03/02/1981_ _ - r ..- ....— -_ '"._ _. _. rY. �ii KY� Mr1 - _ __- " _
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Clearwater P�►ss Brid e Ta11 P1az� E ua. ment I.ease
The t�oll coll.ectian equa.pment is leased fram Automatic 'io11
Systems, Inc., on s� con�ractual agreement, Two {2) additional
un�ttended correct chunge �anes are scheduled �ar campletian
this summer and will require Collection Equipmer►t. Au�o-
matic To11 Sys�em wi11 �urnish �he necessary equipment at a
Iower rnte z�' the City is willing to extend t�he initial
con�rac� for attended lanc equipment �or a geriod af five (5)
years with a two (2) year option period. Staff recommends
extending the existing agreemen� in order to secure the lower
rat� and freeze lease charges at current rates �or the nexti
five years.
Word Processing �quipment
A word pro�essex was approved in the fa�1 of 1980 with two
input s�a�ians, The Legal Department, Ci�y Atanagers Office and
Finance Department have a�l used the equipment and have a greater
need than the avazlable working hours. Th� �inance Department
plans to purchase an additional input station to use in prepra�
tion of the i98�./82 Budget document. This is a sol��source
purchase re�l.ecting the reQuirement for inter-system campatib�,I.i�y
with existing word processing aquipment (the inx�i,al. pra.nter wi].3.
be used for this input station as well as the exa.s�ing two input
stations.) Commissianer Hatche�t questioned the down time for
maintenance and a maintenance contract.
Tampa_Bay Intergovernmental Test Validation Project
The City received and administered an Intergavernmen�al
Personnel Grant in 1979 and ].980. This was a consortium project
inc�.uding the ci�ies of'C�.earwater, St. Petersburg, Tampa and tihe
counties a£ Hillsborough and Pinellas. The project was ta c�evelop
valid empZayee seZection tests and reduce cos�s by shari.ng work
praductis. The Industrial/Organiza�iona]. Psychologists £rom the
University of South Florida assisted in Che project. It has been
success�ul in validating new examinations for Po.lice Ot{icers,
Fire£igh�ers, Clerk Typists, Ec{uipment aperators, and PoZice and
�ire promoCional tests.
A Federal Gran� was not £orthcoming �or 1981 and the Zocal
governments hav�; agreed to continue the pra3ect on a scaled dawn
basis using local �unds. The City o� Larga has asked �a parti-
cipate on a ].imited basis.
The City of Clearwater acts as an escrow agent and wiil be
responsi.ble £or payment o£ all program costs. Upo� submissi.on o£
request for paymen� by the U5F' ConsuZtan�s, toge�her wi.�h appro-
priate documentation, Clearwater will bill participating cities
and counti�s, pro rata reimbursement o£ pragram costs an a
quarterly basis.
Commissi.oner Hatchet� questioned whether the CDBG tunds had
been use ar o ice Sa ary. He also requested a status report
of �he progress of women and mznorities a.n city gavernment.
Ja anese Gardens Sa. hon Modi�ication Contract
Jahn Denn�s o£ Briley, Wild F� Associates, the City's
consulting engineers, repox�ed the sanitary sewer siphon, laeared
at Japr�nese Gardens Mobi7.e Home Paric, a� the Bayfront, is over-
loaded and during rainy periods, overflows into Tampa Bay, This
madification contract wiZ], replace tihe present siphon wi�h straight-
through pipe which tiai�l eliminate the present aver£low problems.
Mr. Dennis reported this
were received atter L•he f irst
abl.es to be considered. The
�a caver any damage to mobile
was the second ad �or bids. No bids
ad, and t�erc are a number of vari-
contractor has received insurance
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Propos�d Amendment to Chapter 140 Mobile Homes
The Mobile Home Park Board held two special meetings to
consider the prapased amendments nf the Clearwater Mahile Hame
Owners Associat�.on. �ach proposal was either rejected or ,.
accepted by the Board. '"Those accep�ed have 6een a.ncorporated
inxo a new Ordinance �2268-81. The majorzty of �he chang�s
clarified and provided greater specificity in t�e warding of
the Ordinance.
