rebrunry 17, 1981
1'he City Commission o� thc City of Clearwater met in
hriei'ing session At thc City Ha13., Tuesday, FEbruary 17, 1981, at
9:3Q a.m., with the �ollowing memhers riresent:
Char�es F. I.eCher
Rita Garvey
Marvin Moore
Pau1 Hatchett
Bi1� Stephan
Jzm Calc�erbank
Also presen� were:
Anthony L. Shocmaker
Thnmas A. Bustin
Lucille Williams
Commissioner(arr. at 10:00 a.m.)
City Manager
City At�orney
City C1erk
The Mayor cal.led the mee�ing �Co order. The following items
were discussed.
The City Manager announced there wou�.d be no pension meeting
as several lega]. issues needed to be reso�ved and he had noti�ied
the Commission and members of the advisory board and unions by memo
of February 13, 1980.
Lega.slati.ve B�.].�.s
There are approximateiy 20 �iremen sti11 in the oId Fir�man's
Pension PZan which has a 4� cost-of-la.ving escalator clause. The
balance of th� fzxemen are under the general pension p].an, which
has no escalator cl.ause. The firemen are requesting the 4$ cap
be changed to allow increases in pension payments.(to be limited
to 10U� o� initial monthly payment� The City Manager stated a
special meeting is planned before the end of February when the
Legislative belegation will be meeting.
Fee Schedule tor Tree Remova]. Permit Anplications, etc.
The schedule ca13.s for reznspection �ees and fees �or untimely
special requests £or landscape or tree rep�ac�ment insp�ctions, wa.7.1
result in be�ter compliance with procedures by applieants and also
resul� i.n cast savings to the City in fue7. and manpawer. A similar
pragram and fee schedule in effect in Pinellas C�unty was success-
�ully implemented several years ago. Cammission discussed the
various fees and requested statf be present to answer questions.
1i70 Seedeva St. Reques� fax Certificate of Hardship.
A zoning viola�S.on was discovered a� �he above addr�ss. A
travel trailer is on a residentia], lot and is hooked up �o sewer
and electricity and occupied by the owner's ttiao sons. The owner
has been not�fzed to abate the violation and appealed to the City
Manager requesting a cer�ificat� o� hardship, Th� owner requested
use of the travel �railer as emergency hnusing �ar �wo sons un�til
a new hause is completed. 'Fhe City Manager nated the £amily�had
vacated �he property bu� the trailer was sti11 on the premises.
He requested the item be continued to �llow the prahlem tio he
Policy - Subdivision Entrance Monumen�s.
Policy was adogted to remove entz•ance monuments located on
City ri.ght-of-way when they were detri.ment�T ar hazardous and the
subdivisian owners did not wish to assume the responsibi].ity for
repairing and insuring them. Any monument de�med to be hazardous
shauld be removed as it is the CityTs respansibility ta insure
that� na known hazardous condition be allowed on City prope�•ty.
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The recommendat�.on is to set new �olicy uuthorizing revocab�c
m�intenAnce �greements with suhd'zvisian residents.
Bid - Auto Lcase
'�he City Manager is provided with an automobile. Sealed bids
were received from five auto leasa.ng campanies. Commission had
quasta.oned whether n leas�; or purchase arr�ngement was hest.
Floyd Gar�er, by memo of February 12, 1981, analyxed th� twa
£ac�ors. I� the au�omobil.e is kept £or one or two years, it is
less expensi�e to lease, due to the extreme depreciation that
occurs, over three years i.t zs hetter t�o lease, due to a reduced
depreciatzon rate; a�ter fa.ve y�ars it wouZd be cheaper to purchase
�he automobile. The recommend�ti.on is �a �ease a 1981 Pontiac
Grand Prix �or three years.
I981 - Lease Purchase Finance
The �ity �-nticipa�es the acquisi�ion of capiCa,l equipment
t�otaling appraximately $I22,680.00. Bids were xeQuested to pravide
the financirig. Three bids were received, ranging with intierest
cost af 9.5$ to 13.7$. Approval af the proposal wiZl establ,ish a
master lease agreement for 1981, and as ec{uipment is purchased an
addendum will be added �o the mast�r lease providing a schedule of
payments and �i.xing rhe a.nter�st ra�e. The exchange ].easi.ng bid
provides £or a£luctuating interesi rate based on changes �.n the
Exchang� Bank prime rate between an establa.shed �Ioar and ceiling.
