07/13/1981��.'�i����'�' ,F'�`�:� +7[ .r•'."��1�'.�i,}�... +.t� ..�iy.,.... .n..',.'a . ' ' "' . . �: �r �' . '!� �r h.. Y�; ^� tf"�";'+a` t.i': ' .�. Y�y. .i ti a r -,:���-�.:.:4! � Lx f �'�'[Y�1:*.�.ls�s:�i:.in",�,��,,,y}_ �,,,.�.w� y...,R�,y.,,,�..vi's: . .�.. .�„� -�•:: r`�:r=--�-.-�•..-.., .�....�-� .. t . '.•t.':;,�1'�r�.i, .{�:. ,��F�7:.'�"�'.b3='3x�T].^'jj.� r' }.�l..i'�E:.. �'t7�+�.a..!n•. .S�t�i;y[.y� �i:.1�'•�.�:��."�: ::�wY; �;�{��.•���ap:W(a�'.:1_+'� �'Y,r�` � . w '�"� . • . . -� .. • . �. ' . . � . �.•." t .�.�:� if � . . ,.i.:.� , .' ':,� �•... .._. __. _ . .,«»�r�.,sc.,... �. i . .�r^�<:=. ..•.-rsr�.ic•_._.,,.�:ii�=. -- — — �.x�xr�"- -- — - - --'ir"i���i�i�rwwi�M�li==...��_ _ _,�,� . . . . . _ .. . � , . �. , ..__ . , 7, , ,�-'� `�'���'����" Y �:� � +�ty+�,.#..:;':.. ����Y.'%?r!"�7�._ •w'�f�*`I.�`?i�.'T ".,, .•� •..; . . . V�.' .�.._ . ..'+� ' ..:,..-%-.r�ra:a:.�c: �t . � �. ... �, ".r•:e 'YS+Z' 7. •: �+i :�54 •� .p+^ . � i.,�....,—:.�.r_,v."-.-.. ;� �.-r. ��i''. �'1�t.A•: ., '4�C.. .•.5•, teiv;"Y�3'< :f';•:�i��.' ' �i�`i5k .e1r�....:... .4tr•.'{ . J.arr'.`°'n ,�lv.,.. w-.r.��i.'r: . ..w.. ` "' ' � � • b' .�,�:�.���.�w n..-' �'�. �� _ �. ,.,. ..� „ �' ,,. }»K�.�� �.�. . . _^� �•....._ .,'..� i: i.�._._: �.'`:w.,.7:: �+.ie:�tt` :j�%'..,'y:.4lTtrsA'fM1C�:7�'�S. ., . _ . . . . _ The M�yor suggested "Cre��ive xone" �nd/or "Open-�nd Zane" �nd Commissioner G�rvcy requcsted thc Cansultant uddress the transfer o� densi.ty And group hflmes. Discuss�on ensucd on �hc propased adminis�rAtive pracodurc and the �npoin�ment of a Codc Admina.s�ruCor who would hand�e u11 nppl.ications. F�rncedure ior appro�a]. D� PiAtiS �and Plnns with a su�gested sizc threshoid �n�iy be a deciding factox for final approval. The consensus a� thc Commis- sion seem�d Co be that they woul.d be a p�rt of the review process and set policy, but allow staft tn h�nd].c technical details. Discussian e�sucd on o�e Bo:�rd o� Adjustment ��a nn����.s �o hnndlc a11 appeal5. Condati.onal uses or sl�ecial exceptions would be heard by �he Planning and Zoning Board. An e�fort will be made �a stAndaxdize the issu�nce o� permi�s. . Reauest to Permi� n Ten� Sale -_Ken Marks Ford - U.5. 19N. The Family Mar� Aroperty, zoned CP (Parkway Busi.ness) permi.ts auta sa�es lots, but makes no reference to �ents being permi.tted in a CP distric�. A speciaZ permit mus� be ob�ained with the fur�her assurance that addi�ional parking rer{u�.rements are me� and access has been approved hy the Traffic �ngineer. The recommen- dation is to deny the reauest. Coastal Zone Mana emer►� Element The City Manager reported �he cancerns expressed by the Com- mission at �he �.ast Comm�ssion meeting had been included in an addendum whi.ch has been insertsd in the copies to be forwarded �or review. Commissioner Garvey expressed concerns about Stevenson's Creek which drains a large urban area and empties into Clearwater Harbor and receives treated e�fluent from the Ci.ty's Marshal� S�. Treatment PZant. A reement �or Financia3. Advxsar/Underwriter - William R. Hou h� Co. 1Villiam R. Hough F Co. were selected as managing underwriters when the City re�unded its major hond issues. A considerable savings was realized, primarily rhrough the pro£essional exper�ise of the company. Tliey are fama.liar wi.