08/02/1976 (2)n �,,� �,t;�r';�i .-_. ', � " ' , .. - ' ' ^ • ;.ti���:�+�:.,.�.., . . ,, ,.. _., �r;, . � , _ _ . �"'���, � �� . .. .�•,.. n ��...JtiaS:.� � -..�„'.r':'iS""i+;��:',?f..� r.l-.:�i'' r��. =�.. ... .� �•� . . , „ . � � ' ' . ' . . , . .. � � .. .. _ • � ..a ._-. ... �.. + � u !�.e. '•3 " . .y'„ti.:r��ilhin!'�'��' ..r r t�.tys:•��.,.5.`C�.. �..�, :�Fi�k''!iMMP�a,ty.i. :�,�, "' ,.r•�:• ... � b� . ' . . . . _ _ _ ......... . �_.�... . .. .. _ �I:.. _. •"1�._"r �i`1'3a'2��nit'•:�•�N1'�Y:'Sit.�__ ' �.LJw� . l: �s���^_�^ ' '- _ _"'r..x�wi.r.�.f..� .n..._.ti . �., . . _._._ _ ___-- �ELDi1�tl& was based aa thc proposed uac oi ttie propexty but tho recommendntian i.e to withhold the rezoning unCfl �he motcZ use is terminated nnd p►►blic parkia� is establiahed. Clearwater Iieach Weat af Mandnlay Avenue tu the Cnif of Atex�co North of Kendall Street to Sasneraet 5ttreet �nd the North 51de af Somerset 5Greet i3etween ttie Gu1f of Mexico_ and_ Clearwater_Hdrbor � riulCiple Qwnershi� {cicy APAZication).— - - - This axea is pres�ntly sin�!lc fAmily ho�es and tourist oriented mct�.vities--aeasonpl rental AparCmenes, cottA�;es and motels. The request is to rezone �rom RM-28 {1iiFh den- sity� mniti--family) Co CT1� (commercial touriat facilitiea), b ut the reaidents of the arca expressed concern about tlie �ncreased dcnsity and the possibility of hi�;i3�ri.se buildings. Tne Commiasion favored the �ow-�rof3Ze of the aren. Faur Annexations and Zonin�s. Commi.ssion diacussed Ghe poar conditian of strcets i.n snany of Che areas Chat are annexed and sugRested thc petition for annexation i.nc].ude khAt the property owner a�reea to pay the cost of future pavin�. Vacae�.on aE_ Easement_ »_ Lot 3$, tdaodgate of Count�s�.de� Unit 2 - Aan P. 13�utte�. "' "'^ ThQ request is to vacate the t�est 5 ft. of. a 20-ft. easement along tlie rear of the lat. Priar Commisaion acCion v�cated the West 8 ft. of the 20-ft. easement in Lots l7 thraugh 34, but denied the requeet between I,ots 3S thxaugh 45. The app�.icant has requested vacuti.an ot the easement to insta].1 a s4rimming paol �nd deck3.ng. Vacatian Request -�asement, LaCs ].5 throu�h 21., IIlock G� Salls I.ake Park, 3rd Addition. » C�.ty of Ciearwater. Cosnmi.ss3.on queaxioned why homes had been constructed �.a the easem�nt and asked where the area of responsi�ility liea. Proposed City Charter. Commfssion xequeated the �roposed Cfty Charter be glaced on the Agenda af ehe August 5, ].976, meeting so Chat they might make their recommendations. Prapase_d_ Agxeement_ B_etween the Clty_ of_ Clearwater and _the Clearw�aCer �mployees,' As�soc�iation. � � � Thi.s Asxeement, effective August S, 1976, and ending September 30, �.977, covers wages, fr�nge benefita, working cond�.ti.ons---wages Co be effective tlie firet pay per�ad after SeAtember 30, 1976, and to sutharize hold-b ack pay. The pro�osec� budfiet for fiscal year i976/77 provi.dss fundiag for the cnage increases and benefits recommended. Temporary Easement - Parcel IO - C.R. 34 {Hercules Avenue) Impro_v_emenC ProjecC_Between Drew Sereet_ and Scaboard Coast Li.ne Iiailroad. � � -- - - - - The City Commission is asked to approve a temporary con- etruction aasement �ox the purpnse of gradfn� and improvin� � C�,ty properCy priar to the wfden�.ng of }iercales Avenne by Pinellas Caunxy. The County has received the need�d ri.ghxs- af-way for thie project And wi.3.l. construcC, at the Cfty's � r i� �';rk��,. .