En1_argement u� Pump 5tation_#10
EsCimated cosC af the �ift station was $244,000 but actual
bid Cp5t5 amounted to $327,5Z2,01. tiYhen the City Commission
approved the �nlargem�n� o:f the ].ift stati.on and �hc force main,
U.S.Home agreed at that time to provide an enl.arged si�e ta sugport
the Iarger 1i�t station at no costi tn the City, �3.5. Hame was to
contract for and construct the enZarged lif� st�tion with the Cit�y
sharing 49$ of �he cast o� construction. When the bids received
were over the estimate the �ity's share increased $�2,885.78. The
recammendation is to approve the increase in the City's share.
Pro osed Amendments to Cha ter 3A - Mobile Hamc Park Baard.
As directed by the City Commissinn the Mobile Home Park Board
held a sp�c�,al meeting and considered the proposad amendm�nts of
the C�earwater Mobile Home Owners Associari�n. The Board con-
sidered each proposal seperateZy and each was e�.ther rejected or
accep�ed and where accepted were incorporated inta Ordinance #22fi8-81.
The major issue in the dispute concerns the legality of a Baards'
atithority to hear and ru�e on disputes between owners anc� xesi-
den�s concerni.ng rent. Ths r�commendation is to adopt at �irst
reading, the consolidated staf� recomm�ndata.on set �orth in Ordi-
nance #z258-81 and to direct sta�f to monitar and report to tihe
Commission concerning xhe e�fectiveness of the ordinance as amend�d,
fo].Zowing an evaluati.on period ot some 9 months. Only six mobile
home parks in �he City our of 22 have formally organized under the
auspices of the ordinance. Commission discussed conduct a� a
Pub�ic Hearing before a Hearing Q��ic�r and an on-going review a�
conditions in the Mobile Home Parks in the City o� Cleaxwater. Fn
response to questions on the cost o� a hearing o��icer, the City
Manager responded tha� the City pays $25 per'hour and �ravel axpenses
when required,
Salvation Arm
Request was received �or the use o� Coachman Park on Saturday
February 2I, 1981, £rom appra�imateZy 2:00 to 3:3U p.m. £or a
4oncert to be performed by a rock group cal'Ied "The 'Last Adam."
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CleArwater I,itt�e I.eaguc � Inc.
The 1970 agreement between the Clearwater 1�ittle League, Inc.,
and the City was cancelZed incluc3�.ng the small balance of appraxi�
mately �2200.00. A new agreement has�•been drafted be'tween the
City and '�he Li�tle League far the use af the cancessa.on room�
rest rooms and c].osets a� Fred Cournfly�r Recreation Center. The
agr�ement is simi�ar to one the City has wa.�h the Babc Ruth Base-
bal]. program at Carpenter Field.
Clearwatar Bamb�r aaosterS�Inc. A reement
The Bambers have played at Jack Russell St�dium far a number
vf years with no formal. agxeement, A new agr�ement is proposed
with the Bomber Boosters paying a flat 14$ tee of adulti and cha.ld-
rens tickets. Commissioner Hatche�t expressed concerns on the
traffic generated at Jack [tusse�l Stadium in a residential area.
Site PlanS
The Planning Director repor�ed on the following:
The Courtyard OffS.ce Complex located between 5an�a Rosa St and
Court S�, east of South Missouri Ave. The site is vacant and the
develaper plans three professional o�£ice buildings on the si�e.
He also noted the plans ca11 £or short parking spaces for compact
autamahiles a�d the propas�d use af a grass and gr�ve3 over-h�ng
for parki.ng. He reported the proj ec1: m�ets alJ, of �he rec�uirements .
The second siCe p1an, Wise Condominiums on Clearwatier Beach,
lvcated on Cambria St, at the Gu��F of Mexico. The developer plans
seven residential cvndaminium units in ane building wi�Gh three
living stories over parking far a t�otal o£ four stori�s.
