01/30/1978 _'.~A ~ ~ commission discussed simultaneous implementation of an increased fee and the token system, and requested documentation of the traffic count using the bridge, and the revenues pro- jected for the token system and a raised-fee system. It was suggested the sun be used as part of the design on the coin as it is used in the City seal. Mr. Butler responed to a query on the delay in the General Obligation Drainage Bonds and stated an analysis was being done to set up an invested sinking fund similar to the recent bond issue on the bridge and utility tax bonds. A report will be ready for the meeting of February 16th. Imple- mentation of the drainage projects is not being delayed but is proceeding on schedule. L.E.A.A. Grant Application. A radio communications antenna tower and equipment for use by the Police Department will be possible through a grant in the amount of $20,000. Two locations are under considera- tion for the new free-standing tower -- Barbee Towers and the Bank of Clearwater building. Commission questioned the disposition of the water tower. Data Processing Hardware Requirement. Thirty-six vendors (including manufacturers, suppliers, service companies and government agencies) picked up copies of the request for proposal. Eight bids were received, seven of which were for in-house computer systems; the eighth was a proposed new sharing agreement with st. Petersburg Junior College. The City's auditors assisted in evaluating the responses and the recommendation is for acquisition of a Model B-1860 c~nputer system from Burrough's Corporation. Discussion en- sued on the Burrough's proposal and the Junior College time- sharing agree~ent. The Burrough's contract and maintenance agreenlents were discussed and the City Attorney was instructed to amend the contract. The total capital cost expenditure will be approximately $281,000, which includes the equipment, the climatic condition- ing of the room, and the shipping charges. Historic Preservation, Public Facilities and Safety, and Land Use Elements of the Comprehensive Plan. The recommendation is to endorse the Plan elements and to direct transmittal to the required outside agencies in com- pliance with the Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act. The Planning Director stated these plan elements must go to the Pinellas County Planning Council for a 60-day review period and then to state, county and other local jurisidictions for an additional 60 days. There will be public hearings after the review period. The Historic Preservation Element was prepared from the findings of the Volunteers in Preservation inventory. The Public Facilities and Services Element examines the space needs of the City's departments. The Land Use Element con- sists of text and map materials. Maps are available for inspection but have not yet been printed. The Planning Director reported 80% of the City property is locked in for various reasons but they have tried to reduce the amount of commercial, increase industrial, and reduce high density. 2. .. . i'&;i !F;;::'Y1,~~*ci,~:{;~i\;;'~~\J;~r{~;:+,'.:,::' :..', ,::;1:: .;~j: ~ r :;:X:;'~~: :: " ,,; ',~~, ,'. ',:::.. l'; ! ::;, .'::~'~:;:}:;:f~\': :;,~ i:; :",1:'\; ,";S i\ :):i~:t ~~(~:' - ' . .:d~l ,:>~~~?'''~1J: ft; e ~;J.,;::'~'V.~t"'r"":'"i~~r.~:~.,,.. ~'ric',~";'*.~:",.a~t'.,Jf:f-\-...h:-:'" ~"'..;.,..~. ;"~"''';1'' .---- .'"'" :.:~._-~ v~~~:... j ~~_;L~ ..........:t....-::~.-:~,::..~;..!t,t ~L:..:a