11/01/1976 (2)_ � s..�..,..�rw. : • ti�. �-
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'Cha Martne 5cinnce Center will nid in khe trainin� of Watex
Pallution Control Attendnnts nnd i� con�patible with the Coast-
al Zone Management gtudiee anci reeearch. T3�exe will he pub-
1ic diBpi&ye auch as aquaria, audiov�.sual progrc�ms and arC-
Encts; and there srili be snarine acience classea, laboratary
oPerations wtth technical support and ndvi.ce to students, and
aqua cultuz�e development. It will nat be a tauri.s� atCxac-
tion apecifiar�l3y. There t�ill be 1.U4� £undi.ng if appravEd
by �ha Economic Deve�opment Administration.
Commis�ion questioned n parking problem in Che area.
Propae�d Cultural Center.
A I.aCtcr ha� been received from SamueZ McClelland askia� :t�;�,
ihat consicleratfon be given ta placing a atrnw vate item on ���'
the upcomf.ng City election no that the ci.ti.zens may expreas �"; i:
their opi.nion of posaible sites For a cultural center. Dis�- "��'
cussion ensued on A referendum before the end af the year r_s A:��
Y t•''?
had been requested by the Commission. ��:;;
The City ManageY prepares agen�3a items and recommendntions
on City mattera and was instructed to place on the a�enda al]. �tams
requested by Cammissioners. Thes� are all put on ttse Frel.im-
inary Agen�a� discueaed, and then taken aff i.f requested.
Induatrisl Park Property.
A letter was received from Raintree Village Condomininm,
Inc., reQuesting to be pl.aced on Lhe agenda for zhe purpose
of. Having a field mowed in the City Induetrial Park ta the
santh o£ Raintree Village. The property fn question has been
mowed and the item wiil be withdrawn unleas they have ano�her
problem to dfscuse.
Sa3e of Sur lus Pro ert .
Metal Industries, Inc., wiahes to pruchase a portion o�
Tract "A" in Marymont Reglat fox $30,11U.Q6. 'The bid com-
pares favorably with other property sold recenrly in the area.
Econamic Develo �aent CammiLtee Pres�nCation.
Commissi.o� xequested the costs and expenditures o� lasC
yegr's appra�riation for touri.sm and economfc development.
Public Partict ation �n �he Cam rehensive Plannin Process.
The Planniag Act of 1.975 mandates that the governing
body shall eatablish procedurea £or praviding public parti--
cipation in the Comprehenaive Planning Pxocess, and partic-
ularly in the preparation of the Comprehenaive Plan ar ElemenC
or porCaon thereof. A aec af procedures for pnbli.c partici�
paCian has been prepared and provides that elements of the
plan shall be pxepared in four basic seeps w�.th pub�.ic par-
tic�pAtion at each etep. The first Wou1d be a Statement of
Needs; 2� a Statement af Alternatives; 3, Prelim.innrq Pian
or EZemenC; and 4, the Fina�. Dra�t Plan or Element.
Warretc Aenando� Acting Planning Director, stated the
5tatement af Heeds wi11 be publicize� and tt public hearing
held ar the Planning aad Zaning Board meet�.ng. The Commis-
aian would then be brie£ed at work sessians. They havP si-
].owed k32 days for the plan to be coasumm:�ted. Pub3�c parti-
cipation at the P� Z sneetings wonld prov3de a broad basc
from which to work.
2. 11--1-76
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Authorixttrion for Naw Poaitiona - Library DeQartime_nt_.
The Library has raqueated one Children�s I,ibrnrian� nne
RefeYence I,ibraxinn, nnd ona Clerk Typiat I in the Pablica-
tion and Matexinls Section with fur�ds budgeted in the 76/77
Op�rating Budget.
Commi.�sion aaiced if the operation of the library would
be restricted during consr.ructian and if additional peYsonnei
are necessary at thi.a tima.
Authorization Eor NeW Positiai�g - Litilities Department.
The Water Pollution ConCro�. Divisi.on af Che Utilieies
Uepartmeat has requested foUr WPC AttendanCs and one WPC
Labvratoey Techinician which Were budgeted in the 76/77
The contr.actor an the Marshall Stxeet Pla�tt is ahead of
schedule and it is neceseary to train personne3. Co prop�xl.y
staf£ th�.a facility. Coramioaion aske� for Khe time iYame
ueeded far advert�.sing �hese noaitions and for a com�arisoa
of the costs of overtime veraue aQw employeea (including
friage benefits).
Muriici nl Election, February 8, 1977.
Commiseion diacussed the C�crk'g duties and requested
that polling places b� set early �.n the procedur�s.
197b/77 Operas;inK Badge[ Amendment.
