C1TY 0�[is4I0M BRIIQ'I1fl Sa,�,lI(I�
August 16, 1982
Tha City Canmiasion of the City af Clearwater met in briefing �esaion
at the CS,ty Hall, Monday, Aagust 1b, 198�, at 1:10 p,m.� wi�h the fallaul.ng
membera present:
Charles F. LeCher , Mayor-Commis�ianer
Paul A. Hatflhett ViaQ-Mayor/Commissioner
Ri�a (3arvey Com�nissioner
James Calderbat�lc Commissianer
James L. Berfield {arr.2:QQ) Commiasianer
Alsa present were:
Anthony L. Shosmaker
Thomas A. Bustin
Luallle Wiiliems
City Manager
City A��orney
City Cierk
The wayor ealled the mesting to order and the fal].owing items were
Edgewater Ari�e_Property.
The property is loQated on the Heat side of Edgewater Dri.ve, north
of Stevensons Creek, aeross fram the interseations of SunaydaZe Arf.ve
and 5unset Point Road.
The direetion of the City Commiasion had been to ofi'er the proper�y
or�mer �384�000. To date �he ofFer has neither been aa�ep�ed or rejeeted.
Traffic En ineerin Re ort - Metro olitan P],annin �r anixation Cvunt
wide Plan.
The TrafPin �ngineer, Ksith Crawford� presented to the Commission
�he MPO Transportation Impra�ement Program eontaining tl�e �.mprovemen�s
to be raade to �arioua roads in the Ci.ty and the estimated aonstruotion
date. Se presented a map denoting the north/south traffia arteries f.n
the City, how they were elassiFied under �hree juri9diet3.ons, the
Department oP Transportation, the Cc�un�y and the City. He reported the
Connty Commission is cons�dering banning truek trafFie from 6;oa �.m to
6:UD a.m. on eertain raads.
Diaoussi.on en9ued on new subdi.visiot�s accessing anto main t�ighways
and the County's authori,ty and eontrol over many eity streets.
Piarina Pier and Haithause Relocation.
The exi�ting bait pier will be reloeated �o accommod'ate the Capesin
Anderson �xeuraion vessel at the Clearwater Marina. Andersan Bay Crui�ea
has agreed to pay the cost of the reZoeation construction and to enter
into a li.cense agreement providing for paymen� of slip ren� for eight
manths each year a� $��13.75/month. The cost relating to enlarging the
bai.t pi.er will be paid by the ourrent lessee aver a per�.od ot' five years
at 13x plus rent in the amaunt of $2�11.66/month.
NeiBhborhood Housing 5ervices Grant Fund Applicati,on.
Grants of up to �125�OOQ may be made to local governments to assist
exist�.ng NHS projeats thaG are expanding to inalude adjacent geographic
areas. The existi.ng area runs from Bellai.re Road north �o Ttarner Strset.
The expanded area w�.ii continue norGh from Turner to PaZmetto. The
Noighborhood Housis�g 5ervices program was initiated to revita].ize
Clearwater� deteriorating neighborhood� and ha9 done so eucnes9ft�%ly in
the South Creenwood Area.
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August �6, 1982 Hriefing Session
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GDBC3 Volunteers of Ameriaa Hnuaing Pro�eot.
The City i� gssi9ting the VOA in the development of assis�ed hou$�.ng
for the elderly by a1l,ocat�ng �Sa,000 for off-street sewer aad xater
i.inprovement. There rrili bo another assisted family hausing projeot
direotly to rhe north of tf�e VOA projeQt tthiah 3s being developed by the
CZearwater Housing Author�ty through a Turn-Key aontraot with Eastern
Pro�eat Developers. The Ci.ty will provide $57,7n0 of the CDB(3 funds for
the dea�.gn and nonstruotion ai' that portion of Betty Lene uhioh ahutts
the pro�eat and i'or the inatall.ation of ourbs and sidewalks Hithin the
Betty Lane easements, The City and CHA have entered into an agreement
for the design and aonstruotion af an eighC inoh water ].ine at a aost not
�o exQeed �17,OQ0. '1'he proposed agreemen� provides the fqnding for
off-site improvements ta assist the development oF assisted housing.
Verbal Re orts.
Ken Adams� Ma�agement Intern, wha has been working in tha City
Manager'a �ffiae presented his raport enti�led t�Review of the Cammi.ssian
Mai]. Proceas and F'easibility Study for the Minolta EP310 Maahine Qapier.
