There will be a Mayors,'meeting at South Pasadena,
December 14,2:30 p.m., to discuss the merits of a coordinated
EMS system.
Allocation of Anti-Recessionary Funds.
The City will have "4pproximately $31,000 in anti-recessionary
money which has not been allocated and the recommendation is to
approve a new position in the Finance Department, authorize
restructuring a training room at Fire station is for a tempora:y
branch library facility, and office equipment for the Affirmat1ve
Action Office.
Commission requested costs of book checkout and suggested
the hours be set to accommodate the citizens.
Clearwater Pass Bridge Token System.
Implementation of a token system for a trial period has a
projected time frame of 90 days in which various machines at
the bridge will be converted. Delivery of 100,000 tokens will
require 60 days from the date of order and a new coin/token
sorter will be purchased.
The recommendation is to limit the sale of tokens to 10
tokens per customer per sale. Discussion ensued on selling
the tokens at the bridge plaza toll booth and/or other locations.
It was also recommended that the tokens be prepackaged.
Plan Review and Preliminary Plat Approval - U.S. Home.
Commission requested maps and an impact statement.
One-Man Residential Refuse Collection System.
A live demonstration of the operation of the truck was
presented in the City Hall parking lot. The truck is a con-
ventional side loader with a set of hydraulically operated
mechanical arms that grip, raise, tilt and dump a preselected
type cart or container. The gO-gallon containers are fabricated
from a special plastic and are guaranteed unconditionally for
the first five years and prorated for the second five years.
Implementation of the one-man system would commence on
July 1, 1978, for an estimated 2800 homes, if approved by the
Commission. There will be no increase in the Sanitation Division
Budget. Conversion from a three-man refuse collection crew to
a one-man automated system will result in salary savings of ap-
proximately $2,700,000 over a ten-year periOd.
Continuance of Participation in CETA Programs.
The Mayor questioned whether Clearwater was rece1v~ng a
fair share of the services of employees funded by federal monies
and requested figures on unemployment in the area and the method
or criteria used for distribution.
Administrative Assistant - Engineering Division.
The proposed assistant will design a public works management
and control system for capital improvements projects, and monitor
ongoing capital improvements projects. He will also develop and
implement a performance reporting system and devise management
reports based on the performance information.
This,is a budgeted position in the Engineering Division
but the title will be changed to "Special Assistant."
Commission requested the percentage of employees per 1,000
population over the past five years.