01/19/1981`� � CITY COMMTSSION BRI�F�ING S�SSIQN Janu�ry 19, ].981 The City Gommission of the City of Clcarwater met in briefing sessian nt the City Ha11, Monday� January 19, 1981, at 1Q:25 a.m., wi.th the �n].lawing members present: Charles r. LeCher Rita Garvey Marvin Moore Bi�1 Stephnn Paul A. Hatchett Also presen� were: Anthony L. 5hoemaker Thomas A. Bustzn Lucille SYilliams � Mayor/Cammissioner Vice-Mayor/Commissioner Commissi.oner Commissioner �ommissioner City Manager City Attorney Ci,ty C].erk The Mayor �called the meeting to order and th� fo�.].owing i�ems were discussed: Air Ambul,ance (presentation) The City Manager reported �here w�uld be a 15 minute over-view presentata.an. The Mayor s�ated he had requested helicop�er pads be designated on the Beach because a£ the serious tra£�ic prob�ems. However ha has gince learned a hel.a.copter can land in two parking spaces and a speci�ic pad is not necessary, He sugges�ed speci£ic areas such as the Ca�ho�.i.c Church on Island Est�ates, the bal�field at mid-b�ach, Howard Johnsons, a location at South Beach, and a designated area on Sand Key . St�tus o� Unincor arat�d Areas The Ci.�y Manager recammends an annexata.an task £orce be establi.shed comprised of representati.ves from �arious City Departmen�s. The Task Force wi11 prepare an informa.tional presen�ation pac�:age ta document� the advantages of annexation into the City. They will mee� �vith variou� neighbarhood assaci.- ations and individua].�property owners to encourage vo].un�ary annexatinn. Annexat�on may be by r�quest ar referendum. Some o£ the unincorporated areas are contiguou� ta existing city limi�s and others are surraunded by property within the incorpo-- rated cxty and referred to as enc].aves. These areas cause adm�.nistrariv�: �a.nancial and service ineffeca.encies �hat are detri.mental to the ci.ty. Presentation b Buildin Airector Ro• A ers on Froduce Atarkets He presented 23 slides of pxoduce markets at 18 locati.ons. The sZides represented 3 types o� produce markets: 1) those in bui�dings t�hat meet the code and are in tihe ci.ty; 2) those �oca�ed in the county; and 3) those i.n the city but not in bua.ldings and not meet�i.ng the code. Tw� locations have been denied permits as they do not me��. city code requa.rem�nts. 'fhe two �ssues generally are parking and a permanen� structure. The CG zoning code does a11o1� these roadside stands to opera�e by permission o� the City Commission. The City Manager suggested �hose in existance be Grandfathered and a moritorium placed on future requests until the code �.s rewritten. 1. .er'.. , _- .jT . " . .'f' — . ���#�'.�'S.. ,kr,.f,.a.,..r,d,1�:�F�Si`�''S;iiS'rM;Z���:;:ti 'a�: f 'w�:�":.v t y��, " •e. .,.,�. i : � - . , e , � Briefing 5ession 1/19/81 :At�;; � y.': ' "i..; ; N ���,� ; �,�, : ir.:�. �. , � � �.�%' � LUP Amendment to �tesidenti�l ta ro essiona Servicas Eid'�it ion an ots�3�`'Firou`T' itian. e wi� et a O�iicc and zoning ots �oc inc usive, oc � �1tIAs Amendment urnexs n . , urners r . The pxoperty is lacated south af und abutting 'Turner street e�st of Bay Avenue and west of I'a1m Avenue. It is developed wi�h apartments, duplexes, and singlc family residences. A port�.an of the property wiil be developect �s a pro�essiona3. office building, There are parking and trat�ic concerns �o be addressed, Mabile �ome Parks - l�on-conformities In the City of Clearwater there are existing blobile FIome Parks a.n thc CG (General �3usiness) district. Thosc in existence wil� be allowed to remai�a �ut additiona� permits tivi11 not be issued to install a Mobile Home i.n a Atobile Home Park within the CG zaning classi�icat�.on until such time as the zoning ardinance may be amended to provide �or �heir ].ocation