Ap.riZ I3, 1981
The Ci�y Commissa�on of the City af Ciearwater met in
briefing sessi.on a�t the City Hali, Monday� Apri� 13, 1981,
at 1:15 p.m., wi�h the £ollowin� members present:
Charles F. LeCher
Paul A. Hatche�t
�tita Garvey
James Calderhank
Kathleen Ke1.ly
A�,so pre5ent were:
Anthony L. Shoemaker
Frank Kowalski
Lucille WiXliams
City Manager
Chi.ef Ass't, Ci�y Attorney
CitY Clerk
The Mayor �a1��a the mee�ing to order. 'Fhe fnllowing
3tems wer� d15Ci155�d: ,
Dinner Cru2se%Excursion Vesse], - Prvposal
The best overall site to provide dacking faci�ities for
the vessel, �as determined by 5taf�, wou�.d b� the Basin Area
ex�ending from the north seawall af Smi.�h's �in�er to the
east span of the a].d Causeway Bridge. Tha,r�mnants o� a
�orm�:r bai�.house and pier are lncated midway be'�jaeen the old
pier and Smith's �inger. Removal af the old picr.and rep�acement
with a 2Q0 foot "T" pier is es�imated ai. $76,Oati. A�onditional
J.ease agreement has been repared in which Anderson Bay Cruises,
Inc., would pay the Ca.ty �$20,044 upar► cvnstrttction of the piex
�1u5 $b,40U per year for a per�od ot �en years, or a tota�. of
80,UOQ £or non-exclusive, seasanal u5e'of a portion of the
pier as a mooring �or the Dinner Cruise Vesse2. The pier is
to he open to the.public at a].1 �zmes {or �i.shing, observation
nr o�her recreationa2 purpose. Cap�ain Hendersan sta�ed the
pier wauld on�.y be usad for eight mon�hs o£ the year, with a
twa-hour sightse�ing cruis� in the af�ernoons and a clinner
crua,se from 7 ta 10 p.m. evenings.
Notifications'and Appozn�men�s - Commun�ty Itelations Board
T�is item was continued from the meetin� Aprii 2, 1J81,
as Dr. Aavid Berry had expressed an interest in serving on this
Board. Since that time� two additionaZ resignation5 wexe
received so there are currently six vacancie5. By unanimous
consenti the CQmma.ssion agreed to cantinue �this item ta May 7,
3.98I, to a11ow time to recruit additional a�plican�s.
5�ate Subgrant - Traffic Engine�xing biicracomputar
A gran� tnay �e avai�able from �he Fiarida Bureau of
Highway Sa�ety, Department o£ Veterans and Cammunity 1lffaixs�
to fund an Apple II or equivalent microcamputer system to
local government jurisdi.cti.ons. The vAlue is $5,000 or less
and requi.res no 1aca1 match. The microco�nputer systiem wi��
increase the angineering capaci�y of the Traf£ic Engineering
existing staf�. As the Traf£ic En�ineering I�epartmen� already
has a camputer,trainin� will bc donc in-house.
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Surplus Praperty: Winn-Dixie Site
THe City Manager reported a praUlem has arisen �n �he use
ot CDBG Funds to purcllase this property. He recommended �he
item b� con�inued until the next regulAr m�eting.
Condan Gardens_Da� Care xunding^Contract
Tlie City pravides lacal ma�ching �unds �ox the o�eration
of the Child Day Care Cenier at Condon Gardens, for 33 pre-
school children and 2� infants. A Public Donor Contract
between the Sta�e o� Clorida and the City of Clearwater has
been prepared to provide child day care by the Creative Care
LATCHK�Y Program. The contract may be terminated by eit�er
party upon no �ess than 30 days notice.
Clearwa�er Neighborhood Housing Services, Inc.
'I'he Neigliborhoad �-iousing Services has been operating in
the Sauth Gxeenwood area since 1979, �rith the Gity providing
�25U�OUQ of CDBG Funds, ta �und a revolving ].oan fund. Loca1
�inancial institutions have funded the opera�ting budget and
�he local staff has been augmented thraugli tlie use a£ CETA
�unds which paid �or a c].erk-typist and a cammunity wvrker.
C�TA funding has been cut and N.I3.S. is reauesti.ng City
£inanc�al assistance to retain the positions which are necessary
fio the successful operation of its rehabilitati.an I.oan program.
