08/05/1977 City Commission Budget Work Session August 5, 1977 The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met for a budget work session at the City Hall, Friday, August 5, 1977, at 9:30 a.m., with the following members present: Gabriel Cazares Karleen F. DeBlaker Darwin S. Frank Karen Martin William Nunamaker Also present were: Mayor/Commissioner Vice-Mayor/Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner City Manager City Attorney Assistant City Manager Administrative Assistant The Mayor called the meeting to order. Anthony Shoemaker Thomas A. Bustin Jeffrey Butler Jean Gansel The City Manager presented some of the highlights in his letter to the City Commission dated July 29, 1977. He commended all the departments for their cooperation and sup- port and cited Ream Wilson and the Parks and Recreation Staff for special credit for the new format they developed in their service program description. Prior Commission action directed that all funds stand alone and be self--supporting without subsidies. The recommended budget for the General Fund is 11% higher than for 76/77 and is partly due to the inclusion of Public Housing Employees paid by the federal government, the estimated increase in the use of the federally funded CRTA program over the amount budgeted one year ago, and the require- ments to operate three new City facilities. Commission discussed the revenue sources: The McMullen Court Fees Parka and Recreation Department was asked for a report of fees on all tennis courts (including manpower costs, etc.). Franchise Taxes The City Attorney reported the lawsuit requiring the power company to pay the tax instead of charging the citizens has not been settled yet. Utility Taxes Suggestion was made to reduce the utility tax but the RudRet Director reported the utility taxes are pledged to pay the bridge and utility tax certificates. The 28% increase in utility Caxea for telephone was based on growth and the rate increases of General Telephone. Licenses and Permits These fees are state controlled but the City Attorney was asked to research other municipalities raising their fees. 1. 8/5/77 .i rt-?A'e-- s;, :yvt y'•ya •w?a?»?'Ek «?':?CSy ".xtrY Fines,"Forfeitures and Penalties This is a conservative projection. State Revenue Sharing Funds are earmarked and projected by the state. County Road and Bridge Tax Commission questioned the zero figure and was informed the County had phased out this tax, as they will retain the funds for maintenance of County roads. Staff was asked 'to examine the County budget to determine the amount spent on road main- tenance countywide and the amount spent on roads within the City Limits. Fire Protection Tax Clearwater provides its Fire Tax Districts with EMS. Suggestion was made to charge the unincorporated areas an additional fee for EMS. 701 Planning Grant The Planning Director reported the total funds to be distributed had been decreased, which was the reason for Clearwater's lower estimate. Swimmina- Fees Commission requested justification and a report from the Parks and Recreation Department. The City Manager reported a detailed status report on all fees from the Parks and Recreation Department would be ready for the next meeting. Lot Moving A status report was requested, with an increase in the rates to cover administrative costs. Hon-Resident Fees Staff was requested to check with other cities on their charges as Clearwater's charge may be too low. Sale of Land Commission requested a report from the Budget Director on properties that had been sold. Interest on Investments Commission questioned the decrease. Rentals and Leases The Mayor requested a list of all properties that had been leased, the revenue, and a list of unoccupied properties. The Mayor suggested a 25% reduction across-the-board for document reproduction and telephone service and the Commis- sion requested the criteria established for messenger service and swithboard charges and asked that steps be taken to re- duce the casts. 2. 8/5/77 I`i' 3.r, ;'` '•.;:: crAaanar :, - r.: :i+v:ii .? T' Ii S'+' a k'+e?{ r'.ts? _i` TO r d a .0 Finance Department - A. C. Lowrey_,__1r. Professional Services are for audit costs. Equipment Service and Repair Account is for maintenance contracts. Personnel Department - H.M. Laursen Commission questioned a 21% overall increase. The Person- nel Director reported the Tuition and Refund Account and Re- location and Reimbursement Expenses for executive level employees are now included in his budget. The City Manager reported that the CETA employees' salaries are included in Personal Services in each department's budget this year for the first time and there is a corresponding ac- count under Revenue Estimates for the funds received. Commis- sion recommended an evaluation of the CETA program for the future. Commission requested a breakdown of telephone charges, local and long distance service, and a comparison of '76 and '75. Police Department - Chief Frank