�-Iy. `��� �,N •; . f• !'"`a�r�:r rti-��:°;.; 1:,} � ,T.'�f; ` .�.`4•! .:��5`� ''t ��.�1 ' . . �' . . . ... � , , „ S � �� ;r�y " .,ri .�. ��� � • :%i : �': � '"�Y; ;�y " '+�,"R �G;,��y.�`r"� �•: � ��t � : r :' �:a;;� 1y4�; � � f ,�� � 'C . �iY7: .r.�. ' . . � . , i - r • ' . 8-2-76 {" ,f,`}4"y,��a` `, Y',��. ,.��'��J'�:v.:.:T � " _... ' �t" + .. �'' rQque�t, cnrb nnd �uttar for an interaection. The curb and gut�er wi�.l ba conatructed at the entrnnce into the C�.et�rwater Airpark. � Appraval o£ Pre3lminary__Plnt �ar Reviaed Ciuhhouae �stAtea. The p1�►t i� in accordAnce with the appxaved snaseer platt aa� is zoaed IiS-SO (ain�le iam�ly residentis�l). The propased auhdivisiaa consisCs of 19.43 acres and plats 49 lots. 'Fhe area� previousiy approved as Grandvtew Egt�tea� coneists of I9.43 acres witti 2b lats. The Commissi.oa queati.nned the. increase �n dea�it}r . The Planning pirector statad there ie a need for smaller lots in the area as there is Zi�tle moderate housia� nnd the overall xezoniag in the Countryside axea will result in a decre�se in density. The Planni.np D�.rectar staCed he will liavc� an avcrm��. map af the area for th��Commission on Thursday. Compc�terized Txaffic Control �atem. A contract with Kahl, kiml.ey-Iiorn � Associates, inc., far $160�720 for the desipa, pro�rammi.ng, en�;ineer�.n� and installation s�pervision af r� computerized traffia contraZ sys�em has been drawn. C��mmissi.on asked if Che redesignution of S�ate Road 60 would have any effecC on the syst�em. The bez�e£it ta the City would be to move tr�effic through town. The system will consisC of �+0 intersectiana initia].].y and can be expanded to 20b. �unds ar� �vai�.able for the $160,000 3n the CIP Budget. F'i.xe 5tati.on �7 (Cauntryaide) -- Sel�ction o� an Architect. The C�.ty Manager rgportad the recently gassed Public [�orks Act may pxovide funds for Chis fire station. The �ir� Chief recommend� thati tlie plans and npecifi,cations far 5Ca- tion �3 be util�zed wiCh mii�ox mod3fications far 5tation �7, with Peter i�tarici�, the axiginal architect, adapt�n� tha plans far a total fee not �o exceed $G,OQO, whi.ch c�n be funded frprn the Cap�.Ca1 Improvement I3udget. Intex�eat earninRa an the General Qbliga�ioa Bond issue in the amount of $].26,000 for acquisitton of equigment arid $IO�.,OOQ al�ncated fnr site selectfon for Fixe Statian �6 may be tranaferred £or Fire Station �7. This statioa would cut response time to CauneYyside cons�.derub].y and should inc].ude prov�.aion for a paramedic unit. Re uest for AZcoholic Bevera,e Zonin . The �olice Chief opposed alCoho�ic beverages far poal halls bccause af age �;raup. ' Commisston discuss�d the possible parkin� probl.em at 17�7 Dxew Street. The City Manager xeported an addi.tional request for alcoholfc bevexage zaning by �'ohn Ray, 1844 N. i�ighland Avenue, d/b/a Aina's Pizza, would he edded ta the agenda. SeC Pnbl.i�� Hearing 13ate for the_ Iievi�i_on_ of the Occupatianal I,i.cease Ordinance. � � " � Fx�or Commissian direction to the City Mana�er had asked tha� the pccupatibnal I.icenae Ordinance he xevfsed so Ghat 3. . _,..�a,.,. _ _ . . ,.. 8-2-»7b ;$`'� .fat"°:air�'�`£7.�".": E�'b`zr 'i••E.` , ��- -i:�tl, -�r.:.i:. z� � 't . 'F. .Z"�o. , y?• . �.� � � i!' • �:r. Cammfssion Approval wauld not be rec�uired for isauance of accupatiora]. 