08/02/1982 (2):£ T•• �!-r ^1. i'rMe�l : --. - .� . ' . . . _
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Parking_on MemOrial CaUseKRy.
The aouth side of MemoriaZ CsuaeNay near the weat br,idge has developed
lnto a parking lot on busy beaah days. The Causeway is a stat� road and
the Uepartment of Transportatian has jurisdiotion. They have requested �
a resolution f�nm the Citiy in order ['ar th�m tc prepar$ an ordinanne
and instail �he gi�s whiah wou].d prohibit par{:ing on the landsQaped areas
of the Causeway.
The She�l Statlon (Fal�ona) �,ense.
bisaussion ensaec2 an the aurrent interim lessees aon�inuing the
operation. Tt was the Co�nission's deQi,aion to go ou� to bid and the Mayor
noted ather parties are in�ereated in the property for differes��
aoti,vit3es. The I�lay�r suggested an Emergenny Mediaa2 Clinia as a u�e for
�he proper�y.
The City Manager suggested �he Ci.ty nonsider any aommuntty servies
use for the property.
Banking_Servioes Agreement - Barnett Bank.
T�+enty-three banks and �avings and loan associations, having offices
in CZearwater, were tnvited �o bid fbr CZearHater's con�o�,idated banking
business. Four banka responded with Barnett Bank providing the loxest
responsible �o�t to the City.
Parking Revenue Bonds - PACT Parkfn Tm rovemen�.
The City approved PACT�s finanoing plan in 1980 and the committment
xas tnade to finanQe the adjacent park�.ng improvements. A prel�inary
feasibility projea�ion indicate9 the f�cility nan he 9eli'-supporting
assucni.ng a similar num6ar of evants and attendanee leveis ased in a prior
feasibi].ity report and assuming a$�. ar parking eharga for eamaEerQial
and profesa�onal perfotnnanaes and $�.00/oar for community events. Parking
charges wi11 be co1le�Ced through a 9uroharge on each tickot prf.ee, thus
minimizing eoll.ection costs and eliminating any i.neenti�e to park aff the
premises to a�oid thQ eHarge.
ardinance �279g-g2 au�horize9 the issuanae by tihe City of not
exQeeding $950,000 parking system ra�enue 6onds Seriea of 1982 to finance
the cost and to p�.edge the net revenaes to the parking system �o socure
payment of the prinef.pa]. and interest on the bonds. Appro�al of the
ordinanoe wi11 allok the City ta procede with Cireuit Caurt val�.dation
and development of a de�ail.ed finanQing plan whieh wi11 be resubmi�ted to
the Ci.ty Copuniasion fbi� approvaY prior tio tne bond sale.
AdvisorY Connnpittee,far Infarmation Center Propa�ec3 Howard Johason
Faei.�.itiy. _. . . � .
The proposed Howard Jahnson facility on Ciear�ater Heach wi�.l inclvde
an Iflformatina Center. Letters were sent from the City Manager�s Office
to graupa and aasociations on the beaeh requesting their recommendation
of individuais to ser�Q an the Advisory Comraittee. Four names have been
submitted for appointmen�.
Non-Residen� Fees and Parks and Recreation Fees - G7.en Oaks Galf
These tNo i.tems �rere disnassed at the prior Budget worls Sossion and
no further aomments were forthcaming. �
Relooati.on A reement and Resolution for Proposed Constructian by DOT of
S.R. 5 0 from S.A. 595 �o Wes� cf Patriaia. �� ,
DOT proposed con�truation and realignment ot' S.R. 580 due to water
problems �rill neaessitat� reloQation and ad justraent �f' the 1y��� and 2" gas
mains balongi.ng to the City. A UtiliCy Relocation Agreement (at Muniofpa7.
expense) has been prepared.
