zvminaires ownr�d by the City but turned over
to �'larida Power prior to 1970. A Publ�,a Serviee Commission Qiiange ot'
rules in 1975 authorized introduat�.on of the ma�.ntenanas fee whiah was
oharged far all lights �.n tha City. A farther provis�.on of the let�er
proVideg conversioa of all mereury ��apor L•a h1-pressure sod�um luminafres
xhiah wi,ll also be a saving to the C�ty. Some �200 street Iigh�s, mostly
on [3ulf--to-Bay Houlevard� are affeoted,
Stata A uatia PZant Contro� Pra rar�.
Publio Servies Diviaion sprays and attempta to con�rol aaquatie plant '
Arowth. A State prograra has been established to allow funding for waters
that are aoQessib].e to the genera� publia and Por pubZiQ benei'it. The
reeommendation is to authorize fi.Zing of an appliQatian.
Odo hos {Ferrous Sul hate).
5taff reaau�mends thi� eontraet be extended for 4a�day segments to
al].oK evaluation of produets bids at�d ta consider lease va. purflhaae of
tanks and equipmsnt. Odapho� ha� been very effeetive in eontralling odore
for the Water Po7.iuti.on Control Diniaion.
Ed ewater Drive C.and Ac uis�.tion.
The reQommen.dation is to appro�e a f�rst quarter amendment to
estabZish a projeat for the aaquisition,
Emergenay_Medical Serviaes (E.M.S.) A�reement.
Thi� agreement� required by S�ate law, is more reatr�.at�ve� but
basicalZy the sap�e as agreed to in 1g81.
Bob Dav�.dson, Fire Chief� ot���i,ned differennes in the neK agreement;
and disoua$ion ensued on advaneed liPe 9�ppor� and cor�soZ�da��.on by the
aounty sa that al�. di.spatohing would be dane out af a nen�rai communication
sysCe�tt. Canoern uas expreased that the City aould not deolins to respond
to a aal7. whan too busy� and that this couZd result iri Firefighters
rea�ending to E.M.S. aa�,1s i,nstead of 4�andl�ng Pi.res. �n add��ion, the
1. Oatober �3, 1982
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Ci�y i� ourreatly work�ing an a neH poliaa/Fire oommuniaat�.one system rrhioh
wonld oonris.ot wiEh the County+a E.M.S. plans.
Agreement for PACT C3rant from the P�ne].las Sunaoasb Tourist bevelo ment
Covr�Qi I.
The reoommendation is to approve the agreement between Pinellas
County� the City of Ciearwa�er, and PACT, ina. providing for the aoaeptanoe
o!' a�50,000 grant vthi,ah Hi,ll be sub jeat to audit by the County.
Review_af Cit►�Code Requiremeat Pertaining to Taxi.oab,s„and Publia
Coaveyanaea, ��
�he Manager requested that the Commission aonsider to what extent
the Ciby should aont,ro,l the �.ridustry. He atated that driver aharaQ�er
and equlpment safety are City oonaerns beoause taxis are publia
Re uest b Clearwater aeaah Taxi Ina. for �7 Additional Taxioab Permits.
Allen Woatherilt, app],S.aant, would like to extead his servi.ae to
entire City. With the eight permits he aurrentlp holds� he aan serv�.ae
only C�earwater BeaQh. The reQommendation is to �et a FuhliQ Hearittg da�e
�o oonsider �he request.
Status Repart � Streetsaape ProAram (Work Session Only).
Sam Casella, Exeou�ive Direator, Aoxntown De�elopment Board� reported
�h�t all but $2��166 of the tatal $�IO,OOd pledged to the program ha9 bean
aolleated and the the Downtown beve3.opment Hoard will fund now and ool.].ent
later from the three businesses that had pledged this money. The City
has donated ��0�000 aash and $10,000 in-!c].nd services.
Status Re ort - Park P�aee• p,S. 1g and Gulf-to-Ba Boulevard (Metro
Development Work Seasion Only .
This i� the largest deve].opment sinee Countryside and nontai.ns
approximately 97 a�res at SR 60 and Hampton Road. A series of target dates
has been estab].ished for review of the applieat�.on by regiona�� county
and lacal juri.sdiati.on and the developer requests a special publiQ heari.ng
date be set during �he week of DeQember 20, 1982; which would requ�.re that
it be advertised out of normal sequenee,
'Tfm Johnson, At�orney, representing the deve�.oper� reported that the
alosing date for th�,s aale will be Jan�ary 5, Z9$3. They will ha�e gone
before P1'C, TBRFC, and Pinellas County befare caming befare the City.
He has di.soussed �hB situation kJ.th tite City At�orney who has determined
that it �.s a legal proaedure.
A speefal xork sessian with Miahae3. Flynn will be held Thursday�
OQtober 7, at 1 p,ca. to disauss and deterrnine a��ian to be taken.
Verbal Reports.
�he City Manager reported that September ra�.ns did $15,855 damage
to a major sewer line near Morrisons on Cleveland 5traet.
He presentad a draft Qf an agraement regarding alosing off t�ni.ts in
the Boldog projeet 325 South Gulfview Baule�ard so thaL not more than #8
units may be made available for rent.
Carisant , ,��qeod�.
Guard Servine for City Marina.
At the reqvest of a oit�.zen� �his item Ni11 he revised. The low
bidder dic� not have Qapabf.lity to fulfil3. aantran� aad aeaond low bidder
did not have a�tate liaense.
2. Oatober �I � 1982 �
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