An appxopriation Go repla�e the roof and repaint Jack
Rusaell Stadi.um wga i.ncluded in the 1975/76 Operat#.ng BudgeC
bu� the conCxact for roof replace�nent waa not approved pr3or
�o September 30, 197b. �he appropriation i��e lagsed and i.t
is now necesnary for the Commi.ss�.on xp exCend the appropria-
tian by amending the General Fu:�d Operating Badget in the
amount af $31,461.Oa.
Commiasion noted the roaf would cost $17,000 and asked
what the balance would be expended for.
Ap�ointment of,Advi3ory Board Members.
Cammisaioner Mattin recommended Wi113am F. Stephan
DirecCar of Evening Educatfon of St. Petersburg .Tuaior
Bids - 1976 Sidewalk Contract.
The rec:ommendatian ia to award the contrac� ta CamPbel�
� Paving Campany i» the sum of $k4,423.�75, Commiasian quas�ion-
ed the cos� af the .:antract as the CIP budRet had �nly rec-
ommended $25.000 and they requested a ca�y of ti�e next list
af sideWr�llcs to be constructed.
OCher Commissioa Action.
'Tony 5hoemaker reparCed another meeti.ng with RTKL is
veing scheduled, and asked the Coinmiseion to r.onsider Monday,
Decemher b, 1476, ax 9:U0 a.m.; and a meeting With the I.b.�.A.
Pane3 to he enhadw2ed the week of January lU, �977.
� Commiseioner Martin disc�ssed the letter of Qctober 25,
197b� re the M�tropolitan Planning Organization and question-
edChe aeed £or anather sgency.
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The National League nf Citiee meeting wili be held at
n�nver, Colarado, Novembet 28 ta Decemb�x l, I976, and a
votit�g delegate and �sn alternaC� ehould be appainted.
CommieaioneY Ftank ��quest�d a repoxt an the 7.000 delin-
qneaC e�tiliCy cuetom�xa and who or what Che propane Gas Div-
isfon sexves.
Commisaianer Martin requested tha�, City-owned pxoperty
be mowed nn a regular ba�is.
Commisafoaer DeBlaker suggested a resoiution opposing
the Metropolitan p�.anaing Office Organiz�tion ae ther� are
too many agencies. On the State �l,ect�on Larr, she xeqUested
the CfCy Attorney drafC e proposal op�oaing the recent changea
in the State ElecCion I,aw mandatin� the City's compliance.
Commissioner DeBlaker suggested a proposal•Ue put on the agen-
da For Commixsian consideration Ca either am�nd the Civil
Service law or to adopt a Merit Systera.
Commissioner Martin auggested Procedures tor Gqmmission
Meetings be established and asked the City Attarney to pre�
pare a preli,minary draft to be b�ought Co the Cammiasion.
City Attorney Reports
R�sol�stian AUthorizing the City Attorney to Uefend a Suit,
Ecigax Siunt vs. Max Satt�,e et al.
�he City AttoYney repoxCed receipt af a letCe: :rom the
Ci.ty's insurance eompany stati.ng they would rtat pxovide cover-
age ae the Ciearwater High Schaol swimming pooi was outside
rhe acope o£ employ�uenG. The purpose of the law suit Would
be to dete�mine what is covered by the insur�nce company.
AeaoluCion - Ac�thar�.zfng Appeal in Law 5uit, Dixon vs, 1�2oyd.
T�e City Attvrney reparted this ite►n wil� be deleted as a
resolution on the ani.t had been pasaed at a prior meeting.
Resnlution - Authorizing ApPeal in Law Suit. City vs. Picox
Floyd (Sand Key_)_.
Commi.ss3onex DaBlakex xeques�ed motre in�armation an the
decision of Che judge in the Sand Key litigati:,n. The Ci�y
has th�opzion of all.owing the CvunCy to purchase tiie praperty
and deed i.t to �i�e Coast Guard.
5econd Reading, Ordinance No. 1fi37 -- �stabl�.ahin{�a_ Code of
Commisaioner Martin recomtaend�d ci�leCion of the paragxaph
an confidential information, Section 2�4G.
Commission discussed the acceptance of gifts and the
pes�alty clause. The C3ty Manager suggeated that any item
Chat cou.Ld 6e consumed would nat be cansider�d a gifC (such
as a lunch or dinner).
�he CiCy Attorney wi3.7. prepare a draft of amendments ta
be present�d aC tt:e meeting.
�qual Enaployment OpportUnity Commiesioa - The Ci.ty AtCorn�y
reported receipt of a discr3.mination complaint from the �'EOG.
Meeting adjouxned at 11:25 a,m.
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