in this district. The administrative directive alsn stipulates na recreationaY vehzcles sha1� be zssued a permi� to be placed in � mobize home paric. No mobile home w9.11 be sixuated in a mabz].e hame park as a replacement of an exi.sting mabile home struc�ure where such unit increases ar extends 'the degree af nonconformity, No additional or rep].acement mobile home wi�1 be permitted iinless and until the indivS.dual lot is staked with a permanent marlcer, The mobile home parks will comply with the LUP and zoning ordi- nances re�a�i.ng to density, open space, and simzlar provisions. Step two of the administrative directive will require amend- ing the LUP zoning atlas ta reflect a11 existing mobile hame parks in the medium densi�y residential �Zan classi�ica�a.an RMH. Articl� XIX Mobile Home Park District, Section 35.08, non- can�ormi.ng Use will be addressed. En£orcemen� o£ tlap existing provisions can be tigh�ened up while a lang term solutian is addressed. The letter to the Mabile iiome Park O�aners wi11 be amended to advise tihe mobile home park owner/operatar that the administrative direc�ta.ve wi.l� be eftective January 3I, T981. Declara�or Jud ement iJ,S.Steel Cor ora.tion -- Sand Key. A court order ruled the City could no� r�zone praperty on Sand Key owned by ll.S.Stee1 Corporation and U.S.SteeJ. properties cauld �e developed in accordance with zaning caxegaries which existed prior to the passage o£ Ordinance #].749. The Gity has determined that the properties which axe the subjec�C of the court order and other properties of like nature on Sand Key should be rezoned to be consistent with tihe campreh�nsive land use plan, The City proposes to request a declaratory judgement to a],1.ow rezaning of six proposed changes. Municipal Election - February 10, 1981. FJ,orida statutes require, prior to �Iecta.on, the eauipment be tested to ascerrain if the equipment is counting the votes cast. The cammissian may appoir►t ta repres�nt them as the eanvassing t�oarcl. Sand Key Beach Renaurishment Contrac�. tabulating correctiy one member A�.1 the required perpetual public access �:asements and temporary construction easements required under the terms o� the Sand Key Contract �or the Bcach Erosion Control prajec� ai•e in order. The Engineerin� Depart�ment and Public {Yorks Director, recommend they be accep�ed. , �e"4, ti?�'G �r��. �i_,_. _ ..:a�:�F'�- .e.:.z. awi'.. ._ .__ ____ �j!'�•�S' wi,yhT��'��,•�'i'. . •4rld'."�:n !4}.'v�' ��.i: .�.}��+fy ,k• �. <l,s`�. �.s• u`i.. .�'�,'• •b }.Yi, al.fff:' . . � � 3•i•' , . . � >tt � . .. s' _ Brie�ing Session 1/19/81 � - �s� '•e:r�., ._e- .•, • ,;�,. ;..i:y� `.it.;' :;�- :i��+��;:`•:��,:ii.•:,7':v:� �:f,r.f: � ;�.a,+.:.� �^,� ..-.Y:y��.� °. -r'�:-,..�.r..i :�.1..,..':.:..-tr.� '.t ,r -.7='� f, .� s. :i?. .t:'.' . ��d';~�':;"' :r: .,: , ,,'., 'I.i ,. '.1 ••��,�t, �.� .7 .. . . . " . �t'; , . �2 � � ru � LUp Amendment to Residenti.al,/O�fice �nd Zonin Amendment to ro essiona Services e s. The pro�crty is loc��ed south af �nci Abutting Pincllas 5�. west of Prospect Ave, and east o£ Myrtle Ave. Therc is u residence on a portion ai the property. Ti�c nxe� is curren��.y zoned RS50 (singl.e family residential) and the recommendAtian is �o deny the rec{uest. Thc de�eloper plans a physicians oi'�ice . LUP Amendment to Hi h Densit Residential and Zonzn A�l�s men_ment ta h 8 !i� Density __ Cey es� Tawers . The property is 1oca�ed north of and abuttin� Sunset Poinx Road. The applicant has reauested a continuance to the Febxuary ].9, 1981 meeting. ` Zoning Ordinance Text Change re Travel Parks The zoning cade curren�ly permits travel parks by special excepta.on in the RMH Mot�i].e Nome Park Distric�. Travel Parks axe commercia� by nature and the