cir�r oo�a.ssiar n��a s�iar
3eptember 13, 1982
The City Cornmisaiori of the City of Clearxater met in briefing sesaion
at the City Hall, Monday, September 13, 1982, at 1:12 p,m., with the
fallowing members present:
Charles F. LaCher
Paul A. Hatohett
Rita Qarvey
James L. Herfield
James Ca].derbank
Al.so preaent were:
Antho�y L. 5hoemaker
Thomas A. Bustin
I,uoil.le Williams
C�.ty Manager
Ci�y Atiorney
City Clerk
The Mayor aalled thv taeeting to order and the follow�.ng items were
�resentation by 3alu Devnani -� Bethamy Gardens Ltd. Nursi.ng Home Pro.ieet.
Mr. bevnani reported nis partner, Rebbi Peter Mehler, Kas �.eav�.ng
the area aad, in a1.1 probability, se�eral new partners would be 9ought.
The F].orida Gulf Coast Health Syatem AgeaQy, kho werQ opposed to
establfshment oP this nursing home� had requested an admistrat�.ve hearing
in Tallahassee and it is expeoted to take plaee in four to five ueeks.
The agenay itse].f will be phased out the first of Ontaber 1982, P].ans
and �pe,c3fiaationa far the nursing hame are aomplete and a r�enderl.ng wr�s
presented to the Commission. The plans s'ti11 cal.l for two kitahens, one
Kasher and one regular. There will be 120 beds and it cri11 be an abo�e-
average estab�ishment. Tha bond issue reqaires a�rustee to handle the
aTfairs and an esarow fund establist�ed for the finaZ payment of prinni.pal
and interest.
. The Health Agenay was opposed to thfs projeot becaUse of the costis
bQing expended. There ha�e besn �ome minor ahanges to the origina7. plans
and the feasi�i,].ity s�udy showed that there was a need for this i:ype of
nursing home as there are only twa in the State of FZori.da: one in
Jaakaonville and one �,n Miami. T�ey expect 54� oacupanay the first year
and it wi11 be a quality �are in9�itutian.
Edgewater brive Froperty.
The C3ty Manager reparted he had not reaeived an answer to the City'e
offer to purahase the property and � public hearing will be held Thursday
evening at 7:30. The recornmendation is to consider whether aQquisi�ion
of the property is of suQh impbrtanee to the good af the Qommunity that
it requires conderanation aation for all or a portion of �he traot and
possible adopti.cn of a resolutian to condeain either one or both paraols
of land iisted as Lot 1, Sunset Point Replat and M�B 22 in Se�tiion 3-29-15.
There are tKo major requirements tha� must be met if �he Ci�y oondemna
the land for puhlie parks� square�, ar�d/or grounds. The land must be used
for the intend�d purgose desoribed, name�y a� a publin park; or t•here must
be a proven need for the land for suah purpose. The City can meet thesa
requirements as it does not meet the �tandard of one aare per 7,000
residentg as required in the Parks and Reoreation E].ement of the
Camprehensl�e 1'1an. There is also a defi.ait of parkland in ths planning
di.striQt where the property 3.s loeated.
Estimated legal feea for the proceed�.ngs are �50,OOD.
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Ar�i9b-�.n-Residenae Pra ram.
The pragram has been in effeot einae 1977 and there are i8 pieoes
of artwark throughout the City. Three artists are aoma�i�sioned esoh year.
The prngram hae been adminfstered by the Pinel].as County Arts CounQii sinoe
i�s ineeptlon, hoNe�ert they xi].1, no longer be abl.e to assist the City
and have requested �hat the City assume the respons].bi].Sty, partiau],arly
the Parks and Reareation �epartment's Cultural Arta Diviel.on. If the Arts
Counoi7. were to aontinue the administrati.�e responsi.bi].ities, �hey were
requesting �t5��00.
Loaal Qovernment Interver�ar Task Foroe for �'lorida Pawer Aate Case.
Ttse last Flor].cia Power Company�s rate inorease requegt xas
suaoessfu].ly interveaed and a savS.ngs to the City oF o�er �165,000 p0r
year was rea�i.zed. FPC proposes to disaontinue the speoial rate Par local
governments whieh would preaent a sizable increase to the City. Estimatad
eQsts ei' the intervention tQ be shared by ths ioaal gouernsnonts is �20,400
to �30,040 and funds are budgeted in �he 1982-93 budget.