The Harboura e on Sand Key
This property is located east at Gulf Boulevard on C�earwater
Harhor. The developer plans 192 residentia], cond��minium units in
�hree buildings.An addendum has been added to the community impact
statement. A� the request o� the resource development comm3.�tee,
the revision or amendments relatie to relieving traffic and tra��ic
congestian on Gu1� Boulevard, The develaper wi11 submit to the
City �unds tor the speczfic purpose of providing a left tvrn lane
when the City makes o�her improvements �o Gu1� Boulevard. In �he
event said improvemen�s are not made within. tive years �rom the
date o� deposit� of said �unds, they sha11 be returned �o the
develaper by the City upon wri.tten.request. The City o�pases a
re�und o� the monies con,trib�ted fcr roadway improve�aenCs i,rre-
spective af when such impravements are made.
Countryside Tract Sa�,U•S._ Home Carporatian
The property is �ocat�ed east af and abutting Landmark Driv�.
The deve].aper plans eight buildings with the to'ta7. of 80 multi-family
units. The preliminary s�te pl.an was appr�ved �Z; 6J8p btat the
developer has revised the plans by decreasir�g the numher af huild-
ings attd relocating them on the si�e. �
Arbor Shore],ine �Office Center
The propexty is ea5t o� anc� abu�ting U.S. 19 soLth of Japanese
Gaxden Mabile �states. The dev�oper plans 2-six-story huildings
consis�ing o� five �loors a� af�ice space over graund �zoor parking.
The Board of Adjustment and Appeal on Zoning �pproved a heiglit
variance o£ 6R feet to allaw for �Che six story stru�tures in a PS
zone ,
S 3.
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L�nd Use P1An Amendment� and Zona.n AtIAs Amenciment - Ke West Towers
The property is ].oca�ed north o� and abutting Sunset Poa.n� Rd.
east of Edgewater Drivc. It is undeve]oped prop�rty with the
excegtic►n o� foundations and underground electri.cal and plumbing
woxk constructed when the projec� was stnrted in 1974. Economics
caused the �]I'Q�@C� to be abandoned but the present owners wish
ta cortinue deve].opment ot the site at hi�h density which w5.].1
require a land use pZan change. The recommendatian is to deny
the request.
AnnexAtion and Zoning ReQues�C - David Bilgore �, Co., I�c.
The proper�y is located on tihe wes� side o£ McMullen-Booth Rd
adjacent to the Seaboard Coa�tlz.ne Etailroad and south of State
Road 590. Ther� are waxehouse-type bui.ldings located on that
partian of property between the xai�ra�d and th� creek. The
remai.nder of the praperty is currently vacant. The develnper
plans an industiriaZ park on the praperty north of the rai�road.
Sev�ral right-of-way dedica�ions wi11 be required bu� there wi.lZ
be no requixements �or parkland dedica�ion and/or fee.
Property owners to the west have expressed concexns on th�
requxrements �or ML {Lighti Manu�acturing) llistrict. The Ci�y i�s
recommending submission by the appla.can� and considerarion by �he
City ot an application for an industrial plan development. The
IPD plan would control buildi.ng height,setback lines, si.ze o� ].ot,
and �.imit �he general nature o� the prvposed uses.
Outdoor Lighting Ordinance #2Z26
Amendments have been recommended ta section 13C-�4 "a11ow 24
hour businesses tio operate l�.ghted si�ns between 1.2 mi.dnzght and
sunrise"; ta section 13C-7 "provide a review of continued viola-
�ions by �he en�z�gy advisory board"; and to sectian 1.3C-8 "proui.de
a mandatory review a£ter szx mon�hs o� the entoxcement.", The
recommendat�.on is �u approve Ordinance #22ZG as amended on second
UnempZoyment Compensation Administration and Cnst Contral
Mike Laursen, Persannel Director, reported the proposa7 by
R. E. Harring�on, Tnc., wou�.d provide edi�cation and training of
City Supervisary, Managerial Personnel, rev�ew o£ Czty Personn�l
practxces, as related to unemployment compen�ation claims manage-
ment. The services would include conducting a hearing program
wherein the Company wiZl evaluate each claim �ppeal as appropriat�,
�valuate the subsequent S�ate Agency decisions, ini�a.ate furth�x
appeal as appropria�e and counsel C�ty persani�el in preparation
for appeal hearing�. The proposal wou�d administer a compre-
hensive unemployment claims program �ar t��h� city at � cost of
$1.6Q per emplayee per year. The cost sav�ngs to the city, if the
campany is ab�e �o controver� the c�aims ar discover Errars in
payments could e�sily £ar exceed the annual service fee. Training
of supervisvey managemen� personne]., an`educazinnal manua� rela�tive
to �nemployment compensation and revzew of persannel po�icies are
added services that wou],d be received.