7.i.censee. �'resently, thera are 13 busi.nesaes �isted in the license ardinance that require Gi.ty Cammias�.an apptoval.. The License Inspector xecommends ttie folI.owin� four: Coupon tiook Fvb�isher, Auct�,oneer, Junk Callector, and Merchant�-Ant�.que Jilaed, could easi.].y be haadled �t SCsf f Icvel and appxaval auChority could be ass�.�;ned to the City Manager, retainin� right of a��er�1 to the City Camm�.ssion. Seven af the rema3.ni.ng nine categori�s come un�er Chap- ter 25 - VehiGles for liire� of the Code of Ordinances. Co�nmiasion requeated a drafC ordinance to cansider �irat, and then ta sst a pub�ic hear3.n� datc. Tt��s item will be deleted. Aequest Co Puxchase a Portian of _ the_ Airpar� i'ro ert - rietal znduatxies, In�c. � „ Meta2 Industries, Inc., would like to purchage apprc�xi- mate].y 4 acres af City property di.rectly to the rear af their buildin& at 7.310 H. Herculea Avenue. The prpperty t�ad b�en us�d as a landfi7.1 but wiYl hc used for emp].oqee parkinF and to expand th� bus�ness. City Departments coneider Ci�e pxopexty to he surp].u� to �heir r►eeds. Commias�on discvssed appraisais by MAI n�;ents and sug- gested City Ri.ght-af-Sday AgenC do th3.s work. C.P.T.A. Yn�ormation iiooth » Paxk Street Station. The Centxa�. �'iaellas Tranait Authoxity has requested a temporary permit ta insta3.i an 8' x 10' informatian booth at the Park Stxeet Bvs Stop facility to•pravi.de stora$e space aad shelter for the�.r superv3,sors wha provide superv�.si.on and schedule infermatian ta ehe �u61ic. Thexe are provisians in the Temporary Bu�.].din�s Qrdin�ace to a11ow far such a struc-- ture, but Commission requested a tizste limit fox removal. Cammission d�scussed the s�eed �or restrooms at tiie site and requested a C.P.T,A. officia�. addresg the subject, A�.scussion - Bicycle R�cks, Parkin� Meters,__�_tc, -� Mrs. I,ois Cormiex�. Commission rec�uesCed the City idanager respond to th� letter from Mrs. Cormiex and make a presentatioa. Sister Cities International. Siater Cieies InGernational is a private non--profit pro- gram headquartered in �,'ashington, b.C.� and provides a vehi.cle thYaugh wh�.ch ait�.zens nf the l)nited States make contr�.bu�ions ta i.mprove the imafie aad understanding af kheir coun�ry a�raad. CZearwater has particinated in the profiram with its Sis- City, Hafiancs, Sapan, ai.nce 1�54. A cpnfQrence wfZ1 be held in Mobi�.e, A�abama, from Au�- ust 25th through 28eh, 1976, aad the Ci[y has been �sked to send a xepresentative. Cammissi.z�ner Mo,rtin was asFted ta r�.p- r�sent the City. 4. f, :R��;; •�, ,�, . . � - y' +�, � �' -� :��3 � '; �. `'�r:�i,�'„ k�t��'���aig•f;�:': , � .i�},-( 3fy� ���f �}!'�Y��L7 ��'"S �y1 �lihr� '{� �` ! ��L RI"r �1�.-`��, l�� '�Y��' ��;_'.s,�� a` r' �.�F.�i.Si.ajii,�'''Y:}„�'�i�,` 14�r'+=F_•�3��� �,t. ,i"'�,��.}'.ft,if ,�;'' •�> ,' � �:�•. : �: r� : .. 8-2�75 �..,��i�-N.�+�.tz�4's�•r�w�.._ .r:= 'i�;.�yMt.�`:;:�i.��'� '�'13tE!r7J�. 1��?��+ f `:i <; ���F_.�. ;:;" ;(.'�;�i ;.',� r.;d�1;'4+t�*�. +�'t:�.d'�..5^i�.�S''�jJ. ��`,��3h't,f.� ��rFj—,;li!'"','�,',:��";'�..�,�r?..:;"°��,,.4.' :S �;4�"��i7"�'t' 3".4'e� • lt4�"r�y���.';:t; �;-S••f��' .�i �.�t.. .*::,- �''�)S;y'�.�,... �1 +='�3i;t..+� • . 41 J`��lL� r. .'��'� fEr.:�" � �'''� «.75,f�.: � 3{k��1i �.•b�"��i � � h•,1'r 7.�' � .�a, ' i'�:'i ar� l'!.'�. : r�Y-�' y `� , . 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