�h Clear�rater's l.eg�l r�quire- ments, existing debt, proposed projects, fa.nancing capacity, bond attorneys, and administrative s�aff, and their fe�s are wi�Chin established norms us�d by ather qualified firms. Discussion ensued on �he reimbursement o� reasonable expenses. The City Manager was requested to review m�a1 rat�s and/or per diem ra�Ges. Nursi_ng Home Revenue Bond_s. Bethamy Gaxdens Li.mi'�ed has requested the City issue Indus�ri.al Revenue Bonds to finance the canstruction o� a 120--bed nursing home project in Clearwater. The £acility wi�.l be nperated by a"£or- prvfit" organizati.on. The City would assume no legal or moral respansibility for the repayment o� the bonds. �lorida 5t�ttlt85 provide t�hat health care facilities may be �inanced by Industrial Revenue Bonds. Bethamy Gardens Limited, a Florida �.imited partner- ship wili raise nne-hal£ ma.11ion dolZars and the Bond 155i18 would be appraximataly 3.� million doliars. The deve�.oper plans a one- story building with 12D-beds, which couid be expanded to 180-beds on a ten acre site to be annexed inta the City of Clearwater, There is a cammun�.ty need, as �here is a shnrtage of beds for medicare and medica�d paxients. The par�nership has received a Certificate o� N�:ed fram the State. Citizens in the area are conc�rned abou� additional �raf�ic, noise, and a dxainage problem. 3. ����� �� y�. � .. �..,, : � .�».*`�'sT. F�;�a�,�y,-��..� '';.`"�i. •.;�:`�:;: . ;r�;•�:.: ��F.S[['''%i° � r •`'�.' ' S-;�:.��'J �: r. k"a.�' ; �'.C�.`�,,'7 -� 5 .'{j,�,.�p..�:7v'7yl�}ir {... 'tw.�i �,.��:...�.�.:.��3� ri�N.�..<<Y! k : � i�;�. �f �..�1 • „�.'i ��{I�1Sf'�fL� t'ii ,• : t; '�f ' .l!� '\' ..h.a '_.� :�i' �l'��� .� •° „`�� • ' ., • ' : y� �, 7f 13/8� .'.•...'3� . _"'�':��'<r``i::`%•.•r.�,:.�. ,.,.Mt:J,'.=�`},_ ,�•� �r� Y�.� `J` l •:7� �/`'te �e.1,.. ` �`r i, � z� .E' �Y�1�'it.: .. ��n �'1� .�,t ' .. �i) .. ,��' ,,... `��. � � Right-o�-tiV�y 13nsemQnt - A11on. The A11ens hu�c request�d u[t,0.it�. oasement across thc N2� �t af City praperty th�t �ronts nn Anvid A�enue in order �o have access ta a City s�rcet �atl thc usc o� Qthcr Ci�y sorvices. Con�ainer Maint�nence Equipment The Sani.t�atiion Di�isian h�s loc�ted usecl �quipment, that sti11 has a use�ul lii'e o£ �t least 10 years and can be obtAined a� one quarter the cost o� new ec{uipment. The Purchasi.ng Agenti recommends bidding requirements be dispensed with as au�hori.zed a.n the Code o£ Ordinances. Parks and Ftecreation Fees � G1en Oaks Golf Course. In the ].98Q-81 Budget, the Glen Oaks aperating budget was subsidized by $66,586.00, a portion from the General �und and from a Capitol ImprnvemenC Project. The recammer►dation is to al�ow �he annual membershi.ps ta remain the samc, but �o add $.75 per round. The winter green �ee wauld b� increased to $4.50, a summEr 11-play card -$35.00, a winter 1�.