03/30/1981City Commission Breifing Session March 30, 1981 The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met in briefing session, at the City Hall, Monday, March 30, 1981, at 10:50 a.m. with the following members present: Charles F. LeCher Mayor/Commissioner Paul Hatchett Vice Mayor/Commssioner Rita Garvey Commissioner James Calderbank Commissioner Kathleen Kelly Commisssioner Also present were: Anthony Shoemaker City Manger Thomas A. Bustin City Attorney Lucille Williams City Clerk The meeting was called to order and the following items were discussed: A memo from the Woodgate Home Owners Association, Inc, addressed to Kathleen Kelly from Richard Green, President, was distributed to the Commission. The subject was: Belcher Road Truck Route, Memorandum. Members of the Home Owners Association were present and were requested to appear at the Commission Meeting Thursday night to speak under Citizens to be Heard. Parking on the Right-of-Way A slide presentation was provided by Traffic Engineer, Keith Crawford. The slides depicted many violations, including parking provided by developments that would require backing into the streets, parking vehicles on the ROW for purpose of advertising or sale of merchandise, and displaying vehicle for sale or repairing the vehicle. Several businesses have encroached an the ROW by using the area for needed parking. Adequate laws exist to permit the City to control the use of the ROW. The Department of Trans- protation is willing to cooperate in an effort to clear the ROW along State Highways. The Traffic Engineer is requesting support to remove unauthorized parking from street rights-of-way. Discussion ensued on the problem of parking for Church services. The recently organized Code Enforcement Board could be used to enforce the program. PACT Status Report (Work session only) Jeff Butler, Assistant City Manager, in charge of Finance reviewed the history of PACT, starting with the donation of a 38 acre site in 1978 from the Kapok Tree Inns Corp. for a performing arts theater to be started witihin two years. The cost of construction was to have heen financed by donations and a bond issue. However, the cost of construction and interest rates have increased tremen- dously and the Board of Directors has decided to curtail the scope of construction by not completing the Great Room, deleting electrical equipment, elevators, and kitchen equipment, which will reduce the over-all cost approximately one million dollars. This curtailment will limit the kinds of functions that can ba held. In the event of a default by PACT, the City of Clearwater would be the first guarantor and could foreclose on the property and resell it. As a general rule, performing arts theaters are subsidized. PACT has collected over three-million dollars in cash donations and has pledges of one and one-half million dollars. A feasability study had concluded that PACT should be financially stable but old constructicn costs were used and a revised conclusion 1. :� pu�s them barely at a break-even point. The Iaca1 b�nks are currently working on an agreemen� to �inance the theater and are putCa.ng tog�thex � five and ane-hal.f mi.1].ion dollax �ong- texm debt package. Bids Moai�ication o� Pump Station �3 and N6 Jqhn Dennis, o� Briley-Wi1.d, the City's consultir�g engineers� reported �he modi�ica�ion is necessary �o make t#te aperation more cost ef�ective. Alligator Creek I'umpR5tation xhis is an EPA pxaject witii an approximate cost o£ $825,000 with the C�,ty's share estimated at $2Q6,000. pendi.ng projec� approval there wil�. be a 75� grant assistance provision by EPA. Commissxoner Calderbank