The present �ystem copies mail as it is reoeived after being sorted
aeaord�,ng to eantflnts. Letiters addreased ta the Cammission andlor ga].icy
matters are Qopied and forwarded to the Commissianers, City Manager,
Assistant ta the Ci.ty Manager, City Attarney, Ci.ty Clerk and six �o ths
Press. The presen� system aceompl3shes several purposes. (i) Tt insures
equal dis�ribution oF informat�on to all Commissioners, it alerts high-
level admi,nistrators to problems and informs the presa. The report
rr�eoimnends a master Paeltet of i.nfbrmation be set asJ.de for the press to
9eleat eopi.es needed and further reaommended purehase of the aopier
a�aahine. This wou�.d eliminate fi�e preas gackets with a pro�eated first
year savings af $2,�16 and a five year prr�je�te3 saving of $12r000. The
savings woul.d ba used to purchase the new machine. The City Manr�ger
repor�ed �he histary oF the copyi.ng pracess.
b�.9Q1IS8�0i1 ensued and Comml.ssion conaensus wa� that many thank yuu
1e�tiers and invi�ati.ons etc, nould be eli.m�.nated fram �he eopy pr�cess.
liev�,aed Site Plan 325 5 G�ifview Boul��ard PSP 1979 (Baldo )
Tha proper�y i� loaated hetween Gu}.f Boule�ard and �oronado Drive
south ai' Th�rd Street and north of Fff�h 5treet. The sx..� is developed
and the site plsn approve� January i979 a].iowed a 35 unit apartmen�c
�uildi.ng. 'Che �ra�erty at tha� time �tas xoned RM-26 CHigh pensity
Mul�i-Famfly Use) Dis�rict. July 7981 ttte C�.ty Cotnmission appraved a
requsst for rezoning by �he properGy ownQr to GTF-28 suhjeet to approva].
hy the Coramission of a revised site plan For any change in uae. The
agplicant ha� submitted a revised 93.ts plan Khieh proposes a eonvarsion
of the newxy nonstrunted buildi.ng from 35 units to 48 units. The structure
was construeted aonsistant with the �M�28 �istriet requiremente a� the
time. �he ex�.st�ng strqeture ia inconsiatant wittt the building i�eight
and setbaQit limitatian9 For the CT�-2f3 distir�.et. A memo from the Planning
Director daCed May 27� expressed Qoneerns on the conversion of �he 35 unit
apartmen� buiiding to a 52 uni,t motel. The Ordinaaee �hat apgro�ed the
C'TF'-28 zorsing reatricted the number of motel units ta be permit�ed to a
maximum of �8.
Name for Foru�er Clearwater Xacht Club_PraPerty_
The Parks and Re�reati.on Board ha9 reeo�amended the name "Clearwater
BeaQh Recreation Cc�ap}.ex". �ihen the prop�rty waq purahasec� the site pZan
referred iti as the Mandalay Mari.na and Recreation Compiex. The
Harbormastar and Marina Advisory Haard Would like to have the xord T'Marina"
inc�.uded in the t�.tle. At �his ti.me there ia no marina on tha siie buti
the gossibi�.ity in tha future st�.].1 exi.s�� .
The C1ty Manager re�ommended the name be ��CZearwater Heaeh
ReareationlMari.na Center"
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August 1b, 1982 Bri.efit�►g 5ession
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Dowr�tar�m 3�reetsna�e__Loans.
.f �'�
Property aHners on Cleveland 3treet have expre8sed an intQres� iri
finanaing assistance in this projeot and are jointly aontributing �15,OOD
of the ��0,000 aapitgl aost for the �100 BLaak ProjeQt. The reQommendatian
is to aaaept loan notes Prom partioipa�ing Qroperty oHners for up ta 50�
of the aost.
Verbal Reports.
The City Managor reparted the Florida Gu3.i' Nealth Systems Agenay�
�nu. had requosted namea of potential aandidates to aerve on �he new
health aaunoil.
ConsQnt A�enda.
Housit�g Board of Adiustment and Appeals.
Commis9i.on qusstl.aned xhether the Board could Ue elirainated but were
informed it i.s required by �he Iiausing Code. Citizens may appeaZ deei�ions
oi' the Buildir�g Direator relating to minimum housi.ng reqU3rements to thia
Sanifoam Va orooter.
This ehemiaal retard� root gra�rth 1.n niiy sewer lines and has proven
to be very e�'feative. There is a sole supplier For marketing the product
nationu�.de . _
Enw g1aR
Thi9 i9 a fine grade cold mix matsrial used to repai.r pot holes, loti,t
3pvts in streets and areas where streets have �een out to ga�n access to
water, sewer ar gas lines and is used by the Public Service Di�ision.
The local souree oF supply ofFers a eoid mix material that is much coarser
and doea not compact as well.
Washed Shell.
Thi.s }�raduet is used in the street maintenance program and the low
bid is reaomraended to al.dsmar She13. at $u.T4/yd. delivered.
Sodium Bicarbonate
Thi� ehemical is used in the digesters at the Water Pallu�ion Control
faoiliti.es. The loN bid is reeommended ta be purehased from
Thompson-Sayward Chemical at �16.04 per 100 lb bag.