-play card -$45.00. ]'ncreases in the £ees wi11 eventually allow �he golf course to become sel£- sustaining. Parks and Recreata.an Fees - General. Increases are recommended in the Athletiic Programs-Basketball, Sa�tball, Socc�r, �ootball, and Vo].leyball, Tennis fees at the McMull.en Camplex �o increase .25 per hour per court, An increase in the S�reet Tree Program of $10.00 per tree and yearly pass�s for swimming wi11 be implemented. Agreement_ with the Clearwater Shu�fleboard and Lawn Bowling C1ubs. The agreement wi�l clari�y th� roles and respansibi].i.�ies of the clubs and the City. Surpl.us Prap�rty - Winn-Dixie Site. Joe McFate, Community Devel.opmen� Coordinator, reported a de�initive answer £rom HU� had not been recea.ved. The primary purpose of �he original purchase o� the property was to secure a ].arge storm water detentaan area on approximate7.y two acxes of the tract which was vacant. The recommenda�xon is to declare the balance af the praperty beyond the retention pond surplus for the purpose of selling i� as a site £or e1dErly �ssisted housing �.o the Clearwater Housing AU�hority. The CHA has secured a�und reservation and tentative si�e agpraval �or conventionaJ. construc- tion of a 50-unit eiderly hausing complex on the South portion o� the site including $180,000 £or land acquisi�ion. Th� Autharity has requested approval from HUD to use Community Development Block Grant Funds for the purahase oi the balance of the si�e. The Ca.�y Mana�er stated he would contact RepresentaCives McCollum and �3i11 Young for support in meeting the September 30�h, 1981 deadline. Housin� Assistance Plan Amendment - GDBG. The i980 census revised census tract boundaries whi.ch will pexmit a closer defini�ion o� areas impactied by assisted housing. Applicata,ans have been pre�ared for sixth and s�v�nth year Com- munity Development B].ock Gran� Programs to amend the Housing Assistance Pian a�d will promote deconcentration of assistied housing units. � i/13/81 :V i�'a:S,'.i;;�t:.`.`l�.l�Li;l.S;'�j,� }'t .� - �Z•_ Y �rf.: " .'4r, .rJ'';f'�.�*}.. V,� '�y�i�'h' '��'+...t.t1::�.1",;'2�r.�l. ..�• ,*i�= •�r��y�•f. .3., _ _ _ .E,.�:-� -__ ;��{�;" _ _ . +�_r� /�nS"::�-.rn�rr�.r�.vr�.� �rey�l;d�7%� ,�{x o�lr �i. 'i�= .:�: S'�c-�'�y ;=4''s'�' ,i�'�;..i3'1- r;'„�.a.-�.......�:.i.'''' • � �„y, �, �� �ea ''J'�, ..,. f {ih�. .ais. .5.-�V'�fi.t .T..�,+ '�e-�: �7?". �./:�y;•�, r,TC r..s? ;• ,I� ;:Y' '' �;? ::I�'� . i' +a!•l, ' .:�{'%� i 1. � t ' � .� . i �3'�-} e , `i �•� "S �t ,Y. �, . ° S'�..fir%P.����� � � g, . y `...: r� � {•�� ' 4.. '�?,:.'.� :•': �;5' :n�'�' � . �. i f':'F. . ',I. �.r `�i�' n �i Cr� , �'!t�. . k r ' 3Yti r A;!'.,,r , . . }.a'' /'' �" .,'��:::'c3'.`:` " � t `� � �" � . �4� 3� 'x" ' J����ay." _: .-•.>•: ,:. • .. . . �'- ,. -r '.e.�. , � s +"a�.. , .r� a.' '��6�i: . . �����"�' � w�s, I� :y.�y .. , e �:f°j . ' . � :1'. . :�� E� • • ' ' ' e. ' . . ' � � � . 't . . � . . • . � . . . _ . . . . . ' _ . 