Sand Key Parlt.
An agresment has been drafted batween the City and Pinellas County
�ihieh outlines the County's ob].�.gation to oon9trunt and maintairs temporary
t'aeil�.t�.es and the Ci.ty's obligation to provide po].ie� prateation and
dredge materia�. For e].evation purpases, �he City wi�.l prov�de su�'Ficien�
pollae protention, but the Caunty Nill assume responsibility for the
F'arking Study Contraat � Downtown.
The Ci�y Manager reported an ana].ysis is beir�g done. The or�.ginal
aroh�.teQts will be retai.ned �'or developi.ng uosts. The projact will be
done in phases and the park3.ng �tcuature apaees wiil be based on the City's
abi.].ity �o pay. The design wi�]. be su�h that an additional. floor may be
The City Manager reported that when the CPTA talses over �he lo� an
Oetoh�r Z� there will be a parking shartage �owntot�n and some long-term
parking spaaes wi�l be altered to short�term.
Lease A reement - Cit -Owned Gas Station �19 CauseWa Boulevard.
Staff has been �nable to negotiate a contract with Messra. Davy and
Hunt and the recocnmendation is to authorixe staff to advertise far
proposals for the operation of the service station under a 15-year lease
�peal, - SideKalk Waiver Denial --_Homer Vil�aa.
Th�.s 3s a Turnkey prajeet for elderly hou��,ng. The Naiver was
adm�.nistrati�eZy denied. rf the de�elaper does not construQt the
sidewalks� the City would be required to do so. The City has aommS.tted
mora than $80,D00 for sewer lines in this area for this projeat and another
that is being construnted to the aouth.
Ccnsr.a� .
Offiee SUppies Contraet_14-1-82 to 4-30-83.
The reaommendation is �o award a aontract io A1an's Offiae Equi.pment,
Ino. based on their responsiveness to bid speeifications and responsiblity
wi.th resPeet to oapaQity and paat perFormanee dur�.ng the eurrent aontraet
Laundry and Dry Clesning for Po11ae, Mar�ine and_FirerAepartments.
'The reoorranendation ia to axard the eontrac� to Spotlite Cleaners in
the amount of �23,570.50.
Mar�in Luther King Center Roof Repairs.
The Center ttaa developed leaks �.n the roof whiah eannot be oorreated
thraugh spot repal.r procedures, 'The City has besn using a praduct ea7.].ed
MiraQote t+hich carries a 15-year guarantee and has worked well.
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September �3, 1982
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Condon C3ardens_3ubdrains Contra�t.
The C�ty Manager reported the item wi11, be pu7.].ed Prom the Canaent
Agenda and will probably be rebid as the bida aame in too high.
Em 10 ee Salar Ad ustments.
Thfa i.tem re].ates to providing 8-peraent aQross-the-board xage
inoreases effeatl.ve Oatober 1, 1982, fvr a�l employees sxaept thoae aovered
by the Exe�utive Pay Plar► � as epprovod in the nal3.eati�►e bargainir�g ,
agreements with tha three employea unions. The item wi11 6e p3aaed under
City Manager ReporCs.
CZear�tatar geaah Hotel - Praliminar Site Plan.
The properties are located on the eas� and ►rest sides of Gulf Visw
$ott3.evard ��outh of Baymont Street on C�,earwa�er Beaah.
Tha City Manager reported that there is some eoneern whather the City
has the right to vaoata the Baymont Street right-of�-way undsr the Charter.
Commis9ioner Berfield expressed a strong reservat�.on to the vaoation
of the proper�y as it might be a Charter violation.
Tha Planning Direator reported that there i.s suffiQ�.en� parking� and
noted the defin�tion of "suites" should be addressed. He reaommended the
tranafer of dens3ty, but requested that one af the aonditioMs require that
there be no variances �a the Code. The site plan as presented depends
on the vaeatian of Baymont Street and would not be feasible otherwise.
Disnussion ensued on a covenant to run witt� t4�e land stating tk�at
�here would be no oonstruetion on the current parking lot b�eauss of �he
transfer of den�ity. The at�orney for the appli.cant xi17. addres9 �he
Commission nn varianaes.