le�t at noon. Areawide x�zonzngs and LUP Amendments xhe Comprehensive LUP £or the Gity �Jas adopted in Novemb�r 1.979. Numsrous areas throughout the City were classified under the I.UP in a manner whi.ch conflicted wi�.h the previously esfiablished zoning Atlas designations assigned to the proper�ies. The City Commission directed these axeas be reviewed and the Ci.ty was diva,ded into twenty-�our areas o� consideration with a schedule of pra.ori�ies assigned. The I�tid-Beach rezoning was priarity area number one. Commissioner lCe11y suggested undeveZoped land areas be reviewed �irst and �hen areas fu].Iy developed. Discussion ensued on the acceptance o� site plans. �Vh�n an area i,s accep�ed a� recea.p� and xeferra�. that wa.I% �a �he cutof�' date for the acceptance of such plans, Caun�Cryside Tract 54 and tihe �tutenburg Property on A1cMu11en-Booth Road were scheduled for rezoning bu� were withdrawn after receipt o� si�e plan. The Cor�m3ssion has been asked �o revieaa the axeaw�de priorities and direct Staff with respect to any rearrang�ment a� the schedule. Agreementi to Annex C�eartiva�er �ndustria� Park Propexty_ {Thomas)ATA-130 The property in the Tndus�xia�. Park is vacan� and the curren� LiiP classi.fi,catzon is Light Manufac�uring. The applicar►t plans ta develop a Sodium Hypochlorite iNanu�acturi.ng Plant. In 1976 a previous agreemF�nt to ann�x vras executed to provide sanitary sewer service on1y. This agreem�nC wi11 pravide vrater. Thc recommendata.on is to appro�re the request subject �o several conditions, storm-wa�er retention and out�all, a re�iew by the Fire Alarsha� o� the plant construction, dispqsal of any residue or sludge, a backflow prevent�r on the potable wat�r line, and new construcrian or renovation approved by the City. The proc�ss used by the applicant would convert liquid chlorine to a powder or pel].et forr� and is not liazardous the City Manager reported. Pre].iminary Partial Replat for the Village (T.K.M. �iuilders} The praperty is iocated north of Jeffords�5treet bQtween Be�ty Lane and Missouri Avenue. The developer plaiis ].6 single iamily residences on the north hal� on Lo�us Path and ta develop the Sauth half wa.�h �4 �ripl.exes and 7 dup].�xes, tota].ling 26 living uni�s, wi�h the tatal number af uni�s in the subdivision to be 42. 2. a�'r%; iii:'e .1�:.5: -pAA. .y. • -, < :: _. _ _i. �.'_-�"...�" .�i...� V., . , , �•'�i7� "f�. .!�Y,t.,�.�,� :je }�'�«'�'i.s" ' E..;.s ' �r •;.'�� � c,�j �'... .��� �1 i �A' ��, . �'. � 4F:.. � j_�•Fr..:}., µ 'v / ' t� y�.'i�9::. yv. C �'l� >'a� e}�1` . .i �.:"' .f,:�r1�'i.�k,i3=« '. 'i�� ,. , - ?G._ •.!Sy4W'.�" � . � .. . . , � . i'r . ;'tx;'� ��de J,: •. ,. � 3/30/81 .,��,;,, �1y `..��:�l� 3� -,.:t,�,t:k�:,..:. .�f��. �i�,;'}�}�rt��; .r. �.. . • �1'� � I,andsca e Pro'ect 400 B1ock Cleveland Street `�� A pa.�.ot projert has been proposed for landscaping in the 40U Bl.ack o� Cleve].and Street. 'Che C3ty ot Clearwater, Dawntown Aevelopment Board and the property owners in �he block will each be asked ta contribute $2,�Q0 to demanstrntie the positive eifects '�his mi11 have for tlte area, The funds wauld lse deposit�d in a speca.al program fund account administcred by the City, wi�h the City taking xesponsibS.l,ity �or disbursments and prnper accounti.ng practices. The $G,000 would cover the cost of the desxgn and a piiot project for a ane black area. �iscussion ensued on oth�r �].pC�CS along Clevelend Strest requesting equal considerata,nn. The xecommenda�ion is for approvaJ. o� City participation con�ingent upon a11 parties agreeing to the specific requirements of such a project. Discussinn alsn ensued on the City's share being