A praposed agra�ment provid�s tor �unding in the amount of
$8,U50 �rom the GABG Rehab�litation Loan Program. Commissian
expr�ss�d concerns that more xec{ues�s will be coming £or
fundi.ng o£ CETA personneZ.
Howard Johnson F�ease
Recammendation is to set � date inr Public Hearzng
cancerning the future use �� the Ci�Cy property. At the P;ibla.c
Hearing, the Gity Manager will prepare a].�.st �or th� Commission
of a11 the options and �raposals. Dis�ussion ensued on land-
scaping of a road a� the easterly end of tr.e property.
Assi nmen� of Priorities far Areawide Rezenin s and Land Use
an men ments
When the Comprehensi.ve I.and i3se P1an ioas adopted in
November 1979, many areas throu�hou� Che City tiaere classified
in categories under the LUP which conflicted with zoni.ng
designatians. The City liad been dividecl i.nto 2S areas of
consideration. Four o� the areas have beeii reconcil�d, and
Staf� has reviewed tha prioritized �chedule ancl su�gested changes
which wiZl reduce the total number o� axeas Co 19. ApproximaCely
every si.x weeks a dif�erent area �ai.11 be bxought t� the Commission
iar consideration. Discussian ensued on notificatio� o� residen�s
befare the areas are consxdered. The Gode only reauires that
c�tizens be no�ified when rezoning is scheduled.
S�and Key Land Use Plan and Zoning Atlas Amendments
A recen�ly issued arder by �he Circuit Court invalidates
Ordinance 1749 as i� applied to properties held by U.S. Steel
and ruled that tiie provisions a£ "B" (Busin�ss) Zoning, tha�
werei,n existence at the time o� the annexa�ian of Sand Key
would govern the deve�.opment of U.S. Stee�. pro�ertaes. These
properties are lnca�ed easti and wes� of Gulf Boulevaxd on
Sand Key. The to�al acreage is 51.06 acres M.O.L. The.
recommendation is that tlie Commission approve the request and
direct Stiatf to proceed with �he previ.aus].y authnrized plan
and zoni.ng amendments to �he appropriAte respec�zve categoxies,
modi�ied as nec�ssary to re�lect the judicial decree.
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Prel3minary__Site �1an__and Commu_nity Im�act Statemen_t _- �ayw�
, , -. -
_�artments .
Tlie property is located be�ween Bayway and 5outh Gu],�
View Boulev�rds. The si�e 3.s vacan� with �he exception af a
mini�ture golf course which wi1l be removed prior to construction.
The developer plans a 28-unit apartment building which will
consis� of �our (4) living stories, and a pnrking Ievel. The
Pl,anning Da.rector reported tlie sitie pI'an meets all the City's
Cnde requirements.
Preliminary Site Plan - Asoorings Condominium
The properry is iocated on �Yindward Passage west o� Island
Way. The site is�vacant and the developer plans a 10-unit
condominium bvil.ding cansisting o� five {5) Zivin� star�es
over ground floor parking.
Petition for Annexati.on CG Zoningr FS.re Aa.stric� #1 and
an Use Plan Amen ment to Commerczal Tour�st �acalities
.t rant.fatnre
The property is �ocated nor�h of and abutti.ng 'I'ropic Hi11s
Drive, east of Caracas Avenue, and west of ti.S. 3.9. The parcels
are vacant. The recommendation is to deny the CG (General.
Business) Zoning and Commercia]./Touxis� Facili��es LUP ci.assifi-
catiion and to apprave tlie Annexation, PS (Prafessi,onal Services)
Zoning and Fire District #1, subject to £ive conda.ta.ons relatiing
to waiver af �ees, and dedication ot right-af-way and drai.nage
and utility easements,
Land Use Plan Am�ndment to High Density Residen�ial {tiVeaver}
The recammendaCion is to deny �lie request. The proper�y
is located 50 teet e�ast ot �he southeast intersection of
Drew Street and Greenwaod Averue. T}ie site is d�veloped with
a residence which has been converted to five apar�ments. The
area north and south of Drew 5treet, between Greenwaod and
nor�heas� Cleveland Street is Iow density resideritia]. with
single family homes.
Land Use P1an Am�ndment to Residential/Office and Zonin xo
Pro essxonal Services - Weiss
The recommendation is ta deny this request. 'Tlie proper�y
is located a� �he sou�hwest in�ersec�ian of Turner Street and
Phoenix Avenue. The site has been deveJ.oped with a sing�e
�amily residence. The reQues� would all.ow convexsion at the
single �ama.ly residence to a protessional o£fice. The area
is developed with single tamily hames.