Commis9ion requested a report from the City Manager on whether or
not the Cl.ty 3.s using Temils� a Qhemieal used in spraying far be�gs.
Cammission returned ta the re�ised site plan of the HoJ.dog property
and John R�.ehter re�iswed the histary of the property and the o�erail beaeh
�rdinanae Text Change - Home Q�cupatiar�s.
The aurrent zoni.ng code ].imita a home occupation to an oeeupation�
eraft or prafession carried on entiirely wi�hin a dwelling uni.t. The change
prapo9es amendments �o the definition and aonditions af hame occupa�ions
with a neW seation outlining supplemental regula�ian9 to al�ow
consideratioa oF home oocupations, the operation of whiah are not
exalusiveiy within the residenoe. The amendment aZ9a provi.des
admini.strative re�iew by �kte Building Depar�ment of tihose eurrent
uecupational license9 issued to post offiae box numbers and wou].d allaw
those Hho qual.ify to aontiriue i.n busi,ness without applicatian and review
by the Board of Adjust and Appeal on Zoning. No new accupational licenses
Nil.�, be isaued to a Post Offies box number. New requests fbr Home
Oocugation� N�.11 continue to be ret►iewed by the BAAZ.
3. August l6, �g82 Briefing Session
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brdinanQe �280 -82 � Amendin Seatian 20 of the Subdivtaion Ord�nanQe.
Seation 20�3 Uefia�t�ans, is amended to inolude �ubdivider as eny
person having an intereat in land and who Qa�ses it to be eubdlvl�ed. ,
A subdivision is land va�ant or improved whioh i9 dlvided or propoaed to
be div�ded �nto two or more �ota.
Seatian 20-9 Jurisdintion, states the regulationa sha�l apply to al�
subdiviaions oF land Nithin the aarporate �imits of Clearwa�er.
Sention 20-i0 Proaedure for Plat Approvai Was amended ta a�ate
whenever any sabdivision af �and is proposed before any aontraot is made
far the sale or a part thereoF, etQ. the subd�v�s�on owner or hia
authorized agent sha11 apply for and saoure approval af sunh proposed
Other Commissian Antion.
Commis�ioner Calderbank reqnested a status repart on the Charrer
Raview Committee and questianed ths nu�ber of apgoin�ees. He noted the
Musioian's ua�on wi11 �upport musia at the Handshell hy the su� of �5,�00
ie Coaehman Park. He sta�ed the Jazz Holiday had raised $i0,U00 in
matohing Punds and reque�ted the City alloaate up to $5,000. He nated
the Downtiatirn Development Park has an allocation of $10r50d in the Budget
and these funds eould be used For Coaahman Park. Commisai.aner Hatnhett
spake in support o�' $5,OOD For the Bandshel�.
Commissioner Calderbank qaestianed the atatus oF i�uprovements to GuZf
Boulevard, noted thaC Gvs 5tavrns is on the eommittee supporting the new
B�lle� Tra�n, and requested a resaiution that a shuttle trai.n or the hulZet
train corae to PinelZas County. The dsvelopers of �he plan For the bulle�
train are willing to ].aan funds at 7.8�,He also requested the publ.io record
i,ndiaa�e in the motion the reason �'or approval or denial.
Comm�.ssioner Hatahett noted the E`red Thomas plan supparts �he aullet
Train aoncept. The Commission consensus of' the Thomas plan was that a
private 6oard should not have condemnation power. He que9tioned the use
of the 90 gallon gart�age oans and dates of implementation ln var�.ou�
areas ,
Commissioner BerField req�ested the status of response to comp�.aints
serit to Vision Cable. He requested a sidewalk report and noted the nur�S.ng
home on 5tate Road 580 had lots of opposition. He questioned the ].ogo
above ,the stree� s�.gns in the City which were deve].oped by the Downtowri
Qeve].opmenti Board.
Cmnmissianer Garvey commented on the resurfae3,ng of oity streets and
was inforn�ed the s�nd holds down the tar and gravel and seems to be uorking
better than previous ma�erials. She questioned how many Po11ce Ageneies
�rere involved in the sQhoo], program. The City of CZearuater an�y has �he
Offi.aer Fri,endly Program and finanees the sahool guards. The schooi board
has been requested to pay ane-half of the guards salaries but to date no
funds have been reoeived. ,
The Mayor reque9�ed a Lot Clearing Inspec�or erieck the Bi].gore
property near Mission Hi1Zs Cando on SR 590 as he had received a
Ttse Ci.ty Ma�sager reported a resolutian will be an tha Agenda far the
acquisition of Spring Lake to be Used as part of a reeharge system. I�
ia in the City's serviee area. The resol.ution recommends acqui�ition by
the Sou�h WesC Flarida Water Management �istrict.
Meeting adjourx�ed at u:30 p.m.
�I. August 1b, 1982 Briefing Sessian
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