1 • • . .e.3 . • , �� .1� `� , j" �.:_......,_.",r-s` [ .�. •r•r .�� � w�`�T�R��A�t"T,.`r_� .�. • ,. �i A 1 •�f�jry��4i� `�Sj..�3"� ..s .. . � . �$:�'w .�1.� f �t Y J,�,...n ' a.w,..w�e . �'' �'�4 , r�4 � (.+�.Tk: ��•%•Y"�.�'n� ..h" , r�t�'..�..a..z....�.-.. � �: . i�ii a��rr+""Y'T�y.•—r..i..... .. .,t,i.,,�.r• *{rir . .c, '12. �x r+� �';Tc..'� ,,�'.' ,y, �K,�.,�" r:?h^:, �K.^� ,�v r.'.t:. i.-,�.r.��" •"• ' � . . .... � .. . , •'� . � :��� , ~,��:A y . _L� . S .i . W.� N».. . i.�i.-«�,,,.,. ' ii � 3. . .. . � . . . ., . .. _ . i �..�.er __ : r:.. �.....,�,.... w.w.4:::.�.L+:�..u� `n'�w!f�il!.�� _ . _ �. .. r....... 1. _ .. . � 3' '� � I � Arca N2 - apprave RM-8 zoning tor Lots 1-3, �Ik 9�nd recommonaed CTF-24 for Lots 4-11, �1k I. Area �6 -�pprove R5-50, with the axcep�ion o� Lots 1-3, blk D, for which they recommended CTn-24 and a LUP Ame�dmen� to CommorczaX Touris� �aciiities. , Area �7B - approve R5-SO £or Lots 54-5�, lst Addi�ion and RM�B � �or the rem�ining properties. � Area #11 - recommended CG for �he entire area and � LUP Amend- ment to CommerciaZ Touris� Facilities. ' � • � Area #21B - recommended denial o� the proposed LUP and Zoning Atlas Amendments and the entire area remain CG. Area #21A - approve RM-8, wa.th �he exception of alI I,ots south . of Bldridge and Lot 13, Palm Blu£�s 5ub, lst Acidition and a LUP Amendment for those properties that have been de].e�ed to Com- mexca,al Tourist Facilities. Commissioner Garvey spoke in suppart o� RS-50 Zoning on Item #5A. . ��hex Comma.ssion Action - Suncoasr Lea ue of Munici alities. Discussion ensued on Commissioner Ha�chett's motiian to � discontinue membership in the League. Consensus was the Commis� sian did not wan� �o hast the Hovember meeting, hut individual Commissioners might�a��end any �uture me�tings. Meeting adjourned at 5:45 p.m. � � � v a � E� �' '•i.� F � ck.:4�ti�^li iI^•�' . ' �'L.rt^���rt.� �hk��hi�4��, •,�I' ;'�E.^.Yi�_� �., ' . �.'~ .� ��' (, �'M1 �65i! J �-,�r. � t �...s''Ii��,,j;;,t} s �.;'r•?.��;� ���JY.i.�iE..'St� ; :%i'' '���� �e;'.�:f��.e rsl: �r�' -'�� :;. f !.` - �.iu'� � �� ':�'. li.' ! 9f�'. 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Ye �•�i�>,� .�i+.•�.�.ii �:�,, r, � y , .• s,�.-n ....r..• . . - . . �M� � t- „'i'..!,�;r.= "*r�arr' �1.�� '�j'�.«'.:.`��,�'"�i.!.r , .. . . ... , . .�a . . . � • • . . ,. ; ' + y.. , ,,, , � a' '.• .��.t 'rt.:...,e:s;���s.�.�i•�.w{:�f�,��e��'."�'�...i........-.. /u,v �. `. �iJ' ��n $�•S;i'i�'�+�.;�! .1•�'{" 3 �i='7�7.i,ti,..r,�1�A"�w••`j���1•''v�Y.i� �]4, �`. ��` !Y �• -Rw �� i ,9 NR '� y� iri+�' �� ^ i:' ...:-�: i� ;:t .. � �,: ��k.,..�� �i'4f.�-. 3.. t.f..rf �#.r �i y2lT�., ' y.t��r . . � � .{' ..' . � , , ! �,L •s� ' � . �.7s,�.' ..,ir'� .V'::.�� s� ���t7•�i�t�•%�,4'� �4-',�•,� :.r y���+�x'{,, � r' �;l:..,� k� iYk. �k: i�k�8�^yt? �': ._.�..e.,. .�::f��`r:�:'.`:i: ;"'....'.f;•;._ •k:3.'�: A�',i 2�'�.�l�t'��...:�..Y3��•��.�'i/w�'.�`�'�1�._'��J�r..�...� . �.i?5 .% .'e7R.Hi� .... �. _ [ . tii'.�7}E`�"_�ti'.�y`°+.�': `t. .��r:.4 a^�.,rr��'. �,:3, r-