Four Petitions �or Annexatian have beeri received, Three
are s�ngle family resi.dences where the applicants are requestin�
annexataon for City services. The fourth one is a request far
I,ighC Manu�actuxi.ng A�.strict Zoning.
Ordinance 23].8-81 Amending the Zoni.n� At].as o£ the City - Island
An amendment has been pxopased, that the Gity Cammission
for a pPriad o� six�ty [bQ) days reserve �a Bay Pninte Towers�
Inc.� the righ� to submit for consideration a site plan involving
t��e density transfer between Lots 23, 24, and 25 ot Unit 5A,
Island Estates, and its o�her property locat�d at M� B 12,01
whi.ch is presen�ly in a RM-Z8 Zon�, That consideration of such
density trans�er shall be on the basis of 28 units per acre as
re].a�ed �o this Commission by City Staff.
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P�rkittg I.ot - G15 Drew Street
AX�n Bams�ei.n requests use o£ a portion of property
�.oca�ed at� G�5 Drew Street for lang-term off-street parking
and th�t the City purCicipate in the design, development and
collection o£ thc month3.y parking fees. The Tra£fiG Engincer
recommends the project as �here is a need for add3.tianal
paxking spaces in tlie general area. The City �rill expend
approx�.mately $b60 in design review, striping and installing
appropri.ate signs. The agreement provides the City wili be
xeimbursed for this cost £irsx, and thereafter �he revenues
will be divided with the Ci.ty receiving 30� and King Properties
70�. �
Expenditt�re of_�ecial �.aw Enforcemen� Program runds
Law en�orcement agencies naw have broader use of cor►fiscnted
equi.pmen�, contraband, and monies seized in compliance with the
�aw. T'he law requires proceeds sha].1 be deposited in a Special
Law �nfarcement Trust �und ancl shall be used �or law enforcement
purposes anly. A14nies seized and property confisca�ed and sold
a� pub].ic auction have provided �unds totaling $29,590, whi.ch
have been properly depasited. The recommendation is to authora.ze
expenditure af the £unds for pro�ec�s, equipment and training o£
officers in the Police Department.
Verbal Reports
The City Manager recommended �hat landing sites for
emergency use of helicopters be designated only and that
no contract be signed.
The signs �or Martin Luther King Recreation Cent�r
are sCi�l under consideration as a concern has heen expressed
on the praliferation oi signs in the Aown�own area. It may
bs possible ta merge with ather signs.
At xhe auction he�.d April. Y1, 1981, approximatel.y 700
were in attendance and the items so�.d for approximately $7,Od0.
The City Manager reported that the St�af� is laoking i.nto
different types of bike racks to be used on Clearwate•r Beach.
Discussion ensued an the traf�ic routing from the Beach
�his pas� weekend; mast of wha.ch was diverted up Pierce Stree�
and out Chestnut to Gulf-to-Bay Baulevard. The change seemed
to work well.
In response ta a request �or information on a general
obligat�ion bond issue, �he City Manager r�portied an eight-week
time £rame would be reQuired with the Ordi.nance adverxised five
times in fu11. The Ordinance advertising would approximate
$3,500 and the regular eiectian costs run $1Q,Q�0. He recommended
�hat a speaker's bureau he imp�emen�ed and that fl}•ers and
brochures i�e desi�nec�.
Rules of procedure for Public Hearings was da.scussed with
general appraval hy the Commission.
In response to questians on the acxion Caken on the airport,
the City Manager reported no ac�ion has been taken.
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Cansent Agend�
Tree Thou hts I�ra ram -'Che Deuuti�i,cution Council of the
Clearwater am er a ommorce wants to sPonsax �"Tree i'Iioughts"
Frogr�m at CxesC Lake Park. ror�y trees could Ue accvmmodated
i.n the fxxs� progrAm. The �rees ure nat p�r����sed individu��ly
but �s a group €�nd would bc pinnted in two rows an each side of
the si.detivA].k leading �rom Clevelund Strect to tlie lAkc. Citizens
would cantri.bute maney to rurchase � tre� in cammemorati.on o�
a special event. Bronxe nz�a��s tivill. be erected in �ran� of
or adjacent to the group of trees �n� tlze Chamt�er of Commerce
will be r�:sponsiblc for �he pxamotion and coardin�t�ion o� the
Ver�ical Lift - A ver�ical lift is needed to transport
cargo etween t e gxound and �a.rst �l.00r levels o� the new
gas/water building. The recommendation is to riurchase fz•om
Wareliousing �quipment Company, Longwood, rlaricla, at a cost
o� $8►410.
