Budget Work Session
August 15, 1978
The City Commission of the
budget work session at the City
at 9:15 a.m. with the following
Charles F. LeCher
Karleen F. DeRlaker
Karen Martin
William. Nunamaker
Richard P. Tenney
Also present were:
Anthony Shoemaker
Thomas A. Bustin
Jeffrey Butler
Sue Lamkin
City Manager
City Attorney
Assistant City Manager for Budget
Representing City Clerk
The City Manager called the meeting to order and introduced
Nancy Zussy, the new Library Director.
Utilities Department (Paul Rettig)
Commissioner DeBlaker requested discussion of the proposed
rate increase. The-City Manager stated the increase of
expenditures were due to: 1) Cost of living adjustment in last
year's budget; 2) Vacancies which had not been filled or
became available during the year for whatever reason; 3) Cost
of inflation, particularly in operating oxpenses and 4) State
standards requiring trained operators in water pollution
control facilities. It is expected the Northeast Wastewater
Treatment Plant will be operational by October 1978 and
personnel will be needed regardless of the amount of material
treated. Operating costs will go down as volume increases.
There will also bg increased costs for hospitalization and
social security benefits.
An Assistant Sanitation Superintendent is the only
additional position requested in the utilities budget. During
the test period of the one-man truck operation, the City
Manager feels the sanitation superintendent should be on the
streets observing how well this program works, leaving no
backup for management of the other functions of the division.
Commissioner Nunamaker questioned the $750,000 item under
interfund transfer, and the City Manager stated the sanitation
system does not balance itself without the transfer of funds
from the water system. He explained that water and sewer
expansion is usually done by bond issue, while the gas system
is expanded on a pay-as-you-go basis. A local gas company is
interested in purchasing the City's gas system.
The Utilities Director explained the salary-commission
paid to personnel in appliance sales. The City Manager
recommends a survey be made of the gas system this year.
Based on the study, staff would recommend the gas division
be upgraded and retained by the City or sold. Money has
been allocated for a survey in the proposed budget and the
recommendation could be ready by the second meeting in
June 1979.
The Utilities Director recommended adjustments to the
gas rates.
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City of Clearwater met in
Marina Tuesday, August 15, 1978,
members present:
City Manager's Office (Anthony Shoemaker)
The City Manager explained the Affirmative Action officer,
a full-time position, has been transferred to his budget. A
Ceta position has been created to do the work in the Housing
Rehabilitation Program and is supervised by the Affirmative
Action Officer.
He stated the Chamber of Commerce will handle Fun-'N-Sun
activities, which were previously budgeted by the City
Consensus of Commission is to hire no additional employees
beyond those already budgeted, and to periodically review
each department on a zero-based budget concept. It probably
will be necessary to hire additional employees for the Fire,
Police and Water Pollution Control facilities.
In response, Mr. Butler stated a third of the employees
report their activities into a time system each day, and
another third will be doing it soon. Approximately 20% of
the employees ie. department heads, the City Manager, and
professional employees do not report specifically.
lie further stated that the City is not attempting to
develop an industrial-employee approach as a basis for
productivity, but have approached it historically and have
established actual rates of production in various categories
of work, and these statistics have been used in justifying
requests for additional personnel.
Discussion ensued concerning personnel requirements based
on mandates from state and federal governments, and possible
revisions in the merit system.
Commission returned to the City Manager's budget.
The City Manager explained the additional clerk-typist
position in his budget is a transfer position and does not
represent an increase in total budgeted positions.
Further discussion ensued on the preparations for
Fun-'N-Sun Festival, and the funds allocated to the Chamber.
Commission requested detail on how these funds have been spent.
The $25,000 budgeted for the Visitors Bureau and
matching funds up to $25,000 were discussed. Mr. Butler
stated the Visitors Bureau would no longer come to the
Commission for funding if the resort tax is approved.
Commissioner Nunamaker suggested Commission give
consideration to increasing the Artist-In-Residence Program
from $4,000 to $6,000.
