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CITY COhib1i55I0N I3ItI�rING S�55ION
Ju1y 1G� 1979
Thc City Commission of tlzc City o£ Clcarwatcr met„in
Uri�£ing session a� the i.i�y ��all, hionday, Jvly 1G� 1979, at
9:35 a.m. � with t2ie �ol].oiv�,ng members present:
C)�arles r. LeCher
SVi].l.iam Nunamaker
Karleen r. DeBiaker
Richard E. Tenney
Marvin htonre
Also present were:
Je�trey E. I3utler
Thomas A. Bustin
Sue Lamkin
Actin� City ASanager
City Attorney
Assistan� City Cl�rk
The Actin� City Manager called the meeting to order and
�he following itiems ware discussed:
Consent A enda - Re uest for Annexation o� Portion of th� S�V�S
a Sec��.on 36-28-i5 - For Ite erra3. Stewart, l,evxson, Di11on
The b0-�cxe property is located east of Keene �toad south
of Coun�ty Road 34 and includes Spring Lake, It is denoted as
a 5pecial D4anagemen� Area zn th� Conserva�ian �lement af the
Camprenensi.ve Plan.
The Resource D�velopment Co►n�r�ittea recommended acceptance
£or receipt and re�erral, at which time S�a�� wi11 work tiriCh
Pinellas CQun�y and Dunedin.
Support £or �'ACT, Inc.
Al�red Ha£fman, presi.dent of PACT, Inc. execu�ive board,
st��ed tlia� an July 1, 1979, the board authvrized the arclia.-
tect ta proceed to the design developme�it stage, which abli-
gates the baard for $i00,000 additinnai architectural �ees.
SVorking drawings are to be c:omplete by late fa�1 and
construction is �o commence in Aecember. PACT is acting as
gen�ral contractar and Mii1.s F Jones Canstruction Company
will be construction manager. 'Tliey are w�rking with the
architect to retine costi estimates to an �mounti Chat wi11
hald througli the construction p�riod (approximarely January I,
].980 to the middle o� 1981). Th�y are hoping �o push comp�e-
tion forward ta January, 1981,
Mr. 1-Ioffman explained the increased biiildirig cost is the
result of an i.ncxease in size a£ the buildin� Uut assured �he
Comr�ission tha� th� design i� very tunctional and �he least
expensive building system possible for a strUcL•uxe this size.
He hopes to be able to confirm by July 19, 1979, commit-
ments for �i,00a,aoa* from board members alone. This puts
�he fund-raisin� drive appr�ximately one-�hi.rd complete and
he expressed op�Cimism fo�• the balance of the project,
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Jef� 13u�lcr summurized liis b1Ay 12 � 1979, memo to tlte
City M�nager, s�n��n� tlie mnjor cliange is tlic incrcased
construction cost wlii.cli wa.Il. requirc acidixionnl cApital and
PACT is pxoposing Lhrcc StCj}5 to �ccvmplish this:
1- Increase cli�ritable contriUution oUjective from $2,DOO,OOU
to $3,OOQ,D00;
2- Increase projected i�orrowing fram $2,250,000 ta $5,500,OD0;
3- The Ci�y bui.].d the parking loti ($75D,000) �o Ue �inanced
by City Parking Revenue Bonds.
Wa.11iam R. Hough � Co., hond underwriters, recammend �he
$1.,00O,OOn guarantee, the $1,00O,OOQ endowment �und and the
value o� �he proper�y Ue used as security for the borroiring.
They also recommend the reversion clause i.n tlie deed �'rom
Kapok 'Cree Inn, Inc. Ue activated in favor o£ PACT� Inc.,
which is seen as necessary ta make tlie property mortgagable,
with the building and tlie land to revext to �he City debC
�ree when the bonds ax� retired. Thev also recommend tiie
Facilities LJse Agreement� with the Ci�y Ue ex�ended to �0 years.
Uan Livermore, bond counsel for the City, is curren��.y
investigating tlye terms oi the Lease A�reement and lso�+r strong
a commitmenti tlie City can make to I.ease the facil.ity in future
In conclusion, Afr. Butler emphasized the City's commi�-
men� und�r Chese new arrange�nents tirould he increased from
$Z50,000 to $390,000 a year.
