08/17/1981 - 1:05 pm;;rt ''??r!Ts'er�r»t•.�ds�`_'"+��. '�i'�� " � i ,y� �.�..: `��?`'Yi:�3,'.i==,5:�'',';, ..: ;. r• - - '" . _ :''r' � . ,. i: . � ..• w+,��: • .,i
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Po13ce Chic� Sid Klein rospondcd to questions ort the
Pal.a.ce su staCion �or t e auntryside'i�rc�. E-lo reparted when
he became Chief he reviewcd the munning level of �he Po],icc
Uepartment und worked out renlistic camput�tions b�sed on
popul�tion of the Ci�y And �he numUer of of�icers per thousund.
He stated he could casily jus�ify � necd far 26 palice afficers.
A more responsive palice serva.ce w�s a cost effective altcrna-
tive. He will be phas�.ng in for re�i.stricting curr�nt bcat
boundaries to change c�epiayment schedules �nd have more o�ficers
on in peak times. If the comp�ster-aidecl dispatGh system is
braught on line it wi11 give thc Police Department much s�ati.-
sti.cal inf�rmation. The cour�s are currently deciding on the
disposa.�zon a� money �nd items confa.scatied durin� drug busts
�nd these £unds wzT1 be used to help finance the substAtion.
He has cantacted �he Sheri��'s Department o£ Pinellas
County who wi�1 be cantributing one-hal� o� the daily operating
costs of approximately $24,OQ0. A si.de bene�it of this joint
effor� will be the physi.cal presence of the Sheri��'s cruisers
riding through City stree�s and givin� an ex�ra ieve�. a� police
i3ui].din 1}irector Ro A res. reparted he had requested one
additiona employee, ut t Zs a been deleted.
Commission discuss�d car poal sharing between depar�ments
and reques�ed an �n-c�epth study be made.
Parks and Recreatian Da.rector R�am Wilsan reported
Moccasrn a e Par woul e complete y ence and the impact
tees would pay the cost. The projec� should be campleted in the
spxzng and currently is on time. A narra�ive �il,m i.s bcxng
d�v�loped �o solicit �unds and suppart from private organizations.
He also repor�ed he had requested no �unds in his hudget �or a
bandshell for powntown. �
In res onse to Comniission questions, he stated a parcourse
costs about �$8,000. The Recreation llivi.sion operating expenses
have increased 13 percent due xo the additian o� netia recreation
facilities. Central Services' charges have also zncreased due
�o �he increased cos� af fue1, mainxenance and repaix of
vehi.cles. He has also reques�ed a groundsk�eper �or funding
�or �hree manths and a recreation natura�isti for nine months in
the 81/82 Budget. The groundskeeper wi1� maintain the grounds
and the building nnd the nntiuralist wi11 plan, coordinate and
�.nstruct a program in �he Moccaszn Lake Nature Park.
Commission discussed an outside contrac�or �ar mowa.ng and
tractor work and use of the Coun�ty's Work�are program.
Persannel. Director Mike I�aursen reported when the CETA
program was p ase out, e ost seven CETA positions. One n�w
position ot joh analyst is included in the recommended budget.
His department is working on devel.oping their own tes�s, but do
share resources wa.th �he Tampa Bay Regi.onal Consortium. Cur-
rently the department is working on a supervisory training
program. A review of the ruZe af £ive has been compie�ed and
wi11 be �orwarded to the City Aianager shortly, A ward processor
has been requested to computerize pay and c3.assifica�tion records
And the emp�oyees' work hisrory.
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Budget 8/17/81
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Firc lle �rtment Chiof John nitts repnrted hc h�d requested
tt fire a nrm spatc er ta re eve t�c work Ioad Associatod with
d3spntching �ire �lnrms nnd � Eire 1.icutenant for the Eb15 program.
Thi.s posi�ion would suporvise arid instruct personnel �s we11 A5
coordinate department LMS ac�ivities with Coun�y-wide requiremont5.
Thc �ire lieutenant's salary would be reimbursed i�y the County,
Tra�fi.c Eri a.neera.n Director Keith Crawford repnrCed u
request or a tra ic s�gna tec nYcian ecause vf the addz�i,onal
signalized in�ersec�tions and expnnsian of computerized signa].s.
The increase in operating expenses is mainly due to increased
Florida Power rates.
Public Warks De artment was re�resented by Gardner 5mith
who repor�e �ra eswor ers and maxntenance workers z Tiave een
rsquested in vrder �a compl�te the Alligatar Creek Zakes and
bypass system drainage projec�. This pro�ect wi�l require an
additional drainag� crew. Additional cement crews would allow
more cement work to be done in-house resulting in overall
savings to the Gity. The City currently makes its own concrete.
Cammission �iscussion.
Commissioner l�atche�t requested the status o£ the East
Clearwater pool and was advised it has not been scheduled for
this year and CDBG funds may not be available i.n �lie �"uture.
It cauld he �unded by a ger►eral obligation bond issue.
Commission Questianed, under 1Von-departimenxal Expenditures,
no salary savings item. The Citiy Manager repoxted �he curren�
union contract is st�.I.l under negotiations and a£igure cannvt
be d�termined until a contract is signed.
I.e al De artment - Cit A�torne Thomas Bus�Cin. Commis-
sa.on quest�one w et er an a�t�.ona assa�stant cz�y at�orney or
a�.1aw cleric ma.ght Ue reQuired because a£ the increased work load
in the department. Thare are more insuran�e claims since the
City became self-insured and the addition o� the Code Enforcement
Board has created additional meetings for the Attorney tio attiend.
Commission recommended, i� a need arises, a mi.d-yeax budge�
amendmen� be request�d.
Thc Mayor noted that this was a cc�nservative budget and
requested that �he labor relations process be accelerated as
much as possib].e. Comrnissa.aner Garvey expressed concerns about
the valid increases in power and £ue1 and a need �or additional
positions in the Pol.ice Department.
Mee�ing ad�ourned at 3:20 p.m.
3. Bud�et 8/17%81
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