elimination of auto traffic. If development is spread over too
large an aTea the shops would not be within walking distance of
each other.
Considerable discussion ensued on the density and height
requirements. The Planning Director recommended no maximum com-
mitted density except as established in the course of site plan
reviews in the Core Area. The Corridor Area would be governed
by applicable portions of the City's Zoning Code pertaining to
public health, safety and welfare. In the Core Area there would
be no maximum permi~ted building height except as established by
'site plan review. lbe Corridor Area building height would be
permitted up to 16 stories or 160 feet.
All applications for new, altered, or expanded use in the
area would folldw the same procedures as at present and would be
subject to review and approval under the site plan approval pro-
cedures. Appeals from the decision of the Zoning Enforcement
Officer could be made to the Board of Adjustment and Appeal on
Discussion ensued on the section on parking and consensus
was it must be provided either in lots or in a parking garage.
Commission requested the RTKL Plan be placed on the agenda
for ad~ption and that parkland dedication of the bay front prop-
erty also be placed on the agenda. The City Manager will report
back to the Commission on advertising for a public hearing.
Su plementury Pension
The supplemental pension plans of the Police and Fire
Departments are subsidized by insurance refunds from the State.
The Police Department receives a percentage of all car liability
insurance premiums and the Fire Department, a rebate on fire in-
surance. Upon retirement the covered employee l~ill be given op-
tions of a lump sum payment or purchase of an annuity.
Proposed Amendment to Agreement Between the City of Clearwat~r
and the Florida State Lodge Fraternal Order of Police.
This is the second year of a two-year labor agreement. The
agreement provided for a reopener on economic issues during fis-
cal year 1978/79. Negotiators for the City and the F.O.P. have
negotiated the following amendments: (1) a 5% wage increase, (2)
an additional floating holiday, (3) an increase of $5 biweekly
for shift work, (4) an amended vacation schedule, and (5) a
schedule of compensation for standby pay. The City Manager rec-
ommends adoption of the agreement, as amended, retroactive to
October I, 1978.
Commission suggested future agreements be ready for proposal
to the Commission before October 1, when the budget goes into
effect for the next year as the millage must be set to cover
salaries or wage increases.
Agreements with General Telephone Company of Florida.
Floyd Carter, Central Services Director, was present and ex-
plained the new system which will be a computer system allowing
450 extensions to start and eventually adding up to 600 extensions
at no extra cost. This will be a IS-year agreement.
The City will receive a new telephone system and new switch-
ing system, and maintenance of equipment for the IS-year life of
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