03/15/1982 ,~.3't . .~.,..~ :':;~~.~}~~; ~ ~~:ffi;~~t;J,~~I~;~:1jY.~',:-.}~r~~,::i~ ~,~(;;~r,~::~:.,.,t~~ ~'.... ~"~'~ r ~,~~\,:~ ~~~ .~~. ,,' ..... "'.,. .. y .~~~ .~ ~Ti;:-; ;;:.>:.:~'~..~, ~:..,~~,~,.(..\,.': ....r,.".:='.., f~c ~~. ,;~'::'; i"#; ;. c'~,)~ '{' . ". ~~~,~~;{",....:,:;~,B:;"'!"...tq~r.t.~"';::::'~"~::J;. ";::~i!.~'.:.;!::':~'.:i;:"::';%;:':'; .': ~ ~." ". ;'i'~<;, I.~,;'.I:U'~,~""~ ""::J \1!,",::..:,\".'.L,.~.,~.,~;;.t..~~.:~;\0'&,~',\~~ ~I~' .'" ,<<,;' ..... ";''.i.'' ' . ".? /,;,,;,'A~~~ri::f:.!~~~~~Wi7i!;>f'~:;~?~/~;;~:6t)'/;t?,:;!;;'!~'!:~;~!::\IV;JF'\;~;:'?;;!7;Ti;1:'S7~~~tg::1.~~~~~..A;:ii'. ,,;t. .'." .' ,..., J .; ,',""';'. ~~,':. ..-.. ,.,","." ..,..." ,.. <,' " ..~...\,.1{i'1i.ttJ?it,:.~W.."(1!.L~. . .,..~:"~~i; ~'!t1~)";J);~.~.~!~~~:jl~~,,'~/{;~~:l,:~>"I~ .~~;Jt~~';i/:':;/t(~;~i~~~):-;t~ts~,' ~ ~ ~I~ ~~;~~;> ~\- i ....l{t;,~~~A:I('~t~;~~~ ~t~t~:t.~~.~~~!; It~t~~(:F~i (ifl":~fj. ~/:~~.~~ :!~~.L:e: ' . \.0 t!/'J ~ ~',,"', '~i-+tl~~:"'~'t';.~\'l\r"""'~'~.'..i*'~iW.o,c~...".,,+~~.if1J"{..~1!-"':~~"".~"/Io:.4-""H;~"'~}li~'",-""i~~~~{~r.~;,~I,ii.~IAI- .~ ,:" lif~~('~}~N~~~,~W~~~;1'~ i~?:..;~?i~;{':~;r.(~\i~ti;!{t~:(~ ~rw~~,~:~j~Y;Hl~~ff?Hi):'::-Y~:~Y;~':::';:~!Y !:;..!:,t:~(;~~~jr~f~~t1d~r,G~~~,Wl~;'V:':~~:~'~~:',~f;~,~" .". , "...~t ~~., i,~p~:::;~'i'( .'> ~}::i~:t< ~":Y f,:,~'i" ,; ~:~\,,:.. . ':':':';:' ~,1::,~~!':: ~t,:: ',". .!:;,...IF,::/. :',. '>. ..::. ': <',,"'"i '''~':'j' ~l:':. ",'.':.'. ~:..'.';~~:~~;:' "" '\ " '.:!'~ :.' . '"f..1,'." t", - - Commissioner Berfield disoussed the CQngregat10nal House as a retirement " hotel and questioned the safe evaouation of the top floor beoause so many of the residents are 1n wheel ohairs and are invalids. " Commissioner Garvey suggested a resolution to oppose the new gun law being oonsidered by the legislature. The Mayor suggested honoring Hassan Jones, a looal athlete, by issuing a proolamation designating Hassan Jones Day and that he appear 1n the Fun N 'Sun parade. Meeting adjourned at 1:21 p.m. . , , 'I " ,., lI'c .1; :,1 ,I 5. 3/15/82 . .