in-kind services. A�nendmer►t of RP� Residen�i.a1 I.and Develo ment - Woodlake [P€�S Joint Ventuxe Development The praperty as loc:ated north o� and abutting Sunset Point Road west of Belcher Road. The applicant is request�.ng a maximum net density oi 8 units per acre. The plans for deve�opmen� ca7.1 �ar �ive bui.Zaings cantain�ng a total ot 31 condominium units with �he main access drive t��ru the praject area to be a pr�.vate s�reet which would connecf: from Suns�t Point Road to an existxng ROW easement to Beckett Lake Drive. The recommendation is to continue �he item to a3.low the appla.cant to address a number a� concerns relative to the drainage and sewer systems. The Planning and Zoning Board recommended appraval subject xo several canditions. Attorney General's O�inian - �Ian-Con�orming Uses The City Manager reportied he and the Ci�y Attorney would revi.ew the recent opinion and advise the Commission. Island Estates - Rezoning Firs� Reading of Ordinances 23�.5 thru 2321-SI. Discuss�.on ensued on Coopers Co�e and a transfer ot density and wl�ether the area was apprapriate �or a t�nnis court ar a.f a�ota1 monetary contribution should be requested. Marina Task Force A prior Commission, in August of ].980, agproved a concep�ual design far new recrea�iona�, marina £acilities on the sautih sid� of Memorial Causeway. Subsequently tihe Commission rescznd�d its action because oi additi.onal concerns rais�d by �.he public. The City Manager proposed that a Task Fnrce, composed of Ca.ty Sta£� Members, hold public hearings at various locations throughout th� City. Ci�izsn comments would be solici�ed regarding any addi�ianal self supparting public mari.na �acilities far xecr�ational watercraft for the City. A survey form has been �xoposed and wi11. be available as a Uti�.ities stuff�r or as an ad in the newspaper and thase GiCizens wha are unable to attend a scheduled meeting may provi.de �heir commen�s. Fnur Public Hearings axe scheduled for April 20th through Apri� 23r� at the Y�uth Maritime Cen�er, City Ha11 Annex, Ross Norton Park and Fire S�ation #6, Special mailings wil� also be sent to Home Ownexs Assaciatians, Advisory Boards, Service C].uhs, etc, The Task Force wi1� evaluate concerns presented by the public and provide a list of proposed sites �or the Commission tar approval, The mos� desixable site �ail7. be placed at ti�e �ap o� the ].ist and Ieast desirable at fihe bottom, and reasons for placement wil� bc 3. 3/�0/81 � . 7 � }���:•,���p��-'..fi; ;3 ii'.� ,�,. . � t�•�. � j � : � s � ., . . _ _ _ --- . y ,�-, _r-,�.,�.,:-.,..r .. '��t jai•5-' `.�•'.J: :�_.. ,., '> :F ;`, •�.� .Y'�,U•:.nR'�<:% �ti�si ' '<< .,. .. ''' . E .. +' ..•:� `: .:�:�e:;.;4 �q r..in�� �.a.J,t v.�. w' ..,y[y'4'i,;Y•r.�-*'t �^i�: �; ii.ti....�.-.�-�... : ,... , ..+.;.•:;_ ti.�r....�.:.L:..3:.:.:w�Yr��%.. �{4 ::s�'x-.i. � ��ie' .�1 -�d`-� .�k.,����� .,,�,:��" �i}, rS'�r°� . .if, �`i' �,Z.Sirr i-T t . , .. i�� 5 �'.. yih':!`r'.�.• . . . . . . ` ::'a . .'1 . . . .. . `r� .:�� . � , . . ,�y`� ��'.F • ,.i�.n`; " . ' , . ' � • � . � • .9L: � ' . � . `�;[� �� *�: g3 en. The Commission may considex any at the sites in the order listed but.mr y noti r lter the oxder. This concept will reduce a tendency to consider or reject si es b sed upon politicai ra l er than objective actors. The concept is innovative and approval o it wi.11 reduce a certain Amoun o lexit ilitiy £or the Commissian Uut wi11 control mucli of the contravexsy that tivill surround any proposed sities. Iti is a recommended pracess to be cansidexed by the City Commzssiott. 