It is staff opinion that Ordinance #1724 exhibi�Cs inherent
weaknesses. The board has worked to carry out the intent o�
the ordinance and should he commended far its effort but have
not been asked to conduct a single Publa.c Heari.ng on a camplaint.
nor have �hey been called upon xo media�� a dispute. On�y six
o� the 22 mob�.le home parks have �ormally organized. S�a�f
reqtzests di.rection to monitor and report to the commission
concerning the effec�iveness o� Oxdinance #�724 as arnanded fo�.-
lowing an evaluation perio� of nine months. �
The Clearwater Mabile Home Owners A�sociatzan wi11 propose
four (4) additional �mendmen�s at the Cammission Meeting on
1. W�11 change the composition a� the Baard to .include
�hat the three members-at-large be appointed by a
majority vate af the City Cammissi�on. To c{ualify
for a member�at-�arge, the candidate must not be
personal fra.ends and/or hav� business dea7ings or
associations with a mobile home park owner, managex•
or residen�.
2. An amendment to the section on purposes, du�ies and
responsibi].ity of a Mobile Home Park Baard to in-
clude t�he wording "to conduct mediation or binding,
arb,itration proceedi.ngs to resolve disputes between
park owners and park resa.dents upon the written
request of �ither party. Such media�ion or binding
arbi�ration disputes shall not be su�ject to bind-
ing arbitration. The Boarc� sha�1 accept written
complaints concerning rent or sexvzce charge, gather
information concerning the complaints, make £indings
of tacts and provide recommendatian to appropriate
parta,es. I� either party requests arbitration, such
request shail be conducted using �Che Florida arbitra-
�ion code.
3. Rec�uires �hat the �uxden of proof shall be upon the
park owner to prove that the eviction of a resident
far participating in ar uta.lizing any ot th�: pro-
visions availabZe to a residen� is no� �or retalia-
�ion, It sha1l be unlawful £or ar�y persan or m�bile
home park owner to .i�iter£ere with, �disrupt or atitemp�
to prevent a mobile home park residenr tram ex�r-
ci.sing any ra.ghts established by thzs chapter.
4. Relates ta the selec�ion o£ negotiating agen�s and
states, each mo}�i:le hame park may establish a t�rm
a£ ot£ice for its nego�iating agent.
Commission returned tio'discussion on the To1i P1aza and Bi11
urc ze ,�r ormaster, was presenx.
Discussion ensued on paragraph 17 and 18 a� the agreement
xelating xo termination of the agreement and tihat the duratian of
the agreement shall be �or �ive years wi�h automatic renewal of
two yeaxs. In the event of nullif�cation by �he City o� �his
�greement prior to the exgiratian date, the City agrees to
compensate the Company for their expanse incurr�d for disassembly
and removal of a1� equipm�snt and devices 'leased under this agree-
ment. I£ the Company terminates, such remaval sha1� be at thcir
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Preliminnry Site Plan - Cauntryside/Tracts 45, 72t 73 and 74
This is a mF��ar p��n change. The property is ].ocated nC the
nar�hwest intcrsection o� U.S. 19 and �nterprise Road. Plans ar�
to develop 75,OQ0 square feet a� nt�ice space in five buildings
on the southwest portion of the site. The bua.ldi.ngs have been
relocated and Access has been changed,
PSP and CIS Ashley Oaks Condaminiums
The property is located nor�h o� and abu�ting Druid Road,
west of Happy Trails Trailer Park, east of Beicher Road. The
site is currently vacan� and the developer plans 50 residenti.al�
condominium units. There wilz be six one-story buildings and
three twa-story buildings on the szte. The deveioper has been
appra.sed that the availabi.l.ity of sewer perm�.ts to the east plan�
is I.a.mited and cannat be assured. The recomr�endation is to
approve the prel�minary site plan subject to dedi.ca�ion at a
water easement and that the building permi�s he issued wzthin
6 months and ths pro3ect completed in two years.