change wi11 a.11ow the�n in cammercial zones as opposed to resa.denti.al, which wi11 a11ow the �UP zoning classi�icatian ta be consistent. The minimum s:ize ot a trave� park wi.l7. t�e reduced from 15 acres to 5 acres. There wi11 also be a change to the section on internal streets. The Afayor su�gested there is a passi�ility in �he �uture that �here wi11 be two s�ory mobile hames and he su�gested this be addres�ed in the new code. Commissioner hi�ore left the meeting at 12:18. Preliminarv Site Plan �or Gu1f Cuast Bank of Pinellas. The property is located between Gould Straet on the north and B•rownell Stree� on the south on the west side of south Missouri Avenue. The s�t� is currently vacax�t and plans are for a branch bank. The recommendation is ta apprave rhe site p7.an with condi,tions. Town Meetin Tt,e Mayor suggestAd the town meeting for Janaary 26, 198I be cancelled as th�re are a numher of candidat•es �arums scheduled. Co�nmission discussion ensUed and �he consensus was to cancel the meeting of January and possib�y not schedule meetings in ,Tanuary ir.� the futiure because o� election conflic�s . IVotices wi3.1 he sent tn the Home Owner AS5bG1a�lOI15 and an ad placed in the paper. Airport Aurhorit�•. A memo �ated Januaa�y 6, 1981 was presented to �he com:�ission. Options are propos�d wi.�h preliminary dra�ts o� two Ordinances to estabJ_ish an Airpar� Authority. Option �1 an�ici�ate� continuing the lease relationship and provides �or the authorz�y t�o assume responsibility tio monitor the performance of the lessee iri meeti.ng terms and conditions o£ the lease. 1� amendments ar im�rovements are needed £or a safe and pro�essiona7. airport operation, the authority would make recommendation to t]�e City. Option �Z anticipates an airpar� aut•hority whose respons�bi�ities would Ue to direct a fully con�rnlled municipal airpor�. This option wa�ld require Che acqui.sition of a1� rights currently awned by tiie �es[ee. Herb Bxawn n£ the State DOT assisted in draf�ting the ordi- nances and may be present at the February 2, work sessian. Consensus of the Cominissi�n was to approve the ti.rst aption and re�uested the tinal ordinance be prepared £or the Fe�ruary 5,1981 Meeting. Section 5, pr�cedures for recall af a member o� the �. _ •4'1r;s•d. " 7 'fi-::g = '• -: t^..: - . r'g; i;,ui,� vi.; ;•,.� �.s5', .. . �i�.' 's'� �r'j.' :q...if'.7^'f� ..� ��_`... <•i:.: `�� .s:,�.=., : °vr, Brieiing Session ]./19/Si x`, _„�"":"..�""?.� t�""s'� �a.4�.x' �..1�� i,%�.L'it tl:i: ,`�..C�'%'3�q,� ��"*i;iA� ;6-C ^': ' ` a. -1'�'i fy i���r.,,:.�Y tJf'i't.:.:' 'YlY�' .�Si n�}� .�. t���.�.� : ,sa �i+a'+..�s.iS�.r+1+�• �G�t.::��.,T�a'"'-; �'�.'.'nL"t �•.'55����"���.�e+.� a'i�:l'ys;.�. �. vu'�,`� r' f'",ti��y ,.,r,: � qr '»•'�.'a'r�� rt•d' :.�'x.'���f.rR'..':' •€;�;.'Yf .s. `E�:� ��'i5"-r;�..+JFf. k,r.i�.��" `i`r�`'"'�y. sf} �';��..: . i�: ' *-' 4 �'i:, ,'a _M.i . . � �. .. � - ;,�r: ",`_ . . ,. � . . . , t'� r � qi ' '.� . . . ~ r�`��; . .'r� ,; �� � , � . , ,�. authority was discussed. Consensus seemed �o be i� shou].d not xequire a unanxmous vote but rathex � a,to 1 vote. Other Commission Action. � � � The Ci�y hianager pxesented a memo a� the request a£ ` � Comma.ssioner Stephan.reiating ta �he policy of giits for ��. • retiring Cammi.ss�oners. Discussa.on ensued on the expenditures , for the pas� �our Commi�ssivners. A ring was determi.ned to be ' �� an extraordinary gi�t and a commissioner should sarve at least ane fu�l two-year texm to be presented a ring. Gommissioner Stephan ques�ioned the st�tus af a lo�terine �ordinance. The City Attorney reported the draft, mode�ed �iter St. petersburg's ordinance is available. �,� � Meeting adjourned at ].2:55 p.�n. � � > 4. Brieiing Sessxon 1/19/81 , ��