Clearwater "19" Industrial Park -- Sit� Plan and Cammvnit Im act
StatemenC Kunnen P5P- 2-25.
The �acant property is located an the east s�de oF Li.S. 14 nortih of
Dreu Street and the appli.cant plans to construat eleven buildings for
wholesale�retai)., office, businesa� and warehouse storage u�es. 'Fhe
P7,anning Direator reported tk�at all the conditiona requested by the
Re9ource Deve].opment Committee have been met.
Bellev�.eK Cabana Cl.ub Condaminiums - Reval.idation of Site Plan
The property is located on the west side of Gulf Boule�ard north of
patz's Tsland Condominium and Fronts on the Gulf-of-Mexieo. It is u9ed
as the Ba].].eview Bi,ltmore Cabana Club, The a�plicant plans to deve],op
tihe property wi.th a nex clubhouse and 90 candominium units i.n txo eight�
stary buii�lings.
The developer has requested an extensian ta the time period vriginally
approved for issuing initial building germits. The Planning birentar
report�d three minor ahanges to the site p�an.
Revalidatiors of 5ite Plan for Ciear Bay Terrace - Clear�ater Voluntieers
of Amerioa Eiderl Housir� Ina. i'SP-82-9. (Heye, et a7.}
The projeat was ari.gi.nally appro�Qd in March '1962. The devel.opers
glan a 101�un�t apar�nenti camp�.sx for the ].au-incoms el.derly and
har�dieapped. There will be four �hree-story apartment buiZdings, each
attaehed ta the one-story oammtar�i�y oenter. Variances ttave been granted
to allaw the �hree-story bu�ldi.ng height� individual unit size of b37
9quare Peet and a pertneable area for parking 39 �eh�eles in liee� of
prdvi.di.ng 39 of the required parking spanes in a paved area. The varianees
were granted in February and expired in August, The developer has
reappli.ed to the Board of Adjustment and Appeal on Zoni.ng. Yf the HAAZ
gran�s the �arJ.anaes� it u�ll be neQessary for the ticae period for
obtaining bu�.lding permits to be extendad from the �eptember � dead].ine
proposed by the City Coa�misaion as a Qondition of original site plan
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Zoning Ordirianae TQxt Change - F'�.00d P].ain OverlaY Di�striaG.
A new zoning diatr�.ot to be identified as the fil.00d Plain Overlay
Diatriot, wi11 reaognize the 100-yesr flodd p�ain on tha zonirig atlss. The
ordinanae HilZ provide app�ivable development regulations in the 25- and
100�-year Tlond plains, respaQtively. By reoognizing flood plaia areas,
�he uae of this land may be regulated. The proposed amendment is being
proaessed at this time ta oompiy Kith the terms of the City's agreeroent
with SWF'NID re�,at�.ng ta the A1].igator Creek Flood Proteation Program.
Zonfng Ordinanae_Text Cha�e L Fiome Ooaupatfons - Aa SpeQial Exaepti.ons
in the CTF�24, CTF_28, RMH, P3 and CG Zonf,n� DS,striats.
This �.s a reoe].pt and ret'erral �tam and �rill ba on the regular aganda
aatober 7, 1982.
Pablio gear3�
Area 1Q Rezoning - Court Street East.
The Planning DireQtor reparted the Area 10 rezoning aorisista of 5�
Li1P's and rexonings Pc� 37 separate items. The area is Iocated south af
Cleveland Street, nvrth of Druid Road, e�st of Myrtle Avenue and west of
Highland Avenue and oharaQterized by a mixture oF use�� inaluding retail,
oft'ifle, apartments, duplexes� and single-family residenees. A Ci.ty.-oxned
golf eourse attd publiQ buil.dings are inQluded. The ahaages reoognize the
exi�t3.ng uses and enaoUrage a more desirab7.e land use pattern f�r
redevelopment. The PZann�.ng Direotor reported on reaommendations at' the
PJ.anning and Zaning Board.
a. Lo�s in Ma�no�i;a Pat�k Subdivision LLSP-62-3� and Z-82�30.
