02/01/1982 ~ . b+.... ~.'~_at. ~ T . .'>, I.....'.c~". .. _i .-\_ .....~- ,,'~. 'lf1.-""t."~I""l "tiJVtj~..~ l}~+-:-"JI ~<.. 'r.~ .,,~t ~~tm'~~~' '.0': .\f~",! ".t...f."+1; ,., >'~/~':+ w~""~. 1"'r-., :'"'" .....'.,.,;~~. \......\'J-,.. :~".)~.-.'- ,; "~"''''".''' I ~ <~'j' '+0 " "Ii' to..t', ,.1;;:'.' , !.I.,.r .;1'"\. ~.. .'.:; ~',\, ~~~.f"j,,~" ;,~'i }.('~'....<<-"Y'L,...-..1.~. ;":.ri, ':f: i~f'I-'8-J'...'T:C:t-i,+t ...y~',....1..T';:rh...,.J:.'\t.':- ~ 'l~....t '1.' .....~~'l.J " ",.-+o,,,c'l ;,l",-."..',.,~. T.''-T.L.;:~ ~(rtf" '~'-:""I .('.k.....~1 "'c~I"I.." 'j ..~~L;ll~."~~.., ,'..L-~_' ~"" ~..l- 'do+iii.l.....p~.r. ~ ..~ ~~i.-t"';:I~"'~ ~~.- ...~ ,;1<.'i..~.~ .~~~~~""'r'.~7~1~~,....w.....~........."'~~~...T.":.....~:....:.....C:....r.:J """j"< ;,. "''';'' ~>'.r~>'J-'~'..<" ,.....""";f{kI~:i<:'\ q.x~,".r"l~'if1l,"h~~..,j:':"::",(~1."'l~';'f-..::it{:Zt:.ll'1~'..' ~1..JJ '.t' 4~'~l ~~~~l~.~~'~~~'~g;~ ~Pr.~~.::~!;:~{~~.\i::it i} <:.\~~:.~i,.t~~(> ';~'}(.~ ~:.::~"~' ~I>.::~'f~:f)~i.}~:u',~. ~"~::t~'~\ ~\<~:~:. ',~':,:/';~ .'~i~+', {~>:t~.~,~,! ~~-: ;~: ,~~:~;~tt:{:~~\~g~iti;1.~'~~i'} ;:.~:~~';;.~~;~~(~~~~i~~i;i, ~r*: T . {;f"~~t7-'2~~~~!'''M,.-;:a'-r.:.,.I''''~il.i...1: .........~..:....:.;.:,t:.....:..,......:~'.l=...~..;.. >:-ov~"'--""'Xl~~....t ,.....i.............:-'"....~....... _~.... ::.d,..,;~(~....t' ...:../.............:.-.10 _-:...>~ ''''.J..~L!\,: ',' JI ~i;'~~ \I",,~' .I'~ ""~~,./ f""t "~.d, ~t!:. ,....) e ,0 ',." hart not been sold and were on hold. He also noted a reoent oomp1aint by the N~CP, Clearwater Branoh, relating to an inoident'at the Carib Theatre. He ~equested a 01ean1ng, weeding and spruoing up of Phillip Jones Park, whioh is in bad shape. He questioned whether Sand Key Beaoh would be open in the spring. Commissioner Kelly requested a report from Heam Wilson on'the Clearwater Little League. Commissioner Calderbank disoussed the pledge being requested by the "Save our Bayfront" oommittee. Meeting adjourned at 11:15 a.m. , ; \ '~ " ,~.!' , i ~ ", ., , o , I, i " o " , I ;, ' J. 'I r I ' 'I .' "oj' , ., ~ \ . , ' 5. c \ I ~ , ' .' " HT',I' 2/1/82