Re air of Pitmann Bucket �'ruck -'ihe present truck tivas
purchase zn �or , an as not liad a complete .
condi�ion inspection at an authorized service center. In order
to extend the usetul iife of the �xuck and to prepare it far
OSHA �certi,�ication an inspection is necessary. The recammendation
is �o award a contrac� �0 3 and J Cranes, Inc., for an es�imated
cast of $15,OOQ. �
Micrographic Serv_a.ces -'ihere is a need to convert ora.�inal.
compu�er print�nuts to micr"ofi.che, to meet storage xeCention and
retrieval requirements. The recommenda�ion is �o award a contract
for microgra�hic services tio NCR Carpora�ion at an estimated '
cost of $z1,540, f�r a one year period.
;�I 65' Aerial Bucket Truck - An aerial bucket txuck is needed
; by the ra ic Engineering Departmen� far maintenance of lighting
on street�s and a� recreat�.on parks. The recommendati,on a.s 'to
: award a contract to Gul� [ItiliCy Equipment, Inc., A�ol�o Beach,
Florida, for $77,0].�..41.
Data Entr E ui ment Purchase - Twa Data Entry machines
have een un er a lease purc ase agreem�nt and have naw reached
the maximum accrua]. credi�i. The recommendp�ion is to authorize
purchase of the twa machi.nes �rom IBM. Purchase o£ the machines
will take advantage of the maximum accrual credit and placement
under a monthly maintienance contract will. save tlie Czty of
Clearwater $16,568 aver the next five years.
Orda.nance No. 2365-8i, - This Ordi.nance amends Chapter 50,
'Title , iit� xties o s and clarifies for recadifica�ion water
impact �ee definition, water connec�Cion charges, etc. This
Ordinance was draftc;d at �he request o� the Dfunic�pal Corie
Corporati.on to cansolidate tl�ree ordinances which were adopted
after the cadification cut-of� date.
R�sa�.ution Amendin the Ru1es to Guide the Commission
in �he on uct o Its usiness -'I' e Resalut�on rings up-�o-date
var�ous po �.c�es set y t e ommissi.an since adoptian o£ R77-44.
Fair Em 10 ment Practic�s Seminar - The Seminar wi11 be
sponsore y t e ammuni�y e atinns itice, May 6 and 7, 198��
at the Caribbea�n Gj��.t Hote1. The purpose o� the Seminar wil�.
be ta infarm �irst�line supervisors about fair employment practices
and af£ixmative �ction cxiteria. A special program fund wi11 be
esta.blished to account for revenues fram registra�ion fees and
t t � , ���- � ��� �, .fi.� {-� 4 f ;,. -. .,....
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Othor Commission Action .
Cammissianer Garvey requested th� Comm3ssion addr�ss
policy at the Marin� relating �to a•�oAt being sold and allcwed
ta remain at tha slip i�' purchased by a non-res3.dent ot the
Ci.ty �f Clsarwater.
The Mayar discussed the City resignin�; �rom the Cauneil
of Mayors and i.nsCitut�ng an elecCod o�ficia�.s counci.l.
The nieating recessed at 3:50 p.m. to hear a presentatian.
Communa.ty Sa�].in�_Center Presen�ation by Tom Horne
' hir. Horne reva�ew�d the histr�ry of the Pxam F1eet which has
b�en in.existence for 38 years. A site has been identified on
the east side oi Sand Key near the Clearwater �ass Bxidge 'Toll
� Plaza,�as the possible future s�.tc: of a Cammunity Sailing C�nter.
' This parcel will b� withhe�d from o�her con�iderations by
Commi.ssion direction for a period of one year. �
A�acility for sai.�.ing boats is badly neEded and in addi�ion
Mr. �iarne recammended a�aunching area be estab].i.shed to the
. north of the Sailing Cen�er, a restaurant and res�rooms �or
�h'e general public and a fence around the sai�boat area, A
Commissioner cauid �e appai,nted to sit on the Snard and to work
with Harbormaster Di.11 Buxch�ield. They have esximated a
. 40�x70' building wi11 cost appxaximately $100,004 and are
reques�ing that Cit�• �orces clear the area.' The �inal plan
will be ready short�y and wi11 incorporate the Gity's commitment
. ai funds or in-kind services.
hieeting adjaurned a� 4:3Q p.m.