Commission discussed the $40,000 in Community Development
Budget for payments to agencies.
Central Services (Floyd Carter)
The hiring of two communications technicians would
eliminate some of the City's Maintenance Contracts as they
would handle all communications maintenance with the
exception of the Communications Center in the Police Department.
If the program works well for VHF equipment, consideration
would be given in the future to including the Communications %
The Central Services Director also explained his need
for an additional air-conditioning service man to establish
a better preventative maintenance program.
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Commissioner Nunamaker left the meeting at 11:40 a.m.
Discussion ensued concerning vehicle replacement and
air-conditioning costs as well as the number of vehicles in use.
Questions were raised about the necessity for City-owned
vehicles being driven home by certain employees. The City
Manager justified the need, and he stated the ultimate goal
is to operate under a motor-pool concept, but adequate land
facilities are not available.
The various fees charged by the City were discussed and
Commissioner DeBlaker requested a recommendation be forthcoming
in the near future to correct the inadequacy of these fees.
Mayor LeCher left the meeting at 12:10 p.m.
In response to a question, the City Manager stated
there will be a substantial deficit at the end of the year
on the toll bridge because of the token system in affect.
Marina (Bill Burchfield)
The Harbor Master stated the City will probably break
even in another year because of the increase in traffic.
He stated there is a loss factor on the tokens but he cannot
estimate just how much.
The meeting adjourned at
reconvened at 1:15 p.m. The
to the meeting.
Capital Improvements
In response to a question concerning extraordinary
improvements being funded through a milage rate increase,
of approximately one mill in the next two consecutive years,
Mr. Butler stated a second cut had been made in the
proposed budget in street maintenance work just prior to
its release, and the level of funding now indicated is not
sufficient to keep up with normal annual maintenance require-
There is also necessary work at the Annex which must
be planned for such as roofing, the air-conditioning, and
the second phase of the parking lot. Also to be considered
are the motor-pool and garage projects.
The City Manager stated he has asked the City Engineer
and the Traffic Engineer to work together to provide a
15 to 25-year ongoing program of maintenance for streets
which would include not only the number of miles of streets
to be maintained each year, but actual names of streets.
There is a carry-over of funds this year for storm
drainage and that, together with funds from the General
Obligation Bond issue, will permit an increased effort
in this area.
The City Manager pointed out the advantages of having
a specified milage set aside for specific programs; namely,
knowledge of the exact amount of funds available for a given
project, and freeing the general fund from being used for
capital improvements. There has been, in the past, sub-
stantjal transfer of general funds to capital improvements
Mot or-pool
12:17 p.m. for lunch and
City Attorney did not return
Commissioner Nunamaker commented on the previously
expressed consensus of the Commission that they were not in
favor of expanding in the present area, and questioned whether
or not staff had conducted a study on relocation of the complex.
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The City Manager stated the matter had been studied and
outlined the various factors which needed to be considered
in determining a good location. Taking these factors into
account, the only location downtown which is suitable is the
Winn Dixie site and it has major problems such as creating
additional traffic congestion, having sanitation trucks on
the downtown streets, etc.
There are 3 lots at the present motor-pool location
which are being investigated. Acquisition of this property
would help alleviate some of the current problems at the
Consensus of the Commission is the motor-pool should
be in its own area.
Lease Purchase Financing
Mr. Butler stated the major piece of equipment to be
accquired by this method is the new fire-fighting highrise
Chief Pitts presented each Commissioner with a list of
301 highrise buildings east of Keene Road.
In response, the Chief stated the highrise equipment
is used not only to rescue people, but to fight fires, and
the equipment is dispatched to all fires of any major
significance. Without this procedure the fire loss in the
City would be much higher than it currently is.
The snorkle cannot be used to evacuate people in buildings
above the eighth floor. The fire code requires new buildings
of this height to have outside stairways with a 2-hour fire
rating. With the present snorkle stationed in the downtown
area, estimated response time to northeast Clearwater would
be a minimum of 20 to 25 minutes. Estimated delivery time
on highrise equipment would be approximately 2 years.