7th Year__Community Develop_ment B1.ock Grant Application The Target Areas are the 5outh Greenwoad, North Greenwaod, and ast Clearwa er {{Vood Valley and Candon Gardens) areas. Staff has held mee i gs in each of the designated Target Areas requesting citizen iews and proposa3.s for use o the funds. The City expects to receive $96D,000 from the Department o£ Hausing and Urban Development. This amount wi.11 i e suppl mented hy $40,Op0 i.n pxngram income repayment on Rehabilitation Laans and $200,OOO.wa.11 be rol].ed over bringing tlle total estima ed budget far 1982 ta $].,2 O,D00. The pxogosals have been revi.ewed by the Neighborhood Advisary Committee an.d xank d in order o£ thea.r relative priority in each Target Neighborhood. Funds far he swxmming pool or East Glearwater have been re-programed o address acti i. i.es of a grea er overa3.]. ne d, Don .Tass, 5taf£ Liai.son, responded o auestions of he Cammission. The h4ayor requested the North Greenwood area to the Bay be considered for unds as th area is deteriarating. Ir, order ta meet criteria established by the Neighborhood Iiousing Serv .ces the homes must Ue owner occupied. Renovation and rehabilitation of the South Greenwood area has been successful. The projec should b compieted within the hree Co ive year ime frame. Mr. Jass suggested a good redevelopment program or the 1Vortih Greenwood Area be considered. Commissioner Hatichett requ :sted a progress report on the econami.c d velapment progxam wi lii.n the Nor h Gxeenwaad Targeti area and tha he City con a.nue to assist RCS and t e Ques Inn. Blanket Purchas Order and Purchase of. 5can-Tron 888 Electronic Test 5corer The process for usi.ng Bl nke Purchase Orders has been successful and the recommendation is o appxave and to canti.nue tihis program. It has reduced paper work and eii.mina ed a need to hire additiional clerks in the Purchasing Division. The T s Scorer wiZl gr at].y reduc time spent on scaring, reduce th chance af scoring errors and pravide sxatistica . test i. em analysis information. This item tivill a].so r duce personnel requests. Verbal Reports The Ci y Manager requested the Commission set a da e ar ca].].ective bargaining workshops. The firsti one would be a general workshop open to the public and the second wauld he a closed session in which directions would be given to he ity Manager. He also requested a date tor a meeting to be schedu].ed with Clearwater Eiousa.ng Authority, A reques has been received from EMS to designate an a].texna e for he Mayor who is the City's representative. The City Manager also attends the mee ings and the Mayor suggested Commissioner Garvey be appoin ed as al.ternate. ' The City hfanager repor ed he would be taking several tireeks vacation to visit his mother ar d ather who are ceZebrating their 50th anniversary. 4. ; , d-- f . r t i L ; i ' ,y; w TI"' + i ,, x a.l''L , J",. P , m{ c,i, ' 4 +tv t a, i} R y7 Y. .i xr, tfa'!i ' i' i'•:rk'i``R,a .;,i ,: ,: ., ;Y',{ _; •e .= ( P r. 'r „ . . 5 jc ? =S ' s: , '; : ff, L!. I `f , ; ,t, .. , y.. r ' :?.+ '+...%?yY , rE ' ':.f'_ . . Js" `' ' . 3/30/81 . ' , `, 'r". .A r A ,,. .. ,.:r ..v.,', :: " F; R 's •I '" : J.'i; .,ks' • :: ""_:"+ ` ,,,',:.. a : ' 3}.; . ,. '.;R' i wrY Nl' 7 . + r _`y aKr :..ii. .GY INi. ' ", 'iq` ` 'i' 'y='e:''i%e, y: :l;" •4.`'r - > ' ! " " ` {: P r,.' ro-l ti. 4., , r, 3 , t . . r . . . . ' Y. .'J ,'tft' a° + "" , ? C, . ju .. i e..ye` . > In response, The City Manager reported the Sports Authority has no requirements for an alternate representative and/or no requirement for attendance at meetings. The Mayor reported he had talked to Mrs. Bridges and she sees no conflict of interest and prefers to stay on the Mobile Home Park Board. Meeting adjourned at 1:35 p.m.