The properties are Zoaated between South Myrtle Avenue and South
Greenxood Avanue and between CoUrt 5treet and Druid Road. Development
consiats Qf a parki� �.nt, a dup].ex, a sl.ngle-fami�y residence and an
offiae. The Planrsing and Zoning H�ard unan�.muusl.y reco�ended aPprova].
� o�' the Lot,► Density Residential Land Use classification and RM-8 zoning
for Lots 9 throvgh �2� Bloek i7� Ma�nolia Park 5ubdivis�.on, and denlal
of the remainir.g reque�ted changes.
i. LoCs 1 throu h 4 Bioek B Maranatha Subdivision Z-$2�3u.
The property f� �.ocated at the northeast oorner of Madisan Avenue and
�urner 5treet and is de�eZoped wlth apartmenta and parking. The Planning
and Zaning Board reao�nended deletion of Lot � from the propasec! rezoning
p. Lota in H�,biseus Gardens Subd�.vision Lembo Subdiviaion and Ga1f
View Gardens Subdi�ision; arid M&Bs Z- 2-�0
The property is locateci fram 'Turner 5treet to Aruid Road between
Missouri Avenue and Betty Lane and Qontains a mixCure oF uses, inQ3.uding
a day Qare center, single-family res�.dentiaZ, duglexes and apartments.
The P�.anning and Zoning Board unanimously appro�ed rezoning to RM-20.
t. Lota in Hi,biseus Gardens S�sbdivision LUP-82-�3 and Z-82���.
The property is located wi�hin the blook bounded by Cour� Street,
M3asouri Avenue, Rogers Street and Bettiy Larje. It is developad wtth
commeraial uses, apartment units and prafessional offices. The rezoning
Hi.1I ereate a�nified profesaione� aervicea distr�.ot in the general area.
Tha Planni.ng ax�d Zon7.ng Board reaammended a Land Use Plan dBsignation of
Resl.clentia2 OF�'iee and PS zaningr with the excePtian of Lots 1 through
6, 24 and 25, Bloelt R� Hibiseus Gardens, Whieh will remain CG.
n. Lota �n Hibisaua Gardens Subdivieion LUP-82-�14 and Z-B2-43.
The property is l.o�ated from Park Street to 5anta Ao9a bet;Weer� South ��t;
Misaour�. and Betty Gane and developed with commeraiai e�se9� pgrking and .���
proFeasional offices. The Planning and Zonfng Hoard roeommended a ;��
R�s�.dentia7. Offiee Land Uee Plan and PS zoning, but to dele�e part ot' I.o�a ts`',
7, 11 and 12 and aZl af Lots 1 through 6� B].oak L; and Lots 1 through 4 �'�
and '!1 tt�raugh 13, al�flak M, Hfbisaus Gardens Suhdivieion frotn the praposc�d :�`��
ohanges. r.:,°-
�. September 13, 1982
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v. I.ota !.n Hi.b�,sous c3ardens 3ubdi.viaion LUF'-82-�15 arid Z-B2�4�i.
The properties are l�aaated from the r�orth aide of Pierae Street to
Sattita Rasa Street between F'rankl�.n Ci.rale and Setty Lane and the area ia
de�elaped with one offioe� single family rea�.denoes, duplex units and
apartmeat nnitg. The reoommendati�n ia ta deny the LUi' amendmenta and
direo't the City Clerk to read�ertise a Medium Denaity LUP amendment and
a Zonir�g Atlea amendment to RM-16 for a portion of the properties; and a
LUP amendmenb ta residential offiQe and a Zonirig Atlas ar�endment for a
portion of the property.
Verbal Aeporta.
The City Mar�ager reparted that the Nationa]. League of Cit�ea KS.I1
be having the3r annual eanferenoe from November 27 ta UeQember i, 1982,
in Los Angeles and queatioaed whether i:he City Cotn�uiss�.on Noul.d ].ike to
re9ohecSule the December 2 City Cominlsaion meeting to Deoember 9. An agenda
item will be prepared.
O�her Cotamission Action.
The__Mayor requested diraationa]. signs £or Martf.n Luther King
Reoreation Center be ereated. •
� �982I83 Hua�et.
The City Manager presented a memo dated September 13� �982, whieh
responded to tihe queries of the aitizena at �he 3ep�ember 9 3peaial Hudget
Meat3ng adjourned at 3:30 p.m.
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