LUP Amendment_ and Znning�Key Ylest Towexs)
The praperty is located nor�h of and abu��i.ng Sunset Point
Road east� of Edgewater Drive. It is undevelaped with the exception
of foundation and underground electrical and plumbing work installed
in 1974 when development was discon�inued. The pr�sent owners
wish to continue the development at high density which wi11 require
a LUP amendment frQm low density to hagh density. The P�Z Board
recommended denial and requested the Plannin� Department review
and prepare a recommendation £or change to the Zoning Atlas and
the Land Use Plan ior this property and that surroundi.ng it now
classi�ied RM-28 and CTr-28. Commissioner Garvey requested rhe
Planning Di.rector prepare a status rsport showing t��e zona.ng �
available for various land use categories.
Other Commission Action
Commissioner-�Iect Calderbank discussed Down�own ReviCaliza-
tiun an tax increment �nanc�ng. He requestied t�he City Manager
prepare a concise outla.ne from rhetoric to utiliza�ion to be
presented at the regular commi.ssion meeting o£ March 1�, 1981
with a resolu�a.on a� suppor� ta be presented to the Pinellas
County Commission. He also requested the {�iayor prepare a proc-
lamation �or Mark Robinson, an expert in Wind Surfing who wi11
be competing in the 1984 Olympics. Mark wi11 be representing the
continent of North America in an upcomzng Wind Sur£ing competition
to be held trom the Coas� of Afri.ca to the Islands east or sauth-
east o£ Florida.
Commi.ssioner-E1ect Ke11y reaues�ed a status update an PACT.
Comrnissioner Hatche�t �equested the status o� the Firemens
Pension z�s su m�.tte �o the ].egislative delegation, The City
At�arney responded the two bills wi11 be conso�lidated in�o or►e
and spansQred hy Attorney-General Smith. A bil2.relating to
indus�ria� develnpinent zanes tvas presented by Senator Ware. This
bi�.l wi11 prcihibit annexation vf an Industrial Devetapment Zone
by a municipality. The City Attorney reguested �he Comma.ssion
appose �hi.s biZl and advise �he delegation o� their oppositian.
He was requested ta send a letter to ather municipaiitiies.
Th� Annexation Bill as propased by Senator Rehm £or Dunedin
was accepted and discussion �nsued. on a lobbyist to help pass the
bill. A'xetter was to be sent to the 3egis'lati�r: delegatian in
supp�rt of the hi�1Z.
Commissioner Garvey requ�:sted Commissi.on phata at the March
Z9 meeting e ta en at 4:45 p.m.
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proceduxes £or the Philla�es Parade to be heZd March 7 3983.
at : 0 a.m. were iscusse .
The�Actin Ci� hiana er da.scussed a beautification projeGt
'for downtown. e Eautz Ycation Board reQuests contribu�a.ons
be solicited far this demonstratian project, with the City
providi.ng maintenance and trees as an a.n-kind dnnati,on, A
presentati.on wi,11 probably be made a� the Maxch 1.9, ].98�
mee�ing. " �
Jack Gilbert of the Clearwater IVeighborhood Housing 5ervices
Board exten ecT`�an invitation to the Catnmissa.oners to tour the
S�u�h Greenwood rehab�.li�ati.on project area. Commissianer.s
� Garvey and Ke13.y propased �p go Monday p.m.
Commissioner Garve discussed �hs town mee�ings and
suggeste quar�Cer y m�etings in various scheduled a�eas where
ac�i.on was impacting the area. ,
� Commission discussed a change to the Chart�r to �xtend
the term o a ice.o� th� Mayar and Commissianers and requested
sta�� dra�t pracedures wa.th a C�a.tizens pdvisory �ommittee to .
review the recammendat� a.on . � �
Meeting adjourned at 12:25 p.m.
S. 3/2/81 .