Cansiderah�e discussion ensued tivi.th A1 Hoffman, Tim
Johnson, Gearge Blayici (the Ci.ty's �"a.nanci.al advi.sor) , and
Jeff Butler responding ta detailed questians £rom the Commis-
sion on th� many financial consideratiions involved. Further
discussion ensued on the possibi3.ity of a tax incxease because
of the additional funda.ng �eeded �or rhis pxoject, as well as
various optians open to the Ci.ty in thc event thay wish to
take over th� facilitiy prior to the enci o£ 30 years.
Aiscussion turned �a the parking �acility and Comm�ssion
was advised xhe Traffic �ngineer is studying the most effi-
cient m�rhod available for collection a£ parking £ees.
Comma.ssioner DeBlaker pointed out that the neighborhoods
surraunding �he sit� have expressed concerns and slie wants to
make sure the City's plans for access, bu£feri.ng, etc., are
clarified for their benefit.
Donald tiYy.11iams, architect, stated the re�ised site plan
shaws how �hese considerations have been addressed.
The questzon af impact and development fees is being
researched by Staf�.
Commissioner DeBlaker suggested the warding in the pro-
pased reso�.urion be clari�ied.
Commission consensus is support fox the changes.
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PArkin� G�r�ge rensibi.li.�y Study
Tlic City is in necd at n I�arking Gurugc I�c�si.bil.��y
Study ��.:or Dawntown Cle�rwater. IZO(]i.lC5ti5 werc issued ta Z3
tr��'fa.c,; ettgineering �nd consult3.ng firms specializing in such
5tt.lijlC.'i and 7 techna.c�l. proposnls were received. An evalua-
�ion committee selected 4 firms for furt�ier consider�ti.on.
A£t�r hearing oral presentations irom thc 4 firms� tlie commi.�-
Lee �nd George I31.�nd, City l�innncial Advisor, est�blislied the
�ollowing order o� relati.ve mcrit: .
1 - Ralph Burke Assaciates
Park Ra.dgc, Ii].inois
2- Kimley-Horn F, Associates, Inc.
Tampa, F�lorida
3- E, A. Bartan � Associates, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohzo
4 - Tipton Associates, Inc.
Orlando, �lorida
Jeff Butler outlined the considera�tions which were in-
cluded in the proposa7. and no�ed that ane aspect which �Jas
omit�ed is `a detailed ar.alysis of parki�ig rec�uirements on
Clearwater Beach. From the revenue paint of view, the can-
sultar�t wi11 laok at tlie project as a whole inc�uding ti�e
beach revenue, and as separate uni�s.
The Mayor urged that zhe subject be considered as an
integral parL• o� a unz�ied �ransporta�ion system rather than
an isalated subject.
The projected �im� frame �or the study is for completion
of Phase � around Thanksgiving; and Pliase II (i� justi�ied},
maki.ng speci.�ic xecommendatzons concerning location, �easi-
Uility, design, costs, etc., beginning i.n December and run-
ning through �ebruary, 1980. Slightly ovcr 50� ot the esti-
mated fee generally goes to th� first phase.
In response, Jeff Butler stated at least two o£ the fou�
consultants have made recommendations against parking faczli.-
ties, and there will be conclusions made at the end of the
first phase o� xhe study.
Tra£fa.c Signal a� Bayview Avenue and Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard
Several requests for a tratfic signal have been made
previously to the I�lnrida D�p3rtment a� Transportiation. How-
ever, a survey o� the area at that time did nc�t warrant the
instal�a�ian af a si�nal. ,
Cammissi.aner �eBlaker stated the widenin� of GuI£-to-Bay
is nat in the current b.O.T. 5-year funding program. She
suggested tlie City Manager compile a report on the right-af-
way we have and submit it to D.Q,T. to prioritize this project.
The area i'rom Clearwater AialI ta Mcl�iullen-Booth Raad is a
bottl�neck and, in the opini.on of Keith (:rawfard, the lack o�
a si.gnai. is nat the real reason far the traffi.c acci.dents
experienced in tliis area. 5he suggested amending the reso-
lution to emphasize Clie necessity for tividening, which might
remave the need far a�ra�fic signal a� Say�ieiv.
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Mayor LeCher inquired as
cedure which would nat xequire
cases. The Planna.ng Airector
forthcoming shortly.
to pragress on an appe�l pro-
the Commission to hear th�sc
said this infarma�ion would be
Re u�st for Rate Increase - Taxicab Com anies
A survey of the ra�es in surrounding communities was
made by �he Police Aepartment.