Daniels Commission discussed the monitoring of Police calls by the citizenry and requested the Police Chief research other systems. Commission suggested the Crime Prevention Program be expanded. The Chief reported the Police Cnmmunity Relations Program develops rapport between the police and the citizen and the officer Friendly Program is a continuing program coordina- ted with the School Board and teachers. Overtime is required because of court appearances for the officers but is a saving over hiring additional help and paying all the fringe benefits. Three new employees have been requested. Fire Department - Chief John Pitts Chief Pitts justified tht two secretaries for the Fire Department Supervision. Commission suggested utilizing a secretarial pool. Commission requested a fire inspection report on all buildings within the City that are used by the public that are fire hazards., Public Works Drainage Division (Paul Kane) Commission discussed the need for more employees in this division because of the numerous complaints they receive, and also discussed sharing equipment with the Parks and Recreation Department. Commission questioned the need for an Administrative Assistant in Public Works. Engineerin Division Max Battle, City Engineer, reported they are now administering 49 capital improvement projects and 20 other City projects which have generated additional paperwork and cost accounting,procedures. The Clerk Typist requested is needed to maintain the current level of record keeping. 3. 8/5/77 ..?}.!? r ^'ti^?•..?:.l1 Fi ? 'hyyv+ /''yy 4 •??rx ?: h.•l•.p•K 1• _ ?'FtF; •!r,S ti??? i'., t:-4i' y<?-'?jt?. s,.c 'fat tf. ?Sr'. it ?; ., f ?lY°: ::'i.•: '?t ,•?•-'rn'?, 1;4 :{°Ye `d?•?•i+?."ts„i.'.3"F-.r,?ir.. .?{.a?r,?: f. ?: ?• ..-?;• '??' „•? ?a,. ?. s=tir. ,~? ??4'% ?,i,?: } ?...w? ...: .:.. ?y.,,.^ ., .:.?.'c `, i''?-z: ? ,I ....?as;..:? s??... ?r 4 ?k• rri? ?rrx.?•";'"<-:.;{ s`r , f•r,...}., •, ,?'? s??-? .S 5 .? a si1:. r?:? ?ja'.?; .'_? ?,?t a, §?? y('??f fl, .. ,?5?""• :*!?. 1?M+;; rr ,[*!:' ?: A?,y,?r..-.n:..ir i ?«?.,?(' ,'? ? 4.. t,. ;F?:?' a.r ?^?`^7': i•<,.r i'7 S: i ?+t-'e • ' ???? '7F'1 ? ? :'?? a,t}''t[i::• :F,ix 7 s`j :???": l'` •.1,., 3* k:k.L°y ?it;??".7?4? .r•. y'y...•h,; ?}.'jt. ,?.??i'??'?'•-ii?•`:?-?-.<_•:??-''n k?'r -?i ??,j,f ?':. -k +.. ?Fr,Y'ra.r. .,,?_ Y. ", ? -,r xe?;;,,,? ?"..1.Y: .iFi`y1'?" iy:.,t }sue t., ?i. ??'S?i.,?n,, ?.,, .t'?' .:!• t'. '.a•:.'_t. .? ?.,w.3 b?F`i?y.: tr,? ?'.. s..y-.: ?}? .:?+_ i;,i ?`:. .?!•f. ryll ?,. y; 'F,'T,j '? ^s.':5: 1' ??" e it r, :): ?{? .9,iE?i• ..k .,..,t e'..?'..,.?. :r=? •,,.,,%x ti aai•;ia:+''?;:i,?.?+;,.?,. _,`.r'+•. ti-• The City Manager reported the dredge and its operating costs had been deleted from the Public Works Budget until the report on Clearwater Pass is received from the University of Florida and can be evaluated. Community Development The City Manager reported this is not a new department but a series of changes have reorganized it to include Com- munity %lations and Public Housing. The Community Develop- ment Planner will be transferred from the Planning Department. Community Development Fund3 will be increasing for the next two years and the Community Development Planner will administer these grants, make applications, etc. Commission discussed the number of employees working at Condon Gardens. Traffic Engineering Keith Crawford, Traffic Engineer, reported the computer for the automated traffic signals should be on line by Septem- ber 30, 1978. The Division will be maintaining the Christmas decorations this year but will riot be purchasing additional decorations. Under Lamp Replacement, he reported it is cheaper to do a num- ber at one time rather than individually and current City policy is to replace them all every other year. The Mayor left the meeting at 12:52 Vim. Library Commission questioned the increase in personnel during the proposed construction stage. The City Manager requested the Commission give him com- ments on the new Parks and Recreation format. Commission expressed concern about the Planning, Engi- neering and Building Departments being separated, and felt they should be together in the same building. Central Services - Floyd Carter. The Central Services Director justified the Assistant Central Services Director as a need for continuity as the CETA program is an on-again off-again affair. The security guard provides protection for the vehicles parked outside the Annex fence. An Accountant I has been requested to do cost accounting, to accumulate data, and to set up procedures. Commission asked how the level of services to be provided is determined. GaraSe Division Commission questioned the continued use of Mainstem and was informed the in-house system was scheduled to begin October 1, 1977,but problems have arisen in developing the system. 4. 8/5/77 (. ?Ut•rsN tr=T' t"{`sii '?'S?5?,s?, +;?r?? K?d[4f -! `+[? ?rhSt i`?r%? ? -`s'f ?-f y 7': y;': r f,11'T? 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