He stated his ultimate goal is to reduce the City's
fire rating from a 5 to a 3, which would benefit all the
taxpayers because of reduced insurance rates. He believes
acquisition of this equipment would accomplish this goal.
In response, he advised the City will receive $714,000
in revenue next year from the unincorporated area protected by
the City.
Commissioner DeBlaker requested information concerning
the number of fires in the past 10 years when a highrise
was an absolute necessity.
Police Department Scrambler Chief Daniels
In response, Chief Daniels stated they know the concept
of the system they want and would expect to view this type
system within the next 3 months.
Because the concept is so new, and still in the test
stage, the City Manager stated cost figures are not available.
Road Construction {Max Battle
(Magnolia Drive)
Mr. Battle stated the intersection will be cut down to
alleviate a storm drainage problem and when a retention area
is built on Turner Street, this problem will be solved.
In response concerning Druid Road right-of-way
acquisition, Jeff Butler stated income from impact fees had
been over-estimated in the first quarter based on previous
years and, at the mid-year budget review it was recommended
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funding for Druid Road right-of-way acquisition be dropped
for this fiscal year.
Commissioner Martin recommended acquisition for Druid
Road be set for this year and construction also moved up
because of the tremendous traffic problem there.
(Memorial Causeway)
Discussion ensued concerning just what the $20,000
schedule would cover and how effective this route would be.
While response time to the beach in emergencies has been good,
the City Manager stated the access road would provide backup
capability as well as have a psychological effect on beach
residents who feel the City is slow to respond to their needs.
Holt Street Outfall
In response, Mr. Battle stated this project provides
for drainage to be funded from the bond issue, but community
development funds could be used to alleviate a flooding
problem in the Holt Street area at the same time.
New Signalization
In response, Keith Crawford stated a signal would be
needed at Rainbow Drive and Belcher Road because of Post
Office activities and, also, it is the City's responsibility
to stand the cost of signalization on U.S. 19.
Discussion ensued concerning the second floor of the
Marina being considered for restaurant use and marine patrol
Commissioner Nunamaker left at 2:42 p.m.
Mandalay Property (Mallory)
Commissioner DeBlaker questioned the necessity for
constructing a playfield on this property during the current
Recreational Facilities Ream Wilson)
Commissioner Martin questioned the listing "restroom
construction" at the various recreational facilities.
Ream Wilson stated this type construction was projected
for several years hence and restroom facilities are normally
locked when City personnel are not on the premises.
Soccer Fields
Commissioner Martin questioned having this project
listed under 1979-1980 and recommended it be scheduled for
1983. It was explained that as much work as possible would
be accomplished in-house and this would be made clear at the
public hearings.
Ream Wilson recommended an agreement with the School Board
to use their facilities during the coming year for soccer
fields, which would reduce costs and provide additional time
for the City to develop its own facilities.
Tennis Cour_t_ Resurfacing
Ream Wilson stated the $13,000 shown for the 78-79
budget year would cover resurfacing at Martin Luther King
and McMullen Parks.
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Crest Lake Park
$20,000 will be carried forward and used for parking
Emergency Power Supply For Computer
The City Manager explained this item would be used
to absorb power surges to eliminate possible erasing of'
computer programming.
Downtown Parks Improvement
There was considerable discussion concerning the direction
this would take, including landscaping, signs, drainage
improvements, etc.
Commissioner Martin expressed concern about the
deterioration of Coachman Park.
Commissioner DeBlaker suggested the Downtown Development
Board should put something into downtown and the parks might
be an appropriate area for this activity.
Downtown Librar
Considerable discussion ensued concerning the
approximately $800,000 in the library fund. The consensus
of the Commission is that a practical renovation proposal using
only funds currently on hand should be developed for the
downtown library.
The meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m.
6. . 8/15/78