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9th Xear Cotnmunity Development Bloak 4rant Program App�.ioatian
CDBa Funds were first reaeiv�d in 1g75 aad a report Kas prepared ibr
the Cammiasi.on regard3ng experidltures during the flrst seven program
years. Approxl.mately �2M was spent in the Sautri Oreanwood area, �1.5M
in Ehe North (lreenwood area� �33�,flU0 in �ast C1.oarWater and �5u�i3OUn City
The Neighborhood Advisory Committee has ranked proposed projeat� qnd
reoammend apprnval of the Cirtal starament. The fina�. statement pro�eots
�3aa,000 for oapital improvemerits, �60�,000 Yor hausing �1q1,00fl for
eaonomio davelopment� and �85�000 for administrati.on. The EQonomiQ
bevelapment Program will be expanded City wida if the funds are not used
�.n the North �reenrrood Area Nithin a speaifio time-frama.
Reoonsidaratian of Land tJse Pl,an Amendment ar�d Zoni.ng Amendmenta in an
Area North of (3ulf-to-Ba Boulevard and West of Hi hland Avenue South
of and abutting bre� Street.
The P1.anning Direatar reported the Pinelias Planning Counoil had
denied the requested ahange. The City Comml9sian appro�ed a LUP of inedium
density and a zon�,ng atlas amendment of RM��6 (Mediunn Aensity MuJ.ti-Family
Use). Coun�y Staff reaomcqends a low/medium dens�.ty aategory uhieh wauld
a].].ow ten units per acre as an alternati.�e to the medium categary which
all.ows t5.5. Several alternatives are available; a joint hearing wi�h
the PCPC, the property coUld be rezoned AM-8 {LoN Density Residential)
or rezoned FiM-12 and a revised applieation aubar��ted to PCPC.
Revi.se� Site Plan for 325 5. GulPview Boulevard Lloyd--Whi�e-Skinner
Sub Boldog P5P-1979•
The property is loeated between Gulfviaw Boule�ard and Coronado Dri�e,
sou�h oF Third Street and north of Fifth 5treet. Et is developed with
35 dwelling units and the a�plicant �s requesting a conversion to �18 motel
Ordfnanee �2771-$2 - Si�e PZan A roval Prooedvres
The Planning Direa�or reported tKo minor ehanges had been made an
page 3 under Sub. {D){1) (a). The applicant sha11 submit twelve aopies
instead of three of the preliminary si�e p�an, and on page 5 5ub (E} {2)
relating to a minar amendment. The neW wording statie� the City Manager
shall determin e whether or not the praposed plan amendmene or change.�.s
a ma�or or minor aarendment, In determining whether the amendmen� or ehange
is a major or minor amendment the City Manager should conaider Nhether
the changes or amendments are conai.s�e�1t Ki.th the si.te pZan and with the
design cri�eria contained ir� this ordi.nanes.
Contract Termination - Airdrome Tire Centers �ne.
The above aontraot was awarded far tire repair/recapping servioes
ia .�u�.y z982. The contractior has fai.Ied �o rc�spond as required on
emergeney and/or off�site service calls. He ha� failed to respond tio phone
Qal.ls, to supp2y praper equip�nent, to �et up a tire i.nventary� to respond
to at� emergenay fire truek ❑ehicle request� and to demonstrate
responsibili.�y that he can perform trie services rec}uired.
Verbal Reporta
The City Manager reported a letter dated 7l27 direated to the Tnurist
Development Counail in response to an invita�ion to su�mit an appliQation
far New Praduot Development Projacts recommeaded the Pinellas County Resort
Tax be useci for a P�ne],las Caunty Con�ention Center Plan and Feasibility
Stvdy estimated cos� at $35,000, and the PACT, Tna. Constrvation Completian
Gran� estimated eost $250,000.
Lease Agreement with J b J Propsrties.
'this lease will coa�mi� the City to a payment oP �72,000 over a three
year period at�whioh �ime the Citiy will ha�e the option to purahase the
proper�y for $baa,aoa. The property is Zooated northeast ot' and abutting
�he GkearWator Exeoutive Airpark and will be used for expaasion and
re�oQation of the City Garage.
Meeting adjoz�rned at 3:55 p.m.
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