Commissioner Tenney stated he would prefar the increase
to be made on addz�iona3. m�.].eage rather than the initia].
stage, to bene�i.t e�derly people who depend an cabs for gro-
cery shopping.
Pro osal to Re ula�e A7.1 I.ands i4zt#�in the Car orate Munici al
Baun aries af tie City o_Clearwaxer Lan Use E].emen� o t e
f'.nmr�rA�n c � vn U an - --� —� ----
The Planning Direc�or adva.sed this is the first o� two
required pub�ic hearings whici� must be scheduled f�r b p.m.
or �a�er.
The P1an has i�een revieived by the Tampa Bay Regional
Planning Counci]., Pznellas County Planning Council and the
Div�sion of State Planning, cvho recommend adoption.
aiscussion ensued concerning changes �o the preli.minary
pla.n wha.ch incorporated Commission actions of the past year,
�he new residential/office classi.fication, scenic corridors,
identi£ication of �].00d-prons areas, ar.d the Soutih Greu:.wood
Area rezonings'�o pra�ide conformance to usage.
The presentation an Thursday �vi11 Cbil51S� of 5�.].C105
shawing the existing land us� plaii, �3�e 1972 plan, and what
is proposed now.
Gammission ac�ion wi].1 not be required Thursday but
cirizen commen*s wi11 Ue receiv�d at the publ,ic heara.ng.
The second public hearing will be August 2, 1979.
City !1��orney Reports
5ecand Readi.n Ordinance #1925 - Amendin the Zona.n Atlas -
ou� earwater Beac
The Ci� ty Artorne 's Memo Aated July 13,__19_79, Relatin� �o
5ection 35.08 o t e Zoning Co e �.�.�_.__.
The City At�orney's memo concexning redrafting 5ec�Cion
35.08 relates ta non-conforming uses.
The Ca.ty Attorney was directed �Co redraft Section 35.08
to provide �or grand�athering ot den�ity, square footage,
etc., in the event o� c�xtain naturaz catastrophies in the
barri.er'islands. Provzsion shou].� he made to require owners
�o give proof based on tax records of what they had prior ta
the destruction, and the two drafts submitted should he con-
salida�ed to inciude the pertinent good poin�s of each draft.
The Secand Iteading o� Ordi.nance #1925 is to be cantinu�d
and brought back simultaneously with Section 35,08 when it
has been reviewed by �he ��lanning And Zoning Board.
� _ . :,3•;�:�,�f,T.':" ?+: i%!;ivr.+t•"r �y iiptl:,v.- �ik : y.., . ,f..i.: a i•�:''.�.i�`s :J"' 1`k e.' Tr_:�ri.
; 4,r `a. ,`. fir "1 `�,F: .i, . '�' �r.-, .rr , � e
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M� .--.:.w��t+C Y�F4-fiiJ���1lS�.i � Sk:�..�ic<�7:.,v�.� ..., .._ra-'•�+,r� � � ���....x. ',
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_.. . . �_ ..i��: d' .. �.�C�. ...._....'__,�......u. __ —_ y"_ __—!'.y,Z�^..-.....�I.a�...r."' �,E:vn .,4.w.ewrw��ryi+r»ww.-.. " _ - rsri� ..a.._�..�.._ ..
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Reques�ed informa�ion on cost estimates,�or rigiits-of-
way a1on� rai�roflds, wha.ch would be suff�.cienx to.provide .
trails for bicycles and jog�ers. By�warking w�.th I}unedin
. and Largo� it�might b�e possi,ble �o provide tr�i�s naxth and '
� south from Aun�din to I,argo and east and west from t1.S. 1� �
- .to Clearwat�r Beach.
� Mayor LeCher , ` �
QuesCipned the status of t��e 'iropi.c H,�.11s Subdivision i
annexation and was advised �hat the ardinance iias been dx�f�ed ' �
.� bu� cannot he gctetl upan unti7. a�u11-scale r�port by the
Flanrting Departr�en� is ready. He repvrted tha� a Tropic Hii1s ;
resident offered to donat� some of his land for anatiher en- ,r
, �rance or exit to Harn Baul.evard, Requested the Planning
� Department conta�� Mr. LaBe11e, president of the Tropic Hills
. Civic Association.
Th� me�ting ►oas adjourned a� 1:23 p.m, ,
.. � . , . �
• 8,