Verbal Reports
The City Mana�er reported P�orida Pawer wi11 turn off xhe lighxs
an Memarial Causeway, Tuesday, Wsdnesday and �'hursday to a'lxow cable
ta b� laid hetween the beac]i and the mainland.
4. 2/17/81
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Viola�ions o� 2oning �ode 1Q02 Eldorado Avenve
The Ci�y Manager reported, investigation revenled no
viol�tions. The Jo i.n Trgil on 5and Ke •wi11 be a�ive-foat
path to be con5tructe wrt in t e city 1im�ts during the summer.
It tvi�l be an assessment program.
Ca,ty Managex reques�ed written i.nstruc�a.ons fxom the Commi.s-
sianers for mail del�very when they are not at home.
A inemarandum �:ntitled "Commission Palicy on Awards" dated
2/17/81 was dis�rihu�ed to �he Commissi.an. Policy will establish
gifts in iour categories. Fnr �hose Commissianers who have served
less �han one fu2�. term� those who serve two years, fou�r years and
six years. A substitute metal called palladium can be used £or
the ring at a considerahle saving.
A letter �rom Clearwater Aircraft addressed to the City Manager,
dated 2J6J81 was distributed ro the commission. I}15CUS551di1 ensued
on purchase of the lease and control of the airpark. The present
owner has an offer for the Clearwater Aircraft, Xnc., and the
prospective owner proposes to expand the airpor�. The City A��oxney
na�ed fihat the present corporation �s i.nsolvent �nd par�g�aph 24 of
the lease states �he Gity can r�tain cantroJ. of the property i� the
owner is insolvent.
The Mayox requested the Air Ambuiance presen�ation be placed on
the agenda for Thursday evening. Comm,issioner-elec� Calderbank
notied the medical assa.stance ai.r-service from McDi11 Airforce Base
co�Id supply helicopters and air ambulance service.
The Ma or sugges�ed the terms of of�ice be increased to three ar
aur years for Mayor/Commissioner and/or Commissioners and an
election not be he�d every year. He suggested a tasY force study
the situation. He alsa suggested the City Manager prepare a pro-
posed pay-raise �or Tom Bustin, Gi.ty Attarney.
Commxssioner Garve ques�Ci.oned vacation reauest of Treco, Inc. The
recommen at�on is to appxove the vacatian of Mon�erey Ave., �.ying
sauth o� De� Oro Groves and T?el Oro EStiS'CL5 and narth o� Bordeaux
�states subda.vision, subjecti to it being retained £ull wa.dth as a
drainage and utilzty easementis.
A resoZu�ion requesting �he Pinellas Caunty Legislative Dele-
gation support passage of a bi11 submi.tted by the City of Targon
5pri.�gs which amends sec�ion 1i5.101 Florida 5tatutes relating to
collection of state insurance taxes for �xxe distxicts to inc�ude
properties outsXde the carporate limits of a municipa�ity that are
served by a fzre district. �ommissioner Gaxvey suggested Che
fir�efighxers receive a copy of �he resolution for tihei.r appraval.
Ordinance #2295 - Second Readin - Amendi.n Cha ter 6, Boats, Docks
an aterways
Commissioner Garvey c{uestioned the warding "pxohibi�ing parking
or s�tarage in puhlic £aci.lit�es �ar more than 2�4 haurs o� boats or
�raiZers'." The City Manager wi11 xespond.
