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There are approxinJately nine hospitals in the area interested in
oonstruoting a faoility in the Countryside area. However, non~ have
oontaoted the City to purohase land.
Text Change - Seotion 131.015 - Non-oonforming Uses, Chapter 131.
Commission requested an amendment to the zoning ordinanoe whioh would
allow for the replaoement of existing density that was destroyed by natural
causes. An ordinanoe has been drafted to allow a non-oonforming density
damaged or destroyed by natural oauses in exoess of 50-peroent of the
replacement cost to be reoonstruoted or replaoed so as to prOVide the same
density that existed prior to suoh damage or destruotion.
Regulations for dooumenting our rent density and replacement of the
non-oonforming density is detailed in the ordinance. The term "density" as
used in the ordinanoe means the number of units or gross usable floor area
permitted on the property as of the passage of the zoning ordinanoe
Lump Sum Drawdown - Neighborhood Housing Servioes.
An agreement has been drafted for deposit of C.D.B.G. funds to
establish a Housing Rehabilitation Fund between N.H.S., First Federal
Savings and Loan Assooation of Largo, and the City of Clearwater. In 1979
the City pledged $250,000 in C.D.B.G. rehabilitation loan funds to support
a rehabilitation program in the South Greenwood Area.
The Lump Sum Drawdown Agreement will permit an advanoe of $100,000 for
deposit in a passbook aooount in a serving institution and will reduoe the
administrative workload at the N.H.S. offioe as the City is authorized to
request lump sum drawdowns to faoilitate the effioient operation of the
N.H.S. program from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
, By unanimous oonsent the Commission requested the City Manager make
an administrative deoision relative to the soulpture whioh is looated on
Pierae Boulevard below City Hall.
Downtown Redevelopment Plan.
, The Co~unity Redevelopment Act will permit use of tax-inorement
finanoing to enhanoe Downtown redevelopment efforts. The second step will
be adoption of the Redevelopment Plan. The approved plan for Downtown
Clearwater and the implementing Downtown Development Distriot Ordinance
enoompass the framework under whioh future redevelopment efforts will be
oonduoted. These doouments, previously approved, plus additions refleoting
ohanges in downtown use since 1976, are ready for review by the County
Commissioners and Pinellas County Planning Council. This prooess takes
between ~5 and 60 days and the doouments oan be soheduled for adoption
hearings by the City Commission in Deoember of 1981. If the dooument is
adopted in 1981, the tax roll oan be frozen at the 1980 level.
Preliminary Site Plan - Darryl's Restaurant (Seotion 31-28-16) PSP 81-35.
The property is looated at the SW interseotion of U.S. 19 and
Enterprise Rd. The site is ourrently vaoant and the applioant plans to
develOp the site with a two-story, 10,OOO-plus square feet of restaurant
with a planned seating oapaoity of 28~ seats.
Petition for Annexation in Seotion 32-28-16 - Chautauqua - A81-33. LUP
81-65 and LUP 81-66.
The property is loaated on the east side of U.S. 19 extending from the
Nationwide Auto Servioe Center on the north to the Country Kitchen/Kangaroo
Courts on the south. The total area is vaoant and oontains 4B-plus aores.
The zoning designation of CP (parkway business) and Land Use Plan
classifioation of oommeroial tourist facilities has been requested tor
paroels 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8A.
October 12, 1981
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