Ordinance �23Z6 - Amendin the Land Use Flan for Pro ert Located
etween rew an rove tree� an west o ort xeenwoo ve, ot 7•
T roug 1_0 nc usive, oc , Sarai Mc ul en s u ivision
This �raperty was approved by the Pinellas P],anning �ouncil �or
a Iand use pZan amendment fram ResidentialJOffice ta Commercia]./
Tourist �aci2ities. Lot 6 through S3 incl., BIk 6, R.,7.Boat}i Sub
appraved at the same time by �he City Commission was denied a change
in th� land use plan and wi11 be resubmitted to �he City Commission
for zaning change to AS ta bring the zoning inxo compliance wi�h �he
presen� land use plan designaxion ot ResidentialJ�ffice.
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Orclinance �2332 - Amendijt� Cha� ter 42 - Purchasa.n� o� Code to
�umerate ��'ances—R yFer_e___�"i�d'�.ng may �'i�sQ_ense zth
This ordi,nan�e wi11 pravide new guidelines fvr items costing
ovex $50a.Q0 and for i�ems under $500.00 whi.ch may be negotiated
�o �he City's best interest.
Commi.�sioner Ste han questioned the vacation request of a11ey by
arwa.n . ranc w ose building �ncroaches abouti one £oot in�o the
' Questianed Ordin�nce �2311 a�nendin� tfie biacl�et re: park acquisition
and t�he prapased amendment to the 1980/81 cnpital budget in the
amount of $63,543.04 which is to purchase property in Moccasin Lake
Ordinancc �2299 - Annexin and Zanin Lvt 1 F, 2, Blk 2 5unset
no u zvision
i�e nu�stioned the nS-60 zoning placed on �he property based on
the �size �of the Iot. The adjoining area is zoned �tS50.
Ordinance #2325 - Amend�n the Land Use P�.an far Pro art Located
est o eene an out o Lon treet
The additi.onal right-of-way for Keene Road wi11 be requested
when �he deve�oper �resents his si�e pl.an.
Ordinance #2330 - Zonin o� Propertiy E,ocated Sauth of Turner and
West o a m venue ' �' �'
Commission approved Iots 2, 3, 4, B lock 5, A.C.Turner's Addi-
tion to Clearwa�er be zoned P5 (Prafessional Service] Aistrict but
denied ths rec{uest £or lots 1 through 4, B1ock 4, A.C.Turner's
Addition to Clearwater.
Ordinance �23I5 - Rezonin M�B S-2 on islanc� �states 5outh o£
Wzn war Passa e to P u lYc an istract.
The Marine Science Cent�r i.s located on this property.
Cammissianer Stephan xequested rhe Mayor, wha was appointed to
the emergency me ical services baard, support Praper traiiiing
�acilities and metihods.
The Mayor reported a reques� from the resta.urant�under con-
str�ction at the o1d Seaboard Ca�st�ine Railroad Stai:ion, £or a
temporary �xai.].er on the premises for use of the freight agent. He
request�d �he status of the zan�ng amendmenC to a1Zow group homes.
Comma.ssioner Stephan suggested the number of group homes be limited
wa.�hi.n a neighborhood or area.
Commissioner Garve questioned the work af the Community Re-
Iafia.ans visory Boar and requested a repa�rt. She also r�quested
all candidates be asked ta remove their political signs. She re-
quested the st�atus of th� bus sration on Park 5t. The City Manager
r�sponded by stating the Bond Counsel is r�searching 1aw relating
to this property whic.h was purchased �hrough'the parking. fimd �nd
whether it wvuld be possible to se1�I to CP'I'A and create parking
elsewhere with the money received.
Ordinance R2308
ap�er�_ Sec
o�tainers i�
- Relates to Alcaholic Bevera es �rnd Wi�11 �Amend
, to ro i�t ossession o' pene ar nsea e
esignated Ylaces
The questiion arose about an open hottle being tranaported in
an automoba.].e from one residence to another. The C:Ity ManAger
suggested guidelines be set for tihe Police Department. Su��estion
was also made that a battle be allowed to be kept in t�e trurtk nnd
the ardinance amertded to that eftect